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(3~~ Zo~tac I I
an~ t~~ Salts of Salvation
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DR. GEORGE wASHINGTON .GAR..EY. . .•.... .. .. . ..
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INEZ EUDOR~~ PERR\. HolJywood, California, U. S. A.
SA!'T.r\ 8:\RDr\R:\, CAt.
INTRODUCTION· • • • • • • • • •
• •
• v
IN MEMORIAM • • • • . . . . . . •
. .
PoEM, "THE NE\V NAME" . • • • • • • • • • XIX
.•. . • • • • •• •
. 21
EsoTERIC CHEMISTRY . • . . • • • • • • • . 22
• . 23
• • • •
. . • •
• • •
• •
. 25
. 27 . 28
. 29
. 31
. 32 . 34
. 35
. 37
. 38
. 41
. 42
CoNTENTS (Continued)
• •• ••
• • • • • • • 47
AXD KALI PHOS • • • • • • • • • • 49
AND NATRIU~l SULPH • • • • • • • • 73
AND KALI MUR • • • • • • • • • • 84
• 103 • 130
• • •
• • 160
AND N.ATRIUl\t PHOS • • • • • •
. 187
AND (ALCIUwl SULPH • • • • • • • . 213
• • • • • • • • • . 238
AND Cr\LCI t-!\1 P HOS •
• • •
AND N ATRit:~t MUR . • • . . . .
. 260
. 284
AND FERRU~t PI-lOS • . .
• • • • . 308
. 333
. 335
. 337
[ iv]
R. GEORGE W. CAREY'S booklet, uTize Relation
of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac," has seen many editions; but it was not until 1906 that I secured my first copy, and, mentally hungry for truth, eagerly devoured its pages.
Such actual meat and drink it was to me, so fascinatingly interesting, that I 'vas convinced at once of its immeasurable value to humanity. That realization became intensified, year after year, as constant experience and intensive research work furnished conclusive proof. I believe that the day is not far distant when Dr. Carey will be acclaimed as one of the world's greatest benefactors.
In this chaotic and materialistic age he discovered and published a priceless key, that which unlocks the door to mental as well as physical health. The understanding and use of this key will accomplish the physio-chemical process where-
by mankind maj' regenerate. This means the slow but sure
rise from physical and mental degeneracy, disease, unhappiness, and death to that glorious state which is the heritage of every one-perfection. Thus will be consummated the Scriptural injunction, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your fathoc
in heaven is perfect." Matt. 5 :48.
The great majority of people will be startled, if, indeed, not actually shocked, by the statement which fifteen years of earnest research and experience causes me to make. Duty and a sincere wish to help humanity are also contributing factors, but there is another and more powerful reason. Our solar system is entering, once again in the cycles of the ages, the sign of Aquarius, the Son of Man, and those who know the Truth, or any part of it, must write, speak, and live it. Aquarius is the humanitarian, or human sign, and the planet ( vibra-
tion) Uranus is the ruler of this division of the zodiac, which is the path of the solar system.
Therefore, as this is the J1 ge of Truth, those who work with and for it are working in harmony with natural law,
while those who follow the opposite course will wonder why they are not prospering. To prosper means to have sufficient for one's necessities, to be physically and mentally comfortable.
It is only trutlz that matters; opi11iot1s do not count. Dr.
Carey was not interested in the latter, he was an iconoclast. He felt impelled to make scientific statements no matter how they were received.
My rnethod (and purpose) is the same as his. I aspire to
give out facts as I know and have proved them to be. Therefore, please consider, carefully and earnestly, the
following statement which should be written in letters of flame:
A /(now/edge of, and the practice of, the proceJs necessary to the attainntent of perfection is absolutely' impossible without a tlzoro~gh understanding of ph)'Siological chemistry. This Dr. William Schuessler furnished in his Biochemic System of Medicine, and the perfect key was supplied by Dr. Cnre)' in his allocation ot the biological salts with tlze zodiacal signs.
The truth o the foregoing statement is as definite and real to me as the fact that I live, move and have my being. I wish it could be made even more emphatic so that it would be engraved forever on the minds of those who read it.
Dr. Schuessler's system is the only true system of medicine, for it is the method of supplying the blood with its component parts. The Bible most truly states a great chemical fact ( Leviticus 17 :11 ) in the following words: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood-for it is the b]ood that maketh an atonement for the soul."
As the blood is the life of the flesh, it naturally follows that, as man is a trinity (body, or flesh, soul and spirit), the quality, condition, or health of his body determines that of his soul, which corresponds in exact degree.
The word "atonement'' means at-one-ment or harmony. If the blood \Vere chemically perfect, the highly differentiated and attenuated nerve and glat~dular fluids, which constitute the soul, "'"ould also be perfect. It is only when the blood is chemically perfect that the full quota of Spirit, othcr\vise God-
po\Ve r, can enter the hoJ y, for "I J ike attracts 1ike.,
[vi ]
The study of Schuessler's Biochemistry enables us to become
acquainted with the different kinds of material or basic sub-
stances which the Great Chemist and Architect of the Universe
created as a medium for the Spirit, which is Life.
Spirit manifests imperfectly when material is deficient.
Deficiency means dis-ease, lack of ease, inharmony, imper-
Dormant, unhealthy, or imperfect brain cells do not make
for an efficient brain. Thought corresponds to the nature
and condition of the brain cells, for they constitute our
thought machine, and the quality and value of that which it
brings forth depend entirely on its condition.
Herein lies the e."Cplanation of all the trouble in the world,
sin, rrime, disrase, death, unhappiness, insanity, fear, coward-
ice, lack of poJitivity, differences in opinions and the wars of
nations and peoples.
Each one of us represents a consensus or aggregate of
vibrations, a sum total of those present in Nature at the time
we come into birth. Indeed, it is what makes birth possible. A
certain rate of vibration is manifesting at that particular time
and a corresponding result is produced.
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Sow-
ing and reaping, reaping and sowing constitute birth and
death. If we were not responsible for the kind of life we
live, we would not then be accountable for the form of death
which we attract.
Is it not, then, equally logical that a reincarnating ego
must, because of the vibratory law of attraction, come to birth
in an environment and into conditions which are decided by this self-same la~,? Other\vise j_ustice would not exist. Justice
is conformity to divine law. It is the working out, the ex-
pression or administration of law-doing the right thing be-
cause it is the best.
In Greek mythology, which constitutes the sacred and secret
writings of that people, we find this statement which, it seems
to me, agrees perfectly with the foregoing. "Amphion built
the walls of Thebes {the human head) by charming {produc-
ing a harmonious vibration) the stones {mineral elements)
into their places by the music of his lyre." (The lyre is a cer-
tain marvelous organ in the head.)
It is a poetical way of stating that the human head, which
is the beginniug of the human body, is formed according to a
vibratory Ia\\', for by it tlze very mineral atoms are grouped
together and cells fornzed. The meaning of Thebes is head. It was originally a physiological term.
Showing the chemical correspondence of the mineral salt Kali phos, or phosphate of potassium, to the highest part of the head, the cerebrum, alone elevates Dr. Carey to the heights where honor and gratitude should forever be accorded him. For this salt is the dynamic material which generates spiritual elertricity, and ensouls the physical form with life.
And this is only one of his t"'·elve astounding allocations. For astrology, that synthesizer of all knowledge, both cosmic
and microcosmic, in the universe and in man, reveals to us why
Kali phos is the Aries salt. This substance, through which the 1\tlost High manifests in man, is the cause of actual life in his form.
And to the degree in '"hich the cerebro-spinal nerves are supplied with it, will energy or life manifest in and through him. The light of intelligence (Spirit or Father) will burn brightly if this substance, which alone can feed it, is sufficiently and adequately furnished.
Therefore: a perfect supply of the right chemical elements means perfect cells, a perfect brain, perfect thought, perfect acts, pcrfectiotl-l\ GOD-MAN I
In contributing the foregoing I bespeak my deep and lasting gratitude to Dr. George W. Carey for ·the chemical light which he has thrown on dark places. Reader, Truth is the water of life I May you drink deeply, and begin to learn how
to live forever I
"And 1~t pati~nc~ have its perfect \vork, thnt ye may be PERFECT' and ENT'IRE ~nd LACK NOTHING."-james 1:4.
·rime, September 7th, 184S, 4 :4S P. M.
It was on September seventh, in eighteen hundred forty-five, The planets of the heavens were wonderfully alive; Luna was well in Scorpio, with Sol in Virgo's light, \Vhilc \tenus was exalted, just between, in Libra bright.
Said Luna, "Listen, Venus I although we are semi-square, It's up to you and me to send to Earth a spirit rare; That dark star's out of tune, and needs a strong, awakening
soul Like those that you, fair Queen of Art, do beauti fully control!
"Let's send down to the Earth today-today, but ne'er againOne of those -~!chemists of life they call September men l A genius, Venus-listen from your Occult House, I pray, A genius of that Virgin soil that must all Science sway.'
The Goddess of Love answered, "I know, but take one peepUranus's opposition is a thing to make me weep I And his hous(! rises soon-so-heavens I what could we
ever do?
A genius we might send, but Oh I what MUST we send him
"Naught cares a genius,, Luna smiled; "send him through hottest hell,
He'll smile, and take his way unmoved, declaring all is well! I've picked the man-with heart of gold-an OR of vital
force, And at the proper hour, we'll speed the soul upon its course I"
Still Venus hesitated-" But Mercury, what of him?
He's in his night-house, don't you see, where a11 his force is dim I
And Jove opposed, you see"- "Be still," said Luna, "he Is close behind Old Sol, in Seventh, 'vhere l\'lesscngers should
"i\nd as for Jupiter, of course I'd rather he would smile, But if he won't-he'll have to frown another little while; \Ve'll fix him in Third House to make a man of broadest
A Father of Big Thought, a chief and leader of his kind I''
"But Luna-ran you think it safe? The Dragon is at rest, Its Head within religion's house \\'here all is at its best; Its Tail down in the lower mind-0 what a po\vcr today I But this Saint George would saunter forth this heavenly beast
to slay I"
A deep bass growl from distant space rolled through the home
of spheres, And Venus drew near Luna, seeking solace for her fears.
"Hush I don't let grim old Saturn hear, or He'll retard the
plan, And cast his gloom o'er all our works in every way he can I"
"Eclipse for Saturn and his frowns," said Luna, full of scorn,
"Let !VIars and Neptune in first house the leading aspects
While Uranus, defying both, will leap o'er all that bars, And lure to earth to plead for us a student of the stars I"
"He is the one to ever rule the true Aquarian born,
So what care we for Saturn's chill, or Mar's malignant scorn? He'll draw unto the Earth, I'm sure, a Saint George full of
fire, To slay the world's conventions with a sword of purpose
dire 1"
I-I ark I A swift war-like commotion through the stellar
spaces ran, j\s all the heavenly planets overheard the little plan;
"\Ve \viii not have this rebel loosed on earth," protested they, "We \vill not countenance such revolt. Man must our laws
obey I"
They all recalled the many lives they'd helped him live before, They all looked back on ages past, and then-they sternly
Not once again could they be blamed for such peculiar dope As now boiled in Life's crucible to mold this horoscope l
"We've met i'l trines; \ve've fought; we've joined; we've met
in terms of sex; We've formed all sorts of aspects that can human souls per-
plex; But if he goes to earth again, just count our force not there l f'or if we're to come to orb, we'll all act on the square I" Then all reversed their motion, and walked backward, one by
one, Endeavoring to escape the thing the karmic gods had done; But, retrograde or not, the 'vord went forth to shake the earth, And Gee-OR-Gee, (the Gold in Earth) came to the hour of
birth I And ever since, the planets as they grace his horoscope, Have kept their faces towards him, walking backward, void
of hope, For he upsets all theories, and their age-old thought he jars, Preaching a New Age Eternal, in defiance of the Stars l He came to slay the Dragon, and to span the Bridge of Time; To find the chemicals of life, and blend their force sublime, To unlock earth's grim secrets, facing revolution's strife, i\nd scaling highest heaven to demand immortal life I
Los Angeles. California, February 19, 1916.
Note. Mrs. Painton ,,·ill be remembered by many of the older astrologers and c!pccially by the Fellows of the American Academy.
[xi J
IN 1\tiEMORI.i\M
Dr. George \'1ashington Carey was born in Dixon, Illinois,
on September 7th, 1845, and was one of a large family of
children. His father's name was John Carey, and bore the relation of g;and-nephew to John Quincy Adams. On his
mother's side, a grandfather served with General IVI arion
during the Revolution. His mother's name was Ruth Odell. \Vhen George Carey \vas about a year and a half old, the Careys left Illinois and came by covered wagon to Oregon, a journey of six months. The motion picture entitled ''The Covered \Vagon'' gives an extremely realistic presentation of the main features of that trip and Dr. Carey greatly enjoyed see1• ng 1• t.
He had very little schooling, but his parents were well qualified to teach him the fundamentals. His father 'vas well known for his humorous verses which embodied much of Irish wit. As a child George \Vas very delicate, his parents being doubtful that he would gro\v to manhood. His earlier years 'vere spent on a farm, the evenings enlivened by music. Later on, he became leader of the village orchestra.
In his early forties he became the first Postmaster of
Yakima, Washington, and held the position for several terms. Hearing of the science of biochemistry, he resigned to devote his life to its study.
Together "·ith a number of physicians, Dr. Carey founded the ColJege of Biochemistry in Yakima, \\7ashington, and a few students enrolled and graduated, among them being the College founders; but, as this was many years ago, not much interest in the svbjcct was aroused, and the project was given up because of lack of support.
Dr. Chapman was one of those taking the course, and the
book \vhich he 'vrote on biochemistry has been a popular household 'vork.
Today this science is coming before the 'vorld, seemingly by leaps. and bounds. Schools devoted to the teaching of biochemistry in a practical way are starting up in many states of the l\tl iddlc \'7est, and entire families are learning ho'v to
supply their blood deficiencies. After years of almost heartbreaking pioneering, of almost utter dtscouragement, on the part of its advocates, the science is now fast becoming recog-
nized. In 1928, I believe, the Eclectic College of Chiro-
practic of Los Angeles added biochemistry to its curriculum.
IVIost people are not aware that biochemistry is an ancient Sanscrit sc1ence. Once again the cycle has appeared, upon \vhose wave it is borne. \\7hen Dr. Carey wrote his work on
The Biochemic System of !v!edicine, its first press recognition
was in a Health Magazine published by biochemic physicians in India. It stated: "We are glad to see that a western brother is helping to bring back the ancient science of biochemistry.''
The book referred to above is now in its twenty-third edition. Years ago, when Dr. Carey wrote this treatise, he was financially unable to publish it, and sold the copyright to the I_Juyties Pharmacal Company, of St. Louis. Old Dr. Luyties, the founder of the firm, as well as Dr. Boericke, had interviewed Dr. William Schuessler, the originator of biochemistry, in Oldenburg, Germany. They learned his method of preparing the cell salts or mineral constituents of the blood, and pre-
sented it in this country. Since Dr. Carey's death in 1924,
the last edition of his book was re-edited by a Dr. Arthur Perry, and it has lost its old familiar aspect. The writer of this art1cle is now preparing a new and up-to-date edition com-
bining with the science of astrology. This will enable any-
one to \\'ork out his or her own individual chemical plan from the birrh data.
It was Dr. Carey, who, in one of those strange and rare
moments which come to those who seek, ascribed to each sign of the zodiac its corresponding chemical element or salt (salt is an old term for "earth"), and wrote The Relation of the
/v[inera I Sa IIs of Ilz e Bod)' Io the Sig tz s of 1/ze Zodiac, the
most unique \Vork of the century and the most valuable. It has been regrettable that so many have copied this work,
plagiarists "'ho have never mentionea his name as the distinguished author. Recently a Chicago magazine carried an advertisement, much of which 'vas copied, "~ord for 'vord, from one of his circulars, no credit given and no quotation marks used.
Because the \vork was never copyrighted by Dr. Carev is no excuse for not giving the author credit for it. It is ~for
the purpose of emphasizing this, and securing for him permanent recognition, that this fourteenth edition is combined with some new writings of my own, and copyrighted.
•-\nd as it is the fourteenth in the series, it means a new product, the mystical fruit of a new age, the Aquarian, concerning which Dr. Carey often 'vrote and spoke. It is a new
product, becauc;e for tlze first time it is definite!)' stated to be tlze Key to Ph)'sical Regeneration and Spiritual Illumination.
The fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is N, spelled
Nun in that language. Its literal interpretation is fish, (fruit
or progeny.) In the Biblical story, Joshua was the son of
Nun, and Joshua is the origin of the Latiniz.ed form, Jesus. Therefore Jesus also means fish. It is common knowledge that the fish ha~ been the esoteric symbol for two thousand
years, at least, for the Son of Man. This \vill be dealt with at great length under Virgo, the sixth lesson or chapter.
This edition, then, is symbolic of all that the letter N
means,-the nrw nzan, for it gives information relative to the necessary material required to produce, or create that new man. Dr. Carey also gave to the world the formula for bio-
plasma, which is a combination of the twelve inorganic salts of the blood, combined in the proportion which he considered necessary to create healthy, or chemically perfect blood.
Those who are familiar with his book, The Biochemic System of Medicine, feel that he improved greatly the appli-
cation of Schuessler's system. More and more information is being constantly obtained, so that still further contributions wilJ be made to this invaluable science. As the Scriptures
state-u~-1// things work together for good," and until we
learn "·hat they are and apply them, '\re can not hope to arrive at the perfect state.
Some years after becomiAg interested in biochemistry, Dr. Carey edited a small magazine dealing with this subject, and containing also humorous articles and poems from his pen.
His Chernistry of the Cosnzos found many appreciative read-
ers, as it contained unusual poems as 'veil as articles of a sci enti fi~ nature. One 'vhich 'vas especially valued \\'as entitled
It, and dealt \vith the one universal esse from 'vhich all
things originate and to 'vhich they eventually return.
His explanation of slang phrases is very interesting as
'veil as instructive, for he brings out the fact that they are b:1sed on truth and that the Cosmic l\·1 ind or planetary vibra-
tion, impinging (the same as radio waves) on the human brain at a certain time causes mental electricity to etch in a certain manner on the wax-like brain cells. Hence thoughts are produced relative to particular subjects.
In just this way public or mass interest is aroused along definite lines. Great truths are thus expressed in a manner attractive to the great majority of minds, stepped down, we may say, into a vernacular whtch is "catchy," while the idea back of it all ic; comprehended only by a few.
Not only was Dr. Carey deeply interested in life's chemical mysteries, but his searching mind longed to solve the ~reatest of all, that of physical regeneration and spiritual illumination, and the plan or process necessary for its attainment. Hiram Butler's theory appealed to him and he began his researches along that line, finding at last that God, Word, seed, fish, Jesus and progeny are words synonymous in meaning, and when understood from their etymological derivation, will unlock the door of the Inner Mystery. He discovered that esse1 the substance of being, the elixir of life-in other words the brain or life substance-is the protoplasmic seed material which is found to be the possession of every human being. The Herculean task or great work which everyone must perform, eventually, is the purification and perfection of this material, for it then becomes the Christ or Holy Oil.
The astounding revelation of what this means came to Dr. Carey when he had passed his seventieth year, and he went forth bravely to give it to the world. He found, at a late day, what he had been searching for all his life, the greatest secret of all. It is not hidden from anyone, but each hides it from himself because of mental inability to grasp it.
And thus he set his feet, at last, upon the rung of the ladder which leads back home to God or good. To find that rung and set one's feet thereon is the day of all days for every human being. Then one must begin the climb. Literally, it means that one is endeavoring to BECOME a Christian, to make a new being of one's self. To become a Christian does not refer to a belief that a certain man was killed by 2 mob in order that our sins might be forgiven. In fact that is utter nonsense, for it would make null and void the law of cause and effect, and contradict point blank the declaration that we must "Work out our own salvation." It truly must be worked out, for it is a definite process, physiological and mental, and hence moral.
The climb to the heights is not the work of one lifetime, but of many, for the simple reason that it is too great a task to accomplish in a few short years. "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free," the Bible states. Yes, free from pain, sickness, sorrow and death, for truly death is "the last enemy to be overcome." Death, aside from accident, is the result of dis-ease, inharmony in the chemical elements of the blood, hence cell starvation. Therefore we 'vill overcome death when we know enough to live. One link of the chain of bondage (ignorance) falls off at a time, until we are free.
Dr. Carey's initial attempt to give out information relative to the subject of occult physiology and the process of redemption and salvation was a book entitled The Tree of Life.
It was this publication which gave me my first insight into the real natu~·e of the Scriptures and occult works in general.
I realized that they were a compilation of scientific facts about
mankind, physiological, anatomical, chemical, and metaphysical. Later on, after beginning the study of esot~ric astrology,
I realized that this noble science synthesized them all. I found
it a veritable treasure house of facts, and dug deeply and am still digging in this mine of wealth.
In his seventy-second year Dr. Carey offered me a partnership, which was accepted and purchased. Like his, my interest was, is, and will be entirely along these lines.
In 1923, the work of the Los Angeles office was taken over by me and hr. sailed for Australia, his plan being to spend some time there. However, the long and tiresome trip and arduous work in a new field was more than he should have attempted. He mapped out too much work, too many lectures. He felt he must not lose a moment, that the great message must be given without ceasing, humanity's need was so great and the time so short. It was short for him, as he was nearing his eightieth year, and short also for those who had not yet turned to higher things. Earth is preparing once again for great changes, as the solar system nears the constellation of Aquarius. The 2160 years required for it to pass through its atmosphere is termed the Aquarian Age or the Age of the Son of Man. Humanity must begin to look upward, for it will be forced to by this very vibration. The mind must begin to expand and the animal-man at last make a decided effort to purify himself of his animal nature and become really humane.
Then will humanity work with Nature and not against
her, and thus, indeed, will the very earth be made new. "And there shall be a new heaven and a new earth."
Dr. Carey and I together revised and enlarged The Tree of Life, and as co-authors published God-Man, The Word Made Flesh, together with a large physiological chart giving much data on occult physiology, and indicating the positions of the seven great nerve centers or chakras, otherwise the Seven Churches of Asia. This work has seen three editions. It is temporarily out of print awaiting the completion of a mass of new material which will be added to it.
Dr. Carey also published two other books, The Chemistry of Life, and The ChemistT)' and Wonders of the Human Body.
Returning to the states from his trip to Australia, he went to San Diego to lecture, and on the 17th day of November, 1924, stepped forth from his physical vehicle. His wish that it be cremated was fulfilled. The Grand Army, of which he was a member, had charge of the services.
To those who ask the question, "\Vhy did not the cell food and his belief in physical regeneration cause him to live longer," I will say that the answer has already been given. He found the key to physical regeneration only after he had passed seventy. The process is not of one life, one incarna.. tion, but of many. Only those unfamiliar with this subject ask that question. He lived, at that, longer than the average person, even though beginning life with a very sensitive, delicate body. Constantly engaged in strenuous work, he accomplished more at seventy years of age along that line than the average man of fifty, and he traveled and lectured up to the very last.
Dr. Carey's mentality was of a mercurial type, Mercury and the Sun having been in Virgo at birth, therefore he was critical and analytical. When lecturing, he would make a tremendously iconoclastic statement relative to some astounding fact and, without explaining, soar on his Mercury wings to more loftv heights. Resting for a moment, his audience
v.:ould be blinded by another flash from the mighty sword of
Truth; but he left it to them to fill in the intervening space, and very few could. His flights into mental ether where facts are born were so lofty that his journey was a lonely one. His was a truly scientific mind which nothing but facts could satisfy, and he demanded facts of others.
In his early forties he gave up smoking and never took liquor in any form whatsoever, as he realized what effect they
both had on the delicate tissues, membranes and glands of the body which the Scriptures call "THE TEMPLE OF GOD." In this incarnation he did the best he could to utilize and work out the truths he had contacted.
Many people all over the country tell me that the information which Dr. Carey gave forth in his writings and lectures have been the means of opening up an entirely new vista of life to them, and they bless him for it. \Ve, too, bless him, and radio our gratitude to him in the realm of the unseen where he is waiting. When the time is ripe and the astrological moment
arrives which will produce the vibration necessary for his
reappearance in the objective, may he come forth again in physical manifestation to go on with the work he loved so
well. Requiescat in pace I
,.And I will write upon him the name of my God." "And I will write upon him my new name."-Revelation.
Man struggling up to the sunlight, Up from the mire and clay,
Fighting through wars and jungles, And sometimes learning to pray-
And sometimes a king with a scepter, ..t\nd sometimes a slave with a hod;
Some people call it Karma,
And others call it God.
A beggar ragged and hungry, A prince in purple and gold,
A palace gilded and garnished,
A cottage humble and old-
One's hopes are blighted in blooming, One gathers the ripened pod-
Some call it Fate or Destiny, And others call it God.
Glimmering waters and breakers, Far on the horizon's rim,
White sails and sea-gulls glinting Away till the sight grows dim,
And shells, spirit-painted with glory, Where seaweeds beckon and nod-
Some people call it Ocean, And others call it God.
Cathedrals and domes uplifting, Spires pointing up to the sun,
Images, altars and arches, Where kneeling and penance are done-
From organs grand anthems are swelling, \Vhere the true and faithful plod-
Some call it Superstition, While others call it God.
Visions of beauty and splendor, Forms of a long-lost race,
Sounds of faces and voices, From the fourth dimension of space-
And on through the universe boundless, Our thoughts go lightning shod-
Some call it Imagination, And others call it God.
Acids and alkalies acting, Proceeding and acting again,
Operating, transmuting, fomenting, In throes and spasms of pain-
Uniting, reacting, creating, l.ike souls "passing under the rod"-
Some people call it Chemistry, And others call it God.
Vibration of Etheric Substance, Causing light through regions of space,
A girdle of Something, en folding, And binding together the race-
And words without wires transmitted, "Ariel"-,vinged, spirit-sandaled and shod-
Some call it Electricity, And others call it God.
Earth redeemed and made glorious, Lighted by Heaven within,
Men and angels face to face, \Vith never a thought of sin-
Lion and lamb together, In flowers that sweeten the sod-
Some of us call it Brotherhood, And others call it God.
And no\v the sixth sense is opened, And we have rent the veil,
And we no longer wander, \Ve have ransomed the "Holy Grail.''
Through all of life's phases and changes, Along all new paths to be trod,
We '\\"ill recognize only one power-
One present, Omnipotent God.
Note: There have been so m::ny requests for thi! much admired poem from
the pen •lf Dr. Carey that it is believed its publication herein will be appreciated
bv his friends.
Acid and Alkali acting, Proceeding and acting again.
Operating, transmuting, fomenting In throes and spasms of pain-
Uniting, reacting, creating, Like souls "pas!'ing under the rod''-
Some people call it Chemistry, And others call it God.
.... .-.. .-.•. .... ..-. ........ ..........
. . ...... ...
......." ...
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IOCHEMISTRY means that chemistry of life, or
the union of inorganic and organic substances whereby new compounds are formed. In its relation to so-called disease this system uses the inorganic salts, known as cell-salts, or tissue builders. The constituent parts of man's body are perfect principles, -namely, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, lime, iron, potash, soda, silica, magnesia, etc. These elements, gases, etc., are perfect
per se, but may be endlessly diversified in combination as may
the planks, bricks or stones with which a building is to be erected.
A shadow can not be removed by chemicals; neither can disease be removed by poison. There is nothing (no thing) to be removed in either case; but there is a deficiency to be supplied. The shadow may be removed by supplying light to the space covered by the shadow.
So symptoms, called disease, disappear or cease to manifest when the food called for is furnished.
The human body is a receptacle or a storage battery, and will always run well while the chemicals are present in proper quantity and combination, as surely as an automobile will run v;hen charged and supplied with the necessary ingredients to vibrate or cause motion.
The cell-salts are found in all our foods, and are thus carried into the blood, where they carry on the process of life,
and by the law of chemical affinity keep the human form, bodily functions, materialized. When a deficiency occurs in any of these workers through a non-assimilation of food, roor action of liver or digestive process, dematerialization o the body commences. So disease is a deficiency in some of the chemical constituents that carry on the chemistry of life and not an entity.
Having le~rned that disease is not a thing, but a condition . · . ~Jue~ ~Q l::t\k of some inorganic constituent of the blood, it fol.· ·. · . low~. nat~ rally that the proper method of cure is to supply
. : . . -: th~ bl~od with that which is lacking. In the treatment of dis-
·... -'. :- : ·.ease the ·us~- of anything not a constituent of the blood is unnecessary.
Dr. Charles W. Littlefield, analytical chemist, says:
..The tw~lve mineral salts are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. Experiments prove that the various tissue cells \\·ill rapidly disintegrate in the absence of the proper proportion of these salts in rhe circulating fluid. \~lhereas the maintenance of this proportion insures healthy growth and perpetual renen·al.
"These 1nineral salts are, therefore, the physical basis of all healing. Regardless of the school emplo.\·ed, if these are absent from the blood and tissues, no permanent cure is possible."
In this strenuous a~e of reconstruction, while God's creative compounds are iorm1ng a new race in the morning of a new age, all who desire physical regeneration should strive by every means within their reach to build new tissue, nerve fluids and brain cells, thus literally making "new bottles for the new wine." For be it known to all men that the word "wine" as used in Scripture, means blood when used in connection with man. It also means the sap of trees and juice of vegetables or fruit.
The parable of turning water into wine at the marriage of Cana in Galilee is a literal statement of a process taking place every heart-beat in the human organism.
Galilee means a circle of water or fluid-the circulatory system. Cana means a dividing place-the lungs. In the Greek, "a place of reeds," or cells of lungs that vibrate sound.
Biochemists have shown that food does not form blood, but simply furnishes the mineral base by setting free the inorganic or cell..salts contained in all food-stuff. The organic part, oil, fibrin, albumen, etc., contained in food is burned or digested
in the stomach and intestinal tract to furnish motive power to operate the human machine and draw air into lungs, thence into arteries; i.e., air carriers.
Therefore, it is clearly proved that air (spirit) unites with the minerals and forms blood, proving that the oil, albumen, etc., found in blood, is created every breath at the "marriage in Cana of Galilee."
Air was called water or pure sea, viz: Virgin Mar-y. So '\\'e see ho\\,. water is changed into wine-blood-every moment.
In the new age, we will need perfect bodies to correspond with the higher vibration, or motion of the new blood, for "old bottles (bodies) can not contain the new wine."
Another allegorical statement typifying the same truth reads, "And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth," i.e., a new mind and a new body.
Biochemistry may well say with Walt Whitman: "To the sick lying on their backs I bring help, and to the strong, upright man I bring more needed help." To be grouchy, cross, irritable, despondent or easily discouraged, is prima facie · evidence that the fluids of the stomach, liver and brain are not vibrating at normal rate, the rate that results in equilibrium or health. Health cannot be qualified; i.e., poor health; or good health. There must be either health or dishealth; ease or disease. We do not say poor ease or good ease. \Ve say ease or disease, viz., not at ease.
A sufficient amount of the cell-salts of the body, properly combined and taken as food-not simply to cure some ache, pain or exudation-forms blood that materializes in healthy fluids, flesh and bone tissue.
\Ve should take the tissue cell-salts as one uses health foods, not simply to change not-health to health, but to keep the rate of blood vibration in the tone of health all the time.
The microscope increases the rate of motion of the cells of the retina and we see things that were occulted to the natural rate of vibration of sight cells. Increase the rate of activity of brain cells by supplying more of the dynamic molecules of the blood known as mineral or cell-salts of lime, potash, sodium, iron, magnesia, silica; and we see, mentally, truths that we could not sense at lower or natural rates of motion, although the !ower rate may manifest ordinary health.
Natural man, or natural things, must be raised from the
level of nature to super-natural, in order to realize new con-
cepts that lie waiting for recognition above the solar plexus;
that is, above the animal or natural man.
The positive pole, or being, must be "lifted up" from the
kingdom of earth, animal desire below the solar plexus, to
the pineal gland which connects the cerebellum, the temple of
the Spiritual Ego, with the optic thalamus, the third eye.
By this regenerative process millions of dormant cells of
the brain are resurrected and set in operation, and then man
no longer "sees through a glass darkly," but with the eye of
spiritual understanding.
To those who object to linking chemistry with astrology,
the writer has this to say:
The Cosmic I . aw is not in the least disturbed by negative
statements of the ignorant individual. Those investigators
of natural phenomena, who delve deeply to find truth, pay little heed to the dabbler who says, "I can't understand how
the zodiacal signs can have any relation to the cell-salts of the
human !>ody." The sole reason that he "cannot understand"
is because he never tried to understand. •~ little earnest, patient study will open the understanding
of anyone possessed of ordinary intelligence, and make plain
great truth one verse.
It logically follows that all parts of one thing are susceptible to the operation of any part.
The human body is an epitome of the cosmos.
Each sign of the zodiac is represented by the twelve func-
tions of the body and the position of the Sun at birth.
Therefore the cell-salt corresponding to the sign of the
zodiac and function of the body is consumed more rapidly than
other salts; and an extra amount is needed to supply the deficiency caused by the Sun's influence at that particular time.
Space will permit only a brief statement of the awakening
of humanity to great occult truths. However, the following from India will indicate the trend of new thought: "Doctor
Carey's remarkable researches in the domain of healing art
have left no stone unturned. His discovery of the zodiacal
cell-salts has added a ne\v page in the genesis of healing art,"
\vrites Swaminatha Bomiah, M .B., Ph.D.Sc., F.I.A. C., in an
article in Self-Culture Magazine, published at No. 105 1\rmenian St., G. T., I\rt adras, India.
Astrologers have for many years waited for the coming discovery of a planet to rule the head or brain of man, symbolized in the "Grand Man" of the heavens by the celestial sign of the zodiac, regnant from March 21 to April 21. This sign is known as Aries-the Ram or Lamb.
Angles of planets cause effects or influences. The priesthood of the middle ages, wishing to control the ignorant masses, personified the influence of planetary aspects, positions or angles, and transposed the letters so they spelled angel. Upon this one "slippery cog'' the stupendous frauds of ecclesiasticism were built.
With the false teachings of the Church ingrained into the fiber of the brain of man, is it strange that for years before the advent of a new planet, with its added angle (influence), the brain cells of earth's inhabitants should be disturbed, as the effects of the coming storms disturb the fluids and mechanism of the weather forecaster's laboratory?
The coming of Christ and the end of the world has been preached from every street corner for several years, and thousands, yea, millions, are pledging themselves to try to live as Christ lived or according to their concept of His life.
No great movement of the people ever occurs without a scientific cause.
The optic thalamus, meaning "light of the chamber," is the inner or third eye, situated in the center of the head. It connects the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The optic nerve starts from this "eye single." "If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light." The optic thalamus is the Aries planet and when fully developed through physical regeneration (see God-Man; The Word Made Flesh), it lifts the initiate from the kingdom of earth, animal desire belov.· the solar plexus, to the pineal gland that connects the cerebellum, the temple of the Spiritual Ego, with the optic thalamus, the third eye.
By this regenerative process millions of dormant cells of
the brain are resurrected and set in operation, and then man no longer "sees through a glass darkly," but with the eye of spiritual understanding.
I venture to predict that the planet corresponding to the optic thalamus will soon be located in the heavens.
"The new order cometh.,
In ancient lore Aries was known as the "Lamb of God," or Gad, which represents the head or brain. The brain controls and directs the body and mind of man. The brain itself, however, is a receiver operated upon by celestial influences or angles (angels) and must operate according to the directing force or intelligence of its source of power.
Man ~as been deficient in understanding because his brain receiver did not vibrate to certain subtle influences. The dynamic cells in the gray matter of the nerves were not finely attuned and did not respond-hence sin, or falling short of understanding.
From the teachings of the chemistry of life we find that the ba~is of the brain or nerve fluid is a certain mineral salt known as potassium phosphate, or Kali phos.
A deficiency in this brain constituent means "sin," or a falling short of judgment or proper comprehension. \Vith the advent of the Aries Lord, God, or planet, cell-salts are rapidly coming to the fore as the basis of all healing. Kali phosphate is the greatest healing agent known to man, because it is the chemical base of material expression and understanding.
The cell-salts of the human organism are now being prepared for use, while poisonous drugs are being discarded everywhere. Kali phosphate is the especial birth salt for those born between March 21 and April 21.
These people are brain workers, earnest, executive and determined-thus do they rapidly use up the brain vitalizers.
Aries gems are amethyst and diamond. The astral colors are \\'hite and rose pink. In Bible alchemy Aries represents Gad, the seventh son of Jacob, and means "armed and prepared"-thus it is said when in trouble or danger, "keep your head., In the symbolism of the New Testament, Aries corresponds to the disciple Thomas. Aries people are natural doubters until they figure a thing out for themselves.
The ancients were not "primitive men." There never was a first man) nor a primitive man. Man is an eternal veritythe truth. Truth never had a beginning.
The Winged Bull of Nineveh is a symbol of the great truth that substance is materialized air, and that all so-called solid substances may be resolved into air.
Taurus is an earth sign, but earth (soul) is precipitated aerial elements. This chemical fact was known to the scientists of the Taurian age (over 4000 years ago) ; therefore they carved the emblem of their zodiacal sign with wings.
Those born between the dates April 21 and May 21 can descend very deep into materiality or soar "High as that Heaven where Taurus wheels," as written by Edwin Markham, who is a Taurus native.
What can be finer than the following from this noted Taurian, he who has sprouted the wings of spiritual concept:
"It is a vision \\'aiting and 3\\'are, And you must bring it down, oh, men of worth,
Bring do\\·n the New Republic hung in air And make for it foundations on the Earth."
Air is the "raw material" for blood, and when it is dra\vn
in, or breathed in, rather, by the "Infinite Alchemist,'' to the
blood vessels, it unites with the philosopher's stone, mineral
salts, and in the human laboratory creates blood.
So, then, blood is the elixir of life, the "Ichor of the Gods."
The sulphate of sodium, known to druggists as Nat. sulph.,
chemically corresponds to the physical and mental character-
istics of those boro in the Taurus month.
Taurus is represented by the cerebellum, or lower brain,
and neck.
A deficiency in Natrium sulphate in the blood is always
manifested by pains in the back of the head, sometimes ex-
tending down the spine, and then affecting the liver.
The first cell-salt to become deficient in symptoms of dis-
ease in the Taurus native is Natrium sulphate.
The chief office of Natrium sulphate is to eliminate ar.
excess of water from the body.
In hot weather the atmosphere becomes heavily laden with
'\Vater and is thus breathed into the blood through the lungs.
One molecule of the Taurus salt has the chemical fower to take up and carry out of the system two molecules o water.
Blood does not become overcharged with water from the water we drink, but from an atmosphere overcharged with aqueous vapor drawn from water in rivers, lakes or swamps, by heat of th~ sun above seventy degrees in shade.
The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the mo:-e sodium sulphate required.
All so-called bilious or malarial troubles are simply a chemical effect or action caused by deficient sulphate of soda.
Chills and fever are Nature's method of getting rid of surplus water by squeezing it out of the blood through violent muscular, nervous and vascular spasms.
No "shakes" or ague can occur if blood be properly balanced
chemically. Governing planet: Venus. Gems: Moss-agate and emerald. Astral colors: Red and lemon yellow. In Bible alchemy, Taurus represents Asher, the eighth son
of Jacob, and means blessedness or happiness. fn the symbolism of the New Testament, Taurus corres-
ponds to the disciple Thaddeus, meaning firmness, or led by love.
MAY 21 TO JuNE 21.
One of the chief characteristics of the Gemini native is expression. The cell-salt Kali muriaticum (potassium chloride) is the mineral \vorker of blood that forms fibrin and properly diffuses it throughout the tissues of the body.
This salt must not be confused with the chlorate of potash, a poison (chemical formula KCIOa).
The formula of the chloride of potassium ( Kali mur) is KCl.
1\.ali mur molecules arc the principal agents used in the chemistry of life to build fibrin into the human organism. The skin that covers the face contains the lines and angles that give expression, and thus differentiates one person from another; therefore the maker of fibrin has been designated as the birth salt of the Gemini native.
In venous blood fibrin amounts to three in one thousand [28]
parts. When the molecules of Kali mur fall below the standard, the blood fibrin thickens, causing what is known as pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh, diphtheria, etc. When the circulation fails to throw out the thickened fibrin via· the glands or mucous membrane, it may stop the action of the heart. Embolus is a Latin word meaning little lump, or balls; therefore to die of embolus or "heart failure" generally means that the heart's action was stopped by little lumps of fibrin clogging the auricles and ventricles of the heart.
When the hlood contains the proper amount of Kali mur, fibrin is functional and the symptoms referred to above do not manifest. Gemini means twins. Gemini is the sign which governs the {_Tni ted States.
The astral colors of Gemini are red, white, and blue. While those who made our first flag and chose the colors, personally knew nothing of astrology, yet the Cosmic Law worked its will to give America the "red, white, and blue."
Mercury is the governing planet of Gemini. The gems are beryl, aquamarine, and dark blue stones. In Bible alchemy, Gemini represents Issachar, the ninth son of Jacob, and means price, reward, or recompense. In the symbolic allegories of the New Testament, Gemini corresponds to the disciple Judas, which means service or necessity. The perverted ideas of an ignorant dark-age priesthood made "service and necessity" infamous by a literal rendering of the alchemical symbol, but during the present Aquarian age, the Judas symbol will be understood and the disciple of "service" will no longer have to submit to "third degree methods."
jUNE 21 TO jULY 22.
Cancer is the mother sign of the zodiac. The mother's breast is the soul's first home after taking on flesh and "rending the Veil of Isis." The tenacity of those born between the dates June 21 and July 22, in holding on to a home or d'velling place is well
illustrated by the crab's grip, and also by the fact that it
carries its house along wherever it goes in order that it may be sure of a dwelling.
The angles (angels) of the twelve zodiacal signs materialize their vitalities in the human microcosm. Through the operation of chemistry, energy creating, the intelligent molecules of Divine substance make the "Word flesh.''
The corner stone in the chemistry of the crab is the inorganic salt fluoride of lime, known in pharmacy as Calcarea flourica. It is a combination of flourine and lime.
\\"hen this cell-salt is deficient in the blood, physical and mental disease (not-at-ease) is the result. Elastic fiber is formed by the union of the fluoride of lime with albuminoids, whether in the rubber tree or the human body. All relaxed conditions of tissue (varicose veins and kindred ailments) are due to a lack of sufficient amount of elastic fiber to "rubber" the tissue and hold it in place.
When elastic fiber is deficient in tissue of membrane between the upper and lower brain poles-cerebrum and cerebellumthere results a "sagging apart" of the positive and negative poles of the dynamo that runs the mach1nery of man.
An unfailing sign or symptom of this deficiency is a groundless fear of financial ruin.
While those born in any of the twelve signs may sometimes be deficient in Calcium fluoride, due to Mars or Mercury (or both) in Cancer at birth, Cancer people are more liable to symptoms indicating a lack of this elastic fiber-builder than are those born in other signs. ·
Whv should we search Latin or Greek lexicons to find a name for the result of a deficiency in some of the mineral constituents of blood? If we find a briar in our flesh, we say so in the plainest speech; we do not say, "I have the briatitis or splin traligia."
\Vhen \Ve know that a deficiency in the cell-salts of the blood causes the symptoms that medical ignorance has dignified and personified '"ith names that nobody knows the meaning of,
we will know how to heal scientifically by the unalterable law
of the chemistry of life. \Vhen \Ve learn the cause of disease, then, and not before, \vill we prevent disease.
Not through quarantine, nor disinfectants, nor "Boards of Health" will man reach the long sought plane of health; not
through affinnations of health, nor denials of disease \Vill
bodily regeneration be wrought; not by dieting or fasting or "F1etcherizing" or suggesting, will the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone be found.
The ''merct;ry of the sages" and the "Hidden l'vt anna" are
not constituents of health foods. Victims of salt baths and massage are bald before their
time, and the alcohol, steam and Turkish bath fiends die young.
''Sic transit gloria mundi." \Vhen a man's body is made chemically perfect, the operations of mind will perfectly express. Gems belonging to the sign of the breast are black onyx and emerald; astral colors, green and russet-brown. Cancer is represented by Zebulum, the tenth son of Jacob, and means d\velling place or habitation. Matthew is the Cancer disciple.
JULY 22 TO "~ UGUST 23.
The Sun overAO\Vs with divine energy. It is the "b rewp ot" that forever filters and scatters the "elixir of life.''
l"hose born while the Sun is passing through Leo, July 22 to ..~ugust 23, receive the heart vibrations, or pulses, of the
Grand ~·I an, or "Circle of Beasts." All the blood in the body
passes through the heart. So the Leo native is the recipient of every quality and possibility contained in the great halchemical vase," the "Son of Heaven."
The impulsive traits of Leo people are symboled in the pulse, which is a reflex of heart throbs.
The astronomer, by unerring law of mathematics applied
to space, proportion, and the so-far..discovered wheels and cogs of the uni-machine, can tell where a certain planet must be located before the telescope has verified the prediction. So the astra-biochemist knows there must of necessity be a blood mineral and tissue builder to correspond with the materialized angle (angel) of the circle of the zodiac.
The phosphate of magnesia, in biochemic therapeutics, is the remedy for all spasmodic impulsive symptoms. This salt suj>plies the deficient worker or builder in such cases and thus
restores norrr,al conditions. A lack of muscular force, or
nerve vigor, indicates a disturbance in the operation of the heart cell-salt, magnesia phosphate, which gives the "Lion's spring," or impulse, to the blood that throbs through the heart.
Leo IS ruled by the Sun, and the children of that celestial sign are natural sun worshipers.
Gold must contain a small per cent of alloy or base metal before it can be used commercially. Likewise the "Gold of Ophir''-Sun's rays, or vibration-must contain a high potency of the earth salt, magnesia, in order to be available for use in bodily function Thus through the chemical action of the inorganic (mineral and water) in the organic (Sun's rays and ether) does the volatile become fixed, and the \Vord become flesh.
Leo people consume their birth salts more rapidly than they consume any of the other salts of the blood; hence they are often deficient in magnesium. Crude magnesia is too coarse to enter the blood through the delicate mucous membrane absorbents, and must be prepared according to the biochemic method before being taken into the blood.
Gems of l.eo are ruby and diamond. .:\stral colors, red and green. The eleventh child of Jacob, Dinah, represents l..co and means judged. Simon is the Leo disciple.
..t\C'Gl!ST 23 TO SEPTE:\1BER 23.
Virgin means pure. l\·fary, ~larie, or l\:Jare (!vlar) me:-~ns \Vater. The letter M is simply the sign of :\quarius, "The \Vater Bearer."
Virgin i\f ary means pure sea, or \Vater.
Jcsus is derived from a Greek word, meaning fish. Out of
the pure sea, or water, comes fish. Out of woman,s body
comes the "\Vord made flesh." .-\11 substance comes forth
from air, '"hich is a higher potency of water. All subst£~nce is fish, or the substance of Jesus. This substar. ce is made to say, "Eat, this is l\1 y body ; drink,
this is !vly blood." There is nothing from '\vhich flesh and blood can be made,
but the onc universa 1 a i r, energy, or Spi rit, in \V hi ch man has his being.
..~II tangible elements are the effects of certain rates of motion of the intangible and unseen elements. Nitrogen gas is mineral in solution, or ultimate potency.
Oil is made by the union of sulphate of potassium (potash) with albuminoids and aerial elements.
The first element that is disturbed in the organism of those born in the celestial sign Virgo is oil; this break in the function of oil shows a deficiency in potassium sulphate, known in pharmacy is Kali sulphate.
Virgo is represented in the human body by the solar plexus
and bowels, the solar plexus being the great receiving station of energy from the back brain, while the bowels complete the chemicaliz ation of the food products ready to be assimilated by the blood.
The 1etter X in Hebre\v is Samech or Stomach. X, or cross, means crucifixion, or change-transmutation.
Virgo people are discriminating, analytical, and critical. The microscope reveals the fact that when the body is in health little jt~ts of steam are constantly escaping from the seven milli"ln pores of the skin. .t\ deficiency in Kali sulph molecules causes the oil in the tissue to thicken and clog these safety valves of the human engine, thus turning heat and secretions back upon the inner organs, lungs, pleura, membrane of nasal passages, etc. i\nd does it not seem strange that medical science, that boasts of such great progress, can invent no better term than "bad cold" for these chemical results? Kali sulph is found in considerable quantities in the scalp and hair. \Vhen this salt falls below the standard, dandruff, or eruptions! secreting yellowish, thin, oily matter, or falling out of the ha~r, is the result. Kali sulph is a \Vonderful salt, and its operation in the
divine laboratory of man's body, where it manufactures oil,
is the miracle of the chemistry of life. Governing planet, l\-1ercury. Gems, pir,k jasper and hyacinth. .~\stral colors, gold and black. In Bible alc!temy Virgo is represented by Joseph, the twelfth
son of Jacob, and means: To increase po,ver, or "son of the right hand."
Virgo corresponds to the disciple Bartholome\\-·.
[ 33]
This alkaline cell-salt is made from bone ash or by neutral-
izing orthophosphoric acid with carbonate of sodium.
Libra is a Latin \Vord, meaning scales or balance. Sodium,
or K atrium phosphate holds the balance between acids and the normal fluids 0f the human body.
.&~cid is organic and can be chemically split into two or more elements, thus destroying the formula that makes the chemical rate of motion called acid.
..~. certain amount of acid is always present in the blood, nerve, stomach and liver fluids. The apparent excess of acid is al,vays due to a deficiency in the alkaline Libra salt.
..,.'\cid, in alchemical lore, is represented as Satan (Saturn), while sodium phosphate symbols Christ (Neptune). An absence of the Christ principle gives license to Satan to run riot in the Holy Temple. The advent of Christ drives the evil out with a whip of thongs. References to the temple in the figurative language of the Bible and New Testament always symbol the human •Jrganism. "Know ye not that your bodies are the
Temple of the Living God?"
Solo1non's temple is an allegory of the physical body of man and woman. Soul-of-man's-temple-the house, church, Beth or temple made without sound of "saw or hammer."
Hate, envy, criticism, jealousy, competition, selfishness, \var, suicide and murder are largely caused by acid conditions of the blood, producing changes by chemical poisons and
irritation oi the brain cells, the keys upon which the soul plays
"Divine harmonies" or plays "fantastic tricks before high
heaven," accot·ding to the arrangement of chemical molecules
in the \\'Ondrous laboratory of the soul. \Vithout a proper balance of the Venus salt, the agent of
peace and love, man is fit for "treason, strategems and spoils.'' The people of the world never needed the alkaline of Libra
salt more than they do at the present time, '"hile wars and rumors of \Vars strut upon the stage of life.
The Sun enters Libra September 23rd, and remains until October 23rd.
Governing planet, Venus. Gems, diamond and opal. Astral colors are black, crimson, and light blue. Libra is an air sign.
In Bible alchemy, Libra represents Reuben, the first son of Jacob. Reuben means Vision of the Sun.
In the symbolism of the New Testament, Libra corresponds to the disciple Peter.
Peter is derived from Petra, a stone or mineral.
"On thee, Peter (mineral), will I build my church;" viz.,
beth, house, body, or temple.
From Scorpion to "\Vhite Eagle" may seem a very long journey to one who has not learned the science of patience or realized that time is an illusion of physical sense.
The zodiacal sign Scorpio is represented in human material organism by the sexual functions.
The esoteric meaning of sex is based on mathematics, the body being a mathematical fact. Sex in Sanscrit means Six.
"Six days of Creation" simply means that all creation, or
formation, from self-existing substance, is by and through the
operation of sex principle-the only principle. Three means male, father, the spirit of the male, the son;
this trinity forms or constitutes one pole of Being, Energy or Life-the positive pole.
The negative pole, female trinity; fernale spirit of mother and daughter.
Thus two threes or trinities produce six or sex, the operation of which is the cause of all manifestation. Those who understand, fully realize the truth of the New Testament statement, "There is no other name under heaven whereby ye may be saved (materialized and sustained) except through Jesus Christ and Him crucified." By tracing the words Jesus and Crucify (also Christ) to their roots a wonderful world of truth appears to the understanding.*
The possibilities of Scorpio people are boundless after they have passed through trials and tribulations, viz.: crucifixion
or crossi fica ti on.
•Explainrd in God-Alan; Tlu lf~ord f.{adt Fltsll.
T 11 E Zoo1 :\C :\~o TilE S.-\LTs or SALv :\TIC,~
One of the cell-salts of the blood, Calcarea sulphate, is the mineral ("stone") that especially corresponds to the Scorpio nature. Crude Calcarea sulphate is gypsum or sulphate of lime.
\\'hile in crude form, lime is of little value; but add \Vater. and thus transmute it by changing its chemical formation, and plaster of Paris is formed, a substance useful and ornamental. I:very person born bet\veen October 23 and ~o,.,·ember 22. should well consider this \VOnderful alchemical operation of his esoteric stone, and thus realize the possibilities in store for him on his journey to the "Eyrie of the 'Vhite Eagle.''
Scorpio people arc natural rnagnetic healers, especially after having passcd through t hc \\'ate r s of adversity, since hcat is caused by the union of water and lime.
Scorpio is a water sign, governed by ~1 ars. l\·I ars is l'a
doer of things," also fiery at times; therefore, it is \Veil that the Scorpio native take heed lest he sometimes "boil over.''
In Bible alchemy, Scorpio is represented by Simeon, the
J second son of :~cob. Simeon means "hears and obeys.'' In
the syn1bolism of the N e\v Testarnent, Scorpio corresponds to the disciple i\ndre\V, and means to create or ascend.
The gems are topaz. and malachite; astral colors, goldenbrown and bl Lick.
•'\ break in the molecular chain of the Scorpio salt, caused by a deficiency of that material in the blood, is the primal cause of all the so-called diseases of these people. This disturbance not only causes symptoms called disease in physical functions, but it disturbs the astral fluids and gray matter of brain cells, and thereby changes the operation of mind into inharmony. Stn means to lack or fall short; thus chemical deficiencies in life's chemistry cause sin.
\Vhen man learns to supply his dynamo with the proper dynamics, he will "wash away his sins with the blood of Christ"-blood made with the "\Vhite Stone."
Calcium sulphate should not be taken internally in crude form; in order to be taken up by absorbents of mucous membrane, the I:me salt must be triturated, according to the biochemic method, up to third or sixth. By this method lime may be rende-red as fine as the molecules contained in grain, fruit, or vegetables.
Blood contains three forms of lime: lime and fluorine for
Cancer sign; lime and phosphorus for Capricorn sign, and
lime and sulphur for Scorpio.
Lime should never be used internally belo,v the third
decimal trituration.
The mineral or cell-salt of the blood corresponding to Sagittarius is ~ilica.
Synonyms: Silicea, silici oxide, white pebble or common quartz. Chemical abbreviation, Si. Made by fusing crude silica 'vith carbonate of soda; dissolve the residue, filter and precipitate by hydrochloric acid.
This product must be triturated as per biochemic process before using internally.
This salt is the surgeon of the human organism. Silica is found in the hair, skin, nails, periosteum, the membrane covering and protr.cting the bone, the nerve sheath, called neurilemma, and a trace is found in bone tissue. The surgical qualities of silica lie in the fact that its particles are sharp cornered. A piece of quartz is a sample of the finer particles. Reduce silica to an impalpable powder and the microscope reveals the fact that the molecules are still pointed and jagged like a large piece of quartz rock. In all cases where it becomes necessary that decaying organic matter be discharged from any part of the body by the process of suppuration, these sharp pointed particles are pushed forward by the marvelous intelligence that operates without ceasing, day and night in the wondrous human Beth, and like a lancet cut a passage to the surface for the discharge of pus. Nowhere an all the records of physiology or biological research can anything be found more wonderful than the chemical and mechanical operation of this Divine artisan.
The bone covering is made strong and firm by silica. In cases of boils or carbuncle, the biochemist loses no time searching for "anthrax bacilli" or germs, nor does he experiment 'vith imaginary germ-killing serum; he simply furnishes nature with tools with which the necessary work may be accomplished.
The Centaur of mythology is known in the "Circle of Beasts [37]
that worship before the Lord (Sun) day and night," as Sagittarius, the Archer, with dra\\'n bow. ..L\.rrow heads are composed of flint, decarbonized white pebble or quartz. Thus we see why Silica is the special hi rth salt of all born in the Sagittarius sign. Silica gives the glossy finish to hair and nails. .&;\ stalk of corn or straw of wheat, oats or barley will not stand upright unless it contains this mineral.
Sagittarius people are generally swift and strong; and they are prophetic-look deeply into the future and hit the mark
Iike the archer. ...-'\ noted ast roIoger once said : "Never Iay
a wager with one born 'vith the Sun in Sagittarius or \Vith Sagittarius rising in the east lest you lose your wealth."
The Sagittarius native is very successful in thought transference. He (or she) can concentrate on a brain, miles distant, and so vibrate the aerial wires that fill space that the molecular intelligence of those finely attuned to Nature's harmonies may read the message.
Governing planet, Jupiter. Gems, carbuncle, diamond and turquoise. The astral colors are gold, red and green. Sagittarius is a fire sign and is represented in Bible alchemy by Levi, the third son of Jacob, meaning Hjoined or associated." In the symbolism of the N e'v Testament, Sagittarius corresponds to tile disciple James, son of Alpheus.
**** * **
The Chicago Evening Post, \\Tednesday, .:\ugust 19, 1914,
in comn1enting on "Signs of \'1rath and Portents from the Heavens," says among other things: "i\nd in England today arc men with the modern scientific mind \\'ho say that \Ve cannot disregard utterly the idea that the movements of the heavenly bodies have their effect upon men.''
Circle me:1ns sacrifice, according to the Kabbala, the straight line bending to form a circle.
Thus we find twelve zodiacal signs sacrificing to the Sun, symbolized by the devotion and sacrificing of the t\velve disciples of Jesus.
Twelve months' sacrifice for a solar year. Twelve functions of man's body sacrifice for the temple, Beth or "Church of God"-the human house of flesh. Twelve minerals-known as cell-salts-sacrifice by operation and combining to build tissue. The dynamic force of these vitalized workmen constitute the chemical affinities-the positive and negative poles of mineral expression. The Cabalistic numerical value of the letters g, o, a, t, add up twelve. Very ancient allegories depict a goat bearing the sins of Israelites into the wilderness.
In the secret mysteries of initiation into certain societies,
the goat is the chief symbol. In alchemical lore the "Great Work" is commenced "in the
Goat" and is finished in the "White Stone." Biochemistry is the "stone 'vhich the builders rejected," and furnishes the key to all the mysteries and occultism of the allegorical Goat.
Those persons born between the dates December 22 and January 21, come under the influence of the Sun in Capricorn-the Geat. Capricorn represents the great business interests-trusts and syndicates-where many laborers are employed. Thus Capricorn symbols the foundation and framework of society-the commonwealth of human interests.
The bones of the human organism represent the foundation stones and framework of the soul's temple (Solomon's temple).
Bone tissue is composed principally of phosphate of lime, known as Calcarea phosphate or Calcium phosphate. \Vithout a proper amount of lime no bone can be formed, and bone is the foundation of the body.
A building must first have a foundation before the structure
can be reared. Thus we see why the "Great Work" commences in the Goat. Lime is \vhite-hence the ''White Stone."
In the second chapter and seventeenth verse of Revelation may be found the alchemical formula of the "White Stone."
"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give a \Vhite Stone, and in the Stone a ne'v
name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."
In the mountains of India, it is said, a tribe dwells, the priests of which claim that man's complete history from birth to death is recorded in his bones. These people say the bones
are secret archives, hence do not decay quickly as does flesh
and blood.
7 \
standard, a disturbance often occurs in the bone tissue and the
decay of bone. known as caries of bone, commences. Phos-
phate of lime is the worker in albumin. It carries it to bone
and uses it as cement in the making of bone.
So-called Bright's disease (first discovered in a man named
Bright) is simply an overflow of albumin via kidneys, due to
a det1ciency of phosphate of lime.
\\'hen the Goat salt is deficient in the gastric juice and bile,
ferments arise from undigested foods; acids from the latter
find their way to synovial Auids in the joints of legs or arms or
hands, and often cause severe pains; but why the perfectly
natural chemical operation should be called rheumatism pass-
eth understanding.
Non-functional albumin, caused by a lack of lime phosphate,
is the cause of eruptions, abscesses, consumption, catarrh and
many so-called diseases.
But let us all remember that disease means not-at-ease~ and
that the words do not mean an entity of any kind, shape, size,
\\"eight or quality, but an effect caused by some deficiency of
blood material, and that only.
Phosphate of lime should never be taken in crude form It
must be triturated to sixth X, according to the biochemic:
method, in milk sugar in order to be taken up by the mucous
membrane absorbents, and thus carried into the circulation.
Capricorn people possess a deep interior nature in which
they often dwell in the "solitude of the soul."
They schen1r and plan and build air castles and really enjoy
their ideal world. If they arc sometimes talkative, their
language seldom gives any hint of the wonderland of their
imagination. To that enchanted garden the sign, "No Thor-
oughfare," forever blocks the way.
The Capricorn gems are white onyx and moonstone. The
astral colors are garnet, brown, silver-gray and black.
Capricorn is an earth sign.
In Bible alchemy, Capricorn represents Judah, the fourth
son of Jacob, and means "the praise of the Lord.'' In the
symbolism of the New Testament, Capricorn corresponds
to the disciple John.
[ 40]
0 age of man! A<JU3 rius, Transrnut~r of all things base,
'•Son of Man in the He a ver1s, \\'ith sun-illumined face."
Our journey wa' long and weary, \Vith pain and sorrow and tears,
Hut now at re~t in thy kingdom, \Ve welcome the coming years.
· · Those born bet\veen the dates of January 21 and F cbruary 20 are doubly blest, and babies to be born during that period for many years to come will be favored of the gods.
The solar system has entered the "Sign of the Son of ~Ian," i\quarius, where it will remain for over 2000 years. ~-\ccord1ng to planetary revolutions the Sun passes through }\quarius once every solar year; thus we have the double in-
fluence of the Aquarius vibration from January 21 to Feb-
ruary 20. ..~ir contains seventy-eight per cent of nitrogen gas believed
by scientists to be mineral in ultimate potency. Minerals arc formed by the precipitation of nitrogen gas. Differentiation is attained by the proportion of oxygen and aqueous vapor (hydrogen) that unites with nitrogen.
A combination of sodium and chlorine forms the mineral known as common salt. This mineral absorbs water. The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the che:nical action of the molecules of sodium chloride.
Crude soda can not be taken up by mucous membrane absorbt!nts and carried into the circulation. The sodium molecules found in the blood have been received from vegetable tissue which drew these salts from the soil in high potency. The mineral, or cell-salts, can also be prepared (and are prepared) in biochemic or homeopathic potency as fine as the trituration of Nature's laboratory in the physiology of plant growth. Then they are thoroughly mixed with sugar of milk and pressed into tablets ready to be taken internally to supply deficiencies in the human organism. A lack of the proper amount of these basic mineral salts (twelve in number) is the cause of all so-called disease.
Common table salt does not enter the blood, being too coarse to enter the delicate tubes of mucous membrane ah-
sorbents, but this salt does distribute \Vater along the intestinal tract.
Aquarius is known in astrological symbols as "The Water Bearer.'' Sodium chloride, known also as Natrium muriaticum, is also a bearer of water, and chemically corresponds to the zodiacal angle of Aquarius.
The term angle, or angel, of the Sun may also be used, for the position of the Sun at birth largely controls the vibration of blood.
So, then, we have sodium chloride as the "birth salt" of Aquarius peoFie.
The governing planets are Saturn and Uranus; the gems are sapphire, opal and turquoise; the astral colors are blue, pink and Nile green. .t\quarius is an air sign.
In Bible alchemy Aquarius represents Dan, the fifth son of Jacob, and means "judgment," or "he that judges." In the symbolism of the Ne,v Testament, ..i\quarius corresponds to the disciple James.
FEBRVi\RY 20 TO J\:fARCH 21.
Nearly everyone knows that Pisces means fishes, but few
there be who kno\v the esoteric meaning of fish. Fish in Greek
is Ichthus, "'hich Greek scholars claim means "substance from the sea."
Jesus is derived from the Greek word for fish; l\'1 ary, mare, means \Vater; therefore we see how the Virgin Mary, pure sea, gives birth to Jesus, or fish. There are two things in the universt-Jesus and the Virgin Mary-spirit and substance. So much for the symbol or allegory.
f"rorn the earth viewpoint we say that the Sun enters the
zodiacal sign Pisces February 20 and remains until March 21.
This position Qf the Sun at birth gives the native a kind, loving nature, industrious, methodical, logical and mathematical; sympathetic :tnd kind to people in distress.
In the alchemy of the Bible we find that the sixth son of Jacob, Naphthali, which means "wrestling of God," symbols Pisces, for the Pisces natives worry and fret because they can not do more for their friends or those in trouble.
[ 42]
The phosphate of iron is one of the cell-salts of human
blood and tissue. This mineral has an affinity for oxygen, which is carried into the circulation and diffused throughout
the orsanism by the chemical force of this inorganic salt. The feet are the foundation of the body. Iron is the foundation of blood. IVIost diseases of Pisces people commence with symptoms indicating a deficiency of iron molecules in the
blood; hence it is inferred that those born between the dates February 20 and March 2 I, use more iron than do those born
in other signs.
Iron is known as the magnetic mineral, due to the fact that it attracts oxygen. Pisces people possess great magnetic force
in their hands, and make the best magnetic healers.
Health depends upon a proper amount of iron phosphate molecules in the blood. When these oxygen carriers arc deficient, the circulation is increased in order to conduct a sufficient amount of oxygen to the extremities-all parts of the body-with the diminished quantity of iron on hand. This increased motion of blood causes friction, the result of which is heat. Just why this heat is called fever is a conundrum; perhaps because fever is from Latin fevre, "to boil out," but I
fail to see any relevancy between a lack of phosphate of iron
and "boiling out."
The phosphate of iron (Ferrum phosphate), in order to be
made available as a remedy for the blood, must be triturated according to the biochemic method with milk sugar up to the
third or sixth potency in order that the mucous membrane
absorbents may take it up and carry it into the blood. Iron in the ~rude state, like the tincture, does not enter the circula-
tion, but passes off with the fa!ces, and is often injurious to the intestinal mucous membrane.
The governing planet of this sign is Jupiter.
The gems are chrysolite, pink-shell and moonstone.
The astral colors are white, pink, emerald-green and black.
Pisct:s is a water sign.
In Bible alchemy, Pisces represents N aphthali, the sixth son of Jacob, and means "wrestlings of God." In the symbolism of the New Testament, Pisces corresponds to the disciple Philip. The birth of Benjamin is given in that wonderful allegory, the thirty-fifth chapter of Genesis. Benjamin is,
therefore, the thirteenth child of Jacob.
[ 43]
See article. "13, the Operation of \\7isdom,'' in God-Afan; tlze Word 1\-fade Fleslz.
•·1'he hea,·ens declare the ~lory of God; And the firrnament sheweth hi~ handiwork. Day unto day uttereth 5peech• •t\nd night unto night sheweth kno,,·lcdgC". ..fhere i~ no 5peech nor language, \\.here their voice is not he a rd. l·hei r line i!' gone out through a 11 the earth, And their word~ to the end of the \\·orld. In them hath he set a ta hernaclt' for tht' sun, \\'hirh is as a bridegroom cominJ.: out of hi~ ch:tmbt'r, And rejoict'th a~ a strong man to run a race. IIi~ goin~ forth i~ from tht' end of the hea\'en, And hi5- circuit unto thC" end~ of it;
.And :here i!' nothin~ hidden from the hC"a t the reo f." PsaI ms 19 :1-6 \' ~-
[ 44]
..\~ EsoTERIC ..t\~ALYSJS :\~D SY~TllESIS OF T!l E Zooi:\CAI.. SIG~S i\~[) THEIR PIIYSIO-CHE~tiCt\L .t\I.I.OC:\TIU~S
ToGETHER ' \7JTII _·\ D D! T I 0 ~ :\ 1.. SCI E ~ T I F IC ~... 1~ D 1~ (; S
I ~EZ r·:t·ooR.-\ l.)I:RRY
[ 45]
In presenting the following findings, the author wishes to say that she does so, not with fear and trembling but with the strength of conviction which truth alone gives. It matters little \\'hether they are accepted or rejected. Into these pages goes a knowledge of the chemical condition of the average human brain. gained from sixteen years' experience along the lines of health. So it is self-evident that a few earnest students will realize the value of this information.
The author, however, has already received her own personal reward for the years of investigation and research work. All her life she has aspired for truth above all things. She has aspired to know facts, to solve the problem of the old
injunction "IV' an, know thyself." This in itself became such
a joyous, fascinating occupation that it was like going out into the green sanctuary of Nature and being alone with Nature's
God, the Spirit within one's self. And this, together with the
great appreciation manifested by the many earnest students who have already accepted some of these truths, constitutes an adequate reward.
Dr. Carey brought forth his mental and spiritual progeny, the key whereby humanity may solve its chemical, physical and mental problems, before the influx of the finer ethers which are no"' permeating our atmosphere and endeavoring to awaken dormant brain cells to action. Therefore, his invaluable message was slow in being accepted. Now, however, there is more and more interest being manifested. Part One of this book will thus be read and studied with greater appreciation.
The world is more ready to accept that which has previously seemed absurd and impossible because of the quickening of comprehension which is now going on. We are merging into the atmosphere of the Aquarian Age. This means, both astrologically and astronomically, that our entire solar system is beginning to pass into the division of the universe which is occupied by the sign Aquarius. Approximately 2160 years are required for the transit.
[ 47]
As Aquarius is "the sign of the Son of Man" it deals not
only with humanity as a whole but with the real man within
man. The Son of l\1an, the Higher Self, is that real man, or
mankind made new. There is a trend, then, a veritable cosmic urge that is
truly very definite and powerful. This is the reason back of, and the cause of the appearance of all the "new" and unusual ideas, happenings, fashions, inventions, etc. It is also the cause of all of the terrible and abnormal crimes with which the papers are constantly filled; the perversion of truth \vhich is everywhere heing manifested. Nature and Nature's God
now demand an expansion of consciousness in man. This is
the beginning of a realization of the la\vs of God, their
acceptance, the practice of them, and the effort to climb
up\\' a rd. Thought is the father of action, and with individuals not
attuned to the i\quarian vibration actions are spasmodic, unnatural and thus negative and destructive. This is because the high vibration and shorter etheric \Va ves breathed into the lungs do not find therein the nzaterialJ capable of producing the same vibration in the blood. If these materials were present they \\~ould produce a corresponding \Va ve length in the blood anrl thus \Vork harmoniously and constructively under the ,'\qu:t ri an vibrations. Disorganization, disruption and spasmodic reaction take place in the bodies of persons chemically starved in those "tnotht•rJ" or materials which Father Spirit demands at this time. The Sacred Book expresses it p!!rfectly in these words: "Ye must make nc\v bottles for the ne\\' wine or tlze old bottles will burst." \Ve must reconstruct our bodies and brain cells with the desired and required material, in order that they may be able to do the work now demanded of them. Otherwise we will find the fuse blowing out exactly as it does when the lamp and the current do not correspond.
There must be, therefore, an endeavor to investigate ne"·
(new only to this age) scientific findings. The greater the aspiration for truth the easier it will be. If you find joy and satisfaction in the study of these pages I shall always be glad and happy to learn of it and help you still further with any additional explanation.
As this is the Aquarian Age, its .spirit is back of all, and \\'ill
assist and protect those who speak the truth.
[ 48]
.. (Gad) A troop sh:tll O\'trcome him. but he sha11 overcome at last." -Genesis XLIX.
N order to obtain facts, it is absolutely essential first
to trace to their origin the meanings of the words
used in expressing the problem under consideration.
here ore, their etymology must be studied. This is the in-
fallible key by means of which knowledge of anything may
be obtained.
In his book, The Study of Words, Richard Chenevix
Trench, D.D., quotes the following from an unmentioned
\vriter: "In a language like ours, where so many words are
derived from other languages, there are few modes of instruc-
tion more useful or more amusing than that of accustoming
young people to seek for the etymology or primary mealling
of the words they use. There are cases in which more
knowledge of more value may be conveyed by the history of
a word than by the history of a campaign." To make the
foregoing statement more emphatic we would add that
accurate in formation is unobtainable otherwise. Mr. 'french even more sympathetically states: "Many a
single word also is itself a concentrated poem, having stories
of poetical thought and imagery laid up in it. Examine it and
it will be found to rest on some deep analogy of things
natural and things spiritual, bringing those to illustrate and to
give an abiding form and body to these. For certainly in itself
there is no study which may be made at once more instructive
and entertaining than the study of the use, origin, and dis-
tinction of words."
Else,vhere in his book he deplores the lack of interest in
that which is worth while, at the same time analyzing the word "pastim~."
He says, "The worJd, out of its own use of this word,
renders judgment against itself. For it is concerned with amusements and pleasures which do not really satisfy the mind
[ 49]
and fill it with the sense of an abiding and satisfying joy; they serve only, as this word confesses, to pass away the time, to prevent it from hanging, an intolerable burden, on man's hands; all ·which they can do at the best is to prevent men from discovering and attending to their O\\'n internal poverty and dissatisfaction and want."
So important is this subject that one more quotation from his invaluable book must be made. He says: "I shall urge on you something different, namely, that not in books only, but
often in 'luords contemplared singly, there are boundless stores
of moral and historic truth, and no less of passion and imagination, laid up-that from these, lessons of infinite worth may be derived, if only our attention is aroused to their existence. I shall urge on you how well it will repay you to study the \Vords which you are in the habit of using or of meeting, be they such as relate to highest spiritual things, or our common words of the shop and market, and of all the familiar intercourse of life. It will indeed repay you far better than you can easily believe. I am sure that, for many a young man: his first discovery of the fact that words are
li'Vitlg powers, are the vesture, yea, even of the body, which
thoughts \Vea ve for themselves, has been like the dropping of scales from his eyes, like the acquiring of another sense, or the introduction into a new world; he is never able to cease wondering at the moral marvels that surround him on every side, and ever reveal themselves more and more to his gaze."
The abovt» statements are true. A New \Vorld verily appears to the student of \\:ords-the \Vorld of Knowledge. For \Vords, as well as letters and numbers, are the containers and the expressions of definite values. The reason-satisfying information given herein has been obtained by the study of words.
Because the sun rises in the east, bringing with it light and heat, it has from time immemorial been termed the creator, and each nation and people has had its own revered, yet intimate name for this giver of life.
There are t\VO periods in a year 'vhen the days and nights are of equal lengths, and they are termed equinoxes. The first, occuring on l\1 arch t\\-·enty-first, is the Spring equinox; exactly six months later \\-'e have the Fall equinox.
The Sun, then, crossing the equinoctial line, or equator. on the t\venty-first of ~\larch, is said to bring the first day of
rso 1
Spring, for there is an awakening, a spring-ing up and there-
fore a resurrection of all Nature. Indeed, very, very few real-
ize anything at all of the sacred out-pouring, a flood-tide of heavenly power, of spiritual electricity which charges not only the earth but all human beings who are able to receive it. Each human being is a battery, an aggregation of cells, and the law governing its chargit~g is exactly the same as that with
which electricians are familiar. It nz.ust have the necessary tnaterial to attract electricity, the proper kind and the right quantity. .4~ knowledge of the cell-salts, such as is contained in Schuessler's Bioclzenlis try, solves the problern.
Few are so dull as to escape entirely the glamour and glory of the days \vhen the first faint misty green appears, \vhen
mating birds Ay hither and thither, and virgin earth prepares
to pour out her bountiful gifts that man may be fed from her bosom.
But what does it mean to those who sense its approach and to whom its arrival brings keenest joy and a deep and abid-
ing sa tis faction? They are being resurrected, for their nJinds
are actually expanding under the influence of that same Godpower; the brain substance is being acted on by Cosmic Electricity outpoured from the cerebrum of the Grand l\1 an.
This is the time, then, to begin one's labors, for the
charged battery must begin to work-to be utilized. Would that humanity could realize this mighty f'lct I But hllman
batteries are functioning poorly, the currents are weak, the cells actually corroded. The great reservoir of unlimited electrical power is ever present in the universe-Spirit is never deficient. The trouble lies only in the human battery. It can not contact what it has no po,ver to attract. This is the
mysterious chemical secret that has been hidden from man by
his own ignorance, and it is this secret which this chapter will reveal, for it is Kali phos which is the casket that holds this priceless gem.
The terrific inzpetus back of all natural phenomena at this
time is the reason that this period of the year is terrned Spring. The rabbit is one of the symbols of Spring and of Easter, as it jumps or springs in moving about. The story of the universe and of man has been brought down through the ages under many forms, among these being animal symbols. Those born at this time of the year usually walk \Vith a springing step .
.i\t this season \Ve find the Sun actually springing or climbing
r s1 1
up into the heavens until it reaches its highest point, that of the Summer solstice. This is the longest day of the year. The Sun is said to be at its greatest declination, resting, as it \Vere, before going on its journey, but pausing to accomplish something special. The date is approximately June twenty-first.
Six months later \\'e have the \Vinter solstice, when the sun reaches its lo\vest point, and on December twenty-first, approximately, again appears to rest. The Summer solstice is, therefore, ninety degrees away from the Spring equinox, and the same number of degrees from the Fall equinox: \vhile the \\7inter solstice is ninety degrees from both the Spring and F'all equinoxe~. These facts are very important to remember and n1ust beco~e fixed in the mind, as these four points con-
stitute the cardi11al cross of Nature and of the human body as \\~ eII. The signs h a vi ng to do \Vi t h these points of t hc cross are
.:\ries, Cancer. L.ihra and Capricorn.
Signs that;-. re ninety degrees a\vay from each other arc said
to be squart·. This is also an important point to fix in the mind
in order to re:td one's chart correctly. The "'·ord square is used for the same reason that both practical and theoretical
i\1 a sons employ it. \\1hen understood, the problem of squari11g
ont'J rzrcle is Joi'L·ed; for the four signs of one's cross form
four squares. In making the bodily correction represented by
each square one automatically eliminates the cross, and squares
the circle. This ronslitules the great work.
Truly, this is the cross upon \vhich each one is crucified.
:\nd most emphatically is it a cross of nratter, a clze11zica/ cross. The story of each one's individual cross will be given in a forthcoming book on Tlze Bioclze11tic Syslem of Body Build-
;,q aud .,1stro-Cizemiral .-lnal\'sis.
·The Spring equinox, there..fore, is the return or springing up of creative energy, \vhile the Fall equinox is the falling or going do,vn, the decreasing or diminishing of the pO\\'er of the sun or energy. 4-\utumn is derived from the Latin aurtuJ meaning enriched, thus bringing out the idea of harvest time, the gathering itt of the increase of the year.
The out-pouring time of Nature takes place in \\"hat is termed the first month of the astrological year, v.-·hich begins 1\I arch t\venty-first, and lasts until i\pril t\venty-first. During this time the sun is transiting or passing through the constellation of Aries, the Lamb or Ram of the zodiac. It is really termed the 1\pril month or sign, as it covers two weeks of the latter and onlv one of the former.
rs2 1
The process going on during this period in Nature and in man is again brought to our attention by the interpretation of the word April. It is derived from the Latin aperio and means to uncover, to lay bare, to expose to view, therefore to open, to render accessible. Thus the great creative power of N alure is rendered accessible at this time, which is not only a time but a certain definite place inN ature and in man's body.
Frotn time immemorial the signs of the zodiac have been allocated \Vith the parts of the human body. Whatever other interpretations were given, the physiological application came first.
Astrology deals with the body (anatomy) of the Grand Man {the universe) and by analogy, with the body of man. This is a fact that has for the most part been lost sight of, because the mighty science of the macrocosm and the microcosm has been perverted into fortune telling. No wonder so few are interested in it; no wonder so many laugh at and deride it, for they have good reason to. Astrologers, socalled, are for the most part not working for or with Uranus. However, the number of those who are doing so is slowly and surely increasing.
One of the oldest and most common forms in which the signs of the zodiac have been brought down through the ages is in the figure of man, with the glyph of Aries and a gambol-
ing or up-springing Lamb above his head. On the right, from
the neck, a line or arrow points to a reclining bull and the symbol of Taurus; on the left from the shoulder is a pointer to two seated children and the symbol of Gemini, and so on to the two fish crossed underneath the feet. The latter gives us the story of the Cross and the religion or scientific story of the fishermen, irrefutable evidence of the one purpose of astrology, which is to give mankind complete information relative to the process1 chemical and physiological, whereby perfection and illumination may be attained.
From an understanding, then, of the word Aries, the first or hr.ad sign of the zodiac, we obtain its physiological allocation. It is of Latin derivation and means ram. The Latin lexicon also gives batlering-ram1 prop or beam as other derivatives, all having the same basic idea. The ram, as an animal. is known to butt or bat with its head, when engaged in conflict. But the word ram comes to us from the Sanskrit, and means
lziglz. Ram in a Hindu name is evidence that one bearing it is of high caste.
The top of the head is the highest part of the body, and man
differentiates himself from an animal by ele'l.:ating his head, or walking upright. In Hebre,v, the top of the head is named cal'L·ary, for its literal meaning is bare skull. It is truly the place of ascension.
There are many references in the Scriptures to lofty elevations. One says: "Look toward the holy mountain from \\'hence cometh thy help." ...t\s the Bible and all ancient and sacred writings are physiological, the above quotation refers to the upper brain or cerebrum, in which is the marvelous ..;\.11-Seeing Eye, or center of understanding.
The brain of man is the organ of mind. If the latter functions well, he is helped and all is well, for he helps himself by doing that which brings about the best result. There are also many statements in this same book calling our attention to the Eye Single and the All-Seeing Eye, also the Candle of the Lord and the Imperishable Sacred Lamp.
Each nation and people has had its own name for that period of the year when the Sun passes through the sign of the Ram. The Egyptians termed it the God Amen-Menthu, the Lamb of Gad, which "taketh away the sins of the world," Gad being one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
The sun in tJ,e sign of the Ram was looked on by the ancients as the God Aries. The Lamb of the Mysteries of Atys; the Lamb of the Festival of Cybele; the \Vhite Lamb of the Trojans; the Redemption of the l...,ost Sheep; The Golden Fleece
of Jason and the Argonauts; the I..ord of Hosts. i\s Aries
represents the Vernal or Spring equinox, '\vhcn the Sun crosses the lint from Pisces, the sign of the Fishes, into the sign of the Ram, it is, as Dr. \Vakeman Ryno says, ''crucified or crossified on the equinoctial line which constitutes the redemption
o f earth, a saving po'"e r ; the ice and coId \Vi nt er disappear,
\Vater flows, the buds and blossoms start, and the earth is
rejuvenated-the sitt of cold \vinter is taken away."
Allorating this with the cerebro-spinal system, with \vhich ..~rics deals, ~n outpouring of energy takes place, flowing do,vn'\vard into the form to rebuild and rejuvenate it. This is exactly \Vhat occurs in the body of the Grand Man. It was termed "the sign of Baal Gad by the ancients, or Lord of
[ 541
Felicity, because he presided over the happiest and most prosperous time of the year."
The word (iad is derived from the Hebre,v, and the word sun fro:n the Coptic, according to Dr. Taylor, and both mean the same thing. "God or Gad, being the never-translated name in the ancient Tsabaism, or star-worship of the constellation of the Ram, or Lamb of God, the Rama, the Great, the Elevated," and thus corresponding to the human head.
The Greek word Thebes means head. There was an old city by that name, the capital of Ancient Egypt. It was the
seat of 111aruelous learning attd tlze greatest art, and was said
to have been destroyed by Alexander. This part of the human anatomy, the cerebrum, is, indeed, the storehouse of man, but it is the super-conscious and not the subconscious, as has been so long erroneously taught.
By studying the sacred and secret writings of all nations and peoples, one realizes that Easter was not new to the
Piscean Age, nor to the supposed dawn of the Christian re-
ligion, but belongs to all time and to all peoples, for it signifies both a cosmic and a microcosmic process, literally a renewal of life. An understanding of this fact, constituting, as it does, a logical and wholly natural explanation, is one of the first steps necessary to an entirely new viewpoint of the Bible.
Rea]ization of this eliminates all controversy which at the present time is becoming more and more pronounced. Bishops and ministers alike are unable to give logical and satisfactory e]ucidation of the Scriptures, and this has largely constituted the reason so many people remain away from church. Humanity is beginning to think for itself, for this is the age of kno\ving, not blind belief.
Thus we find from the foregoing the meaning of the
opetzing month of the year, in man as well as in Nature. \Ve
find there is a perfect system of analysis, synthesis and allocation "·hich links up space, time, activity, and mankind, yes, even the most·secret part of the body. And, as Dr. Wakeman Ryno says: ''\\7hat silly trash this \Vould be (quoting from Daniel 7 :9) taken exactly as it reads; \vhat a beautiful illustration it becomes '\vhen taken as an astronomical allegory of the Sun and Tvloon in their passage through the constellation
of ..t\r1es the Ram as the opener of the growing months of the
year after the 'vinter; 'the judgment was set (the equinoxequa]) the books were opened'- (the Spring)."
r 551
Let us now consider another science, that particular branch of physiology which is termed embryology. Here we at once find a perfect allocation with Nature's work in the Spring.
The cerebro-spinal system is the first part of the organism developed and from it the whole form materializes. The cerebrum and cord constitute most truly The Tree of Life, for they bear or produce the rest of the body. The cerebro-spinal system has, as ancient Sanskrit writings inform us, "its roo/J in hea'1.:e11 and its branches in the earth."
The cerebrum is man's potential or embryological heaven.
his lzt·arc.:e-J\·, for his work is to perfect this heaved-up place.
The letter N is the key to the secret process. In Hebrew it
literally means Jesus.
This staten1ent constitutes the subject matter of another
book, God-Matz, the Word Made Flesh, soon to be re-pub-
lished \Vith much additional information. It is, however, impossible to leave earnest searchers for truth without some satisfaction, anci for the enlightenment of such the explanation
is: Jesus is a germ of life, a psycho-physical germ-cell, just
as real, definite and tangible as any other physical germ, although more ethereal and delicate,-the fruit, progeny and product of a chemically perfect, therefore a highly refined and purified body. -~n imperfect and impure body can not produce or create this perfect thing. As the Bible states, in
Job 14 :4: "\''ho can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?
Not one.''
\Vhen that little o11e, that leaven which shall "leaven the
\vhole lump" or body of man, is at last created in the manger (or solar plexus), it follows a path planned for it. It enters the Jordan, and ascends by this River of God to the cerebrum
via certain glands. Then, indeed, will N have been added to
the brain, which, as the poet 1\filton has said, "Is its own place and in itself can make a hell of heaven, a heaven of hell."
The roots of the Tree of Life arc three nerves \vhich ascend from the fructified germ cell. These later on form five, and constitute the outline of the five ventricles of the brain. The
optic thalami is the matrix from \vhich the roots branch out
and upward, and it is also the center from which springs the
spinal cord, that sacred Euphrates (River of God), which goes down to water the earth. From it, buddings form on either side, and thus the right and left sympathetic nerves gro,v, constituting the Tree of Kno\\·ledge of Good and Evil.
ivluch more can be written on the above subject, but it will
be fully considered in the book God-Man, the Word Made Flesh. The above statements serve to prove, however, that
astrology and physiology are inseparable, and that in the former we will eventually find every physiological mystery revealed.
Aries, then, relates to the cerebrum and cord, 'vhich constitute the Father, the IVIost High, the Creator or Progenitor of the body, other,vise God and the River of God. "And a river \Vent ·out of Eden.'' Therefore the head may be termed
truly the f"ountain-H ead of Life. In the New Testament the River Jordan is the same as the Euphrates, and means de.scender, for the River of God does come do\vn from above,
our physiological heaven.
Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, deals with the creation of man's body. The first chapter has to do with the formation of the animal cell or lo\vest form of life, the amreba or germ cell, without \vhich no human or other form is created. It does not refer to the actual animals themselves. In the light of this explanation the second chapter is logical and not contradictory, for the animals (animal cells) arc
brought together into man. I'Vlan's body is an aggregate of
animal cells.
"There is a spirit in man, and the inspiration ( inbreathing) of the ~-\lmighty giveth it understa11ding." Differentia-
tion between forms in the different kingdoms of Nature de-
pends on breath. The plant breathes and polarizes itself
as the plant. The animal breathes, and its breath takes on a certain vibration, thus polarizing it as the animal or negative breath (ani-mal) .
But the breath of man is polarized as that of a human being, and as he was formed in the likeness and image of God, he
possesses something more than the animal. i\s the rate of
vibration of the cells of his body increases in proportion to the result of purification and obedience to God's laws of right liv-
ing, he no longer desires, but inspiration takes its place.
Space can not be given in this chapter to go into detail relative to the discovery I have recently made that the
Erotes are the keres of life i11 man. However, this much must
be said: the name given to the upper brain or cerebrum con-
tains the secret of life, for cere is kere in Greek, and it is to
T11E zoniAc ANo TI-lE SALTs oF s.~LvATio~
the literature and sculpture of that classic race we must turn for indisputable information relative to the source of life.
The skull is the Cup of Life and contains the Essence of
I.,i fe, and we find much in formation in ancient \vri tings relative to it. In Ha ldra Rabba Quadisha, or The Greater Holy
Assembly, we find many statements. In fact the entire work deals intimately with it. From it the following have been selected as examples: "Therefore He carved out (that is, hollowed out) a space which He might flo,v in," meaning that the Creator formed the skull, a bowl, in which precipitated
Spirit might accumulate, thus creating the cerebrum or high
Again: "The Absolute desire "·ithin himself to create the essence of light." The word essence is derived from the Latin verb esse, which means to be. Therefore essence means the substance of being, or the nzaterial neceJsar)' for existence.
Light means life and also Spirit, for the latter produces both light and life. A deficiency in any of these means deficiency in all.
The great majority of people in the world have sufficient Spirit to keep them going for only a few years. Spirit or Father works with 1notlzer or 11zaterial. One must equal the other for perfection to exist.
In Chapter IV we read: "Concerning the Dew or l\'1 oisturc
of the Brain, of the Ancient Onet or Macroprosophus: And from that skull distilleth a Dew upon him which is external,
and filleth His head daily." "~'\nd from that Dew \vhich How-
eth down from his head, the dead arc raised up in the '\vorld
to come." "Concerning which is written, Cant. V :2: My lzead
is filled with dew." "And by that Dew are nourished the holy
supernal ones." "And this is the nz au na ,,...h ich is prep a red for the just in the world to come."
\Vhat an astounding mass of information \Ve have here. \Ve find that macroprosophus is the ancient name for the cere-
brun1, the spiritual brain, the actual Father or Creator. ..."\I so
that Dew is a very old term for brain substance, and a very fitting one, since dew is a moist precipitation from above, found on the earth or ground. The words "and filleth His head daily" link up directly with the Bible statement in John
6:58: "I am the ·living bread which conz.etlz dowtz from Heaven." And again: "Give us this day our dail)' bread." As
the earth (mother) attracts the de\V or Spirit, so each person
rss 1
is responsible for the creation of his or her own bread. Chem-
istry alone explains this, which we will consider later.
And how wonderful the promise accompanying the follow-
ing: "And from that dew which floweth down (into the body) from His head the dead are raised to life in the world
to come." World means the body, the earth world below the heaven
world, in other words, the skull and the torso. This explains why we have deteriorated through the years. We have been really dying daily instead of becoming more alive. There has been insufficient dew or brain esse to feed the body-not enough "daily bread., This means both physical and spiritual starvation. The body is in itself a graveyard, because it contains so many dead bodies-corpuscles.
\Ve are also given another word having the same meaning-manna, for its interpretation in the Hebrew language is
matt making. The manna, or heavenly bread, forms man and
also feeds him. Please read the following until it is indelibly etched upon
c; your mind: Tlze braitz or cerebrum is the first and most im-
PorIan I gland in the body. The essence iI JIii~~ flows
through all the glatzds, but each gland consecutively differentiates its fluid. It is of a neuter or neutral nature when first formed, and would continue to be so if mankind did not take fro'ln it-or rob it. We object to having some of our posses-
sions stolen from us by thieves, but never dream that the worst thief is the one who robs himself of his most precious treasure
-the golden essence of life. This is, indeed, the treasure that we are commanded to 11/ay up in heaven."
To any who become impatient for the chemical allocation, let me say with all kindness that it can never be understood unless all the foregoing statements are linked up with it indissolubly. It is the hidden or esoteric which alone throws light on the exoteric.
Of the optic thalamus the Kabbala informs us: "Therefore it is called the open eye, the holy eye, the excellent eye, the eye of Providence, the eye which sleeP.eth not, neither slumbereth, the eye which is the guardian of all things, the eye which is the subsistence of all things."
Do we not say "Yes, I sec" \\'hen we understand or get a
point? Truly we are spiritually blind when \Ve cognize but little. 1\nd ~·ho is to blame? None but ourselves.
The organ referred to above, the optic thalamus, occupies the central portion of Aries, or the third ventricle-to be correct, the middle decan (ten degrees). While the sign as a whole is ruled by Mars (energy) it has a co-ruler, the Sun. Thus the Sun is e:~al1ed in Aries, meaning that, at last., the inner sun, or thalamus, is receiving what has been so long kept from it. The Lord is now truly receiving the bread and wine
for the supper in the upper clzatnber.
How much the well-being of the lower brain or cerebellum depends on the cerebrum is also explained in the Greater Holy Assembly ( whirh in itself refers to the upper brain, the place where i\ll Things, Essence, are assembled) : "Since there is not
subsistence in the i11{erior brain except by the preservation of
the su!Jerior brain,·'-ccrebrum. \Vc must here quote from IVI alachi, third chapter, eighth verse: "\Vill a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, \Vherein have we robbed
thee ? ltz I itlz cs and oIfe,.ings."
.t\s the general interpretation of money is that which serves as a common medium of exchange or measure of value in trade, \Vc f1nd its figurative origin in the brain substance of man. It is in very truth his most precious treasure, the mental
rule or medium by \vhich he n1casures values and makes ex-
changes in his eart.hly (bodily) dealings. It is truly the coin of the realm.
This is further borne out by the ancient interpretation of l\·lercury, interpreted as mind, and physiologically as brain and nerves. From its root \Ve obtain the \Vord merchandise. 1\-I ercury is sairl to rule trade, for trading is done by means of merchandise o1· money. The brain substance is the merchan-
dise or money which, continually laid up or restored, becomes
an ever increasing asset which actually produces for us more than compound interest. But if the principal is drawn on constantly, through sexual excesses or other forms of depletion, there is no possible means by which any interest can accrue. Conservation indeed makes for efficiency. In ancient days an image of Mercury was placed at the cross-roads to poit~l tlze
way for travelers. l\1 ental treasures are the only ones in-
capable of being stolen by any but ourselves. The mind
travels, and is supported on all its journeys by the money it
possesses. In their sculptures the Greeks have left to posterity much
that is invaluable. "'fhe caduceus borne aloft by the hand of
[ 60)
1\tler~ury is used today as the symbol of healing by the American and British medical corps, but who can say how many of its members have even the faintest conception of its real meaning.
The word caduceus is derived from the verb cado, meaning TO FALL. Therefore the whole story of the FALL and RISE of man is contained in it, for the winged pole represents the cerebro-spinal system; the pole, the spine, and the two wings are the two hemispheres of the brain or the Tree of Life, "·hile the two serpents twined around it are the right and left sympathetic systems, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and also the two 1hie'L·es.
The motor system represented by these nerves, in its present deficient and hence imperfect condition, has deteriorated and been perverted into an e-motional system. And this is the condition of Pumanity in general. E-motion means a \vaste of motion, a lack of conservation. .~11 unnect"Ssar.v, motion constitutes waste, and when the nervous system is so depleted that th~re is no control over it, one is said to be uncontrolled or carried a\\'ay by emotion. \Vhere perfection exists no emotion will manifest, and by this is not meant spasmodic control, but harmony. One does not need to exclaim, to weep, to shout or to jump about to express what one thinks-but the eyes and face can express deep sympathy and understanding.
To prove that the Hindus know of a Tree of Life we find in their literature the follo\\'ing: "The fruit and sap of the Tree of Life hestows immortality.'' Among the most ancient
traditions of the Hindus is that of the Tree of Life called
Sotna in Sanskrit, the juice of which imparts immortality. Their legend of Elysium or Paradise says: ''In the sacred mountain Meru, which is perpetually clothed in the golden rays of the sun~ and whose lofty summit reaches into heaven, no sinful man can exist. It is guarded by a dreadful dragon. It is adorned with many celestial plants and trees, and is watered by fo~tr rivers \vhich thence separate and flow to the four chief directions." These rivers correspond in number to those given in Genesis.
\Vhen all students realize that mind can not function without a brain, and the latter is not formed unless the necessary material is present it will at last be understood that both Spirit
r6t 1
and matter are absolutely necessary in order to accomplish healing.
The word healing has not been understood, for it means
to be made \vhole, perfect, entire. \'Te may be helped in many
ways and by many things, but to be healed means that all the work necessary for perfection has been completed. The mechanic gets busy with the machine that is not running properly, removes old parts, and puts in new. The human body is the only machine which has the power to rebuild itself daily, and \vill do so when the needed material is supplied. There are many more references in Sacred Writings to manna, de,v, honey, nectar and ambrosia, food of the gods, elixir of life, sacred Soma juice, Amritam or am rita, all referring to the creative esse or brain substance.
Eli ph as Levi, in his ":ork on Transcet~de11ta/ 1-Y!agic, says:
1'The lzun1an head is fornzed upon the 1nodel of rlze celestial spheres; it attracts and radiates, and in the concep1io11 of a child this is what is first formed and first manifests. Hence the head is subject in an absolute manner to astral influence,
and evidences its several attractions by its diverse protuberances. The final word of phrenology is to be found, therefore, in scientific and purified astrology."
\Ve find much in the above quotation-that Aries, the upper brain, is a celestial sphere, that it corresponds to heaven and is therefore man's heaven. The Scriptures substantiate this by saying, "The kingdom of heaven is withi11 )'Ou." Therefore, 'vithin ~-\ries are all of the lights, planets or rates of vibration,
in other \vords gods or rulitzg powers. And it is these which
link up with, receive vibrations from, and are affected by, the planets or heavenly bodies \vithout. If the vibrations set up in the head are too slow, because of chemical deficiencies, and therefore unable to respond to those perfect etheric waves from the celestial head or head of the Grand man, then symptoms arise \vhich are the visible manifestation of inharmony and dis-ease.
Not only does the shape of the head bear evidence of this, as Eliphas IJev·i states, but everything representing the present status of the individual is indelibly etched upon the subtle cere-brum or brain esse. For the Spirit brings with it the photographic pl~te of its existence in its former physical body
as it in1 pre g11a 1es '\Vi t h its Spirit the ova which is at the same
time being impregnated by the animal spermatozoa.
I 62 1
It is to be hoped that there will be astrologers \vho will
appreciate Mr. Levi's statement relative to "a scientific and
purified astrology," for it deals with the mind and body of man .
.:-\ study of the word cere-brum gives us the follo\';ing: cere
means wax, and from the same root 've have the word cere-al
or seed. The letter Beth in Hebrew means womb or matrix of creation. The rest of the word is a Latin neuter ending, signi-
fying that th~ word has a neuter meaning. Truly is the cere-
bral substance of a neutral nature, as it contains or consists
of all things. The English explanation of the word wax used
as a verb means to assume, by degrees, a specified state or condition, and this is true of the brain as an organ.
\Vax is a substance secreted from the abdominal rings of bees, and possesses properties which render it a most convenient medi•Jm for preparing figures and models. It melts
at low heat and lakes the minutest impressions. It sets and
hardens at such temperature that no ordinary climatic changes affect its forl1", even when cast in thin laminre. Thus we sec why the brain substance is termed wax-like, for electricity, that needle of thought or Spirit, must have a subtle substance upon which to etch its patterns, otherwise termed convolutions.
In the Sanskrit literature, Brahmarandhra is Spirit or the bee. Therefore the wax of the brain substance is the excretion of that Spiritual Bee, and truly is it filled with what the Bee produces, the Honey of Life. This links up directly with the Bible statement in reference to "the land flowing with milk and honey," and to which those who obey God's laws are promised a safe return, a veritable return to the Garden of
Eden within one's self.
The word cere..al deals with seed, which is a wax-like glutenous substance, and the source of all life. In Greek mythology the goddess (female refers to substance or material) Ceres was the daughter (product) of Saturn and Ops (meaninr the sower of seed and the earth in which seed
is planted), and thus refers to the process of production, or,
as Greek literature informs us, to agriculture, which means to till a field.
The Bible states that, ''man purchases a field (body) with
thirty pieces of silver," and the same idea was brought out by the ancients in their statements relative to the heavenly bull (the sun in Taurus) plowing the earth. The Adam man
[ 631
(Taurus) signifies Spirit cabined and confined in an animal body (bull), which latter plows the earth blindly in rage, or yoked to reason {Aries) cultivates the soil (mineral elements) and thus re-creates himself. In doing this the Adam man is eliminated and only one mani fests-God..man.
In order to link up chemically 'vith the sign Aries, we must again repeat that it is, astrologically, the first of the three fire signs. Therefore it has to do with the first manifestation or appearance of life, Spirit confined within the physical vehi-
cle, and especially in a particular part, its own house. Here it
is possible for it to perform its O\Vn particular task. Aries, then, is the house of God, or the Spirit in man. It
houses or contains the brain, the organ of thought.
If tht! minci is able to function clearly it "?ill throw light on
every subject--it will illuminate and thus reveal all things to man. The only material 'vhich is so chemically constituted that it has the power to produce light or fire, is Kali phos, or
potassium phosphate. It produces the highest rate of vibratio11
of any of the twelve basic mineral elements of the body. Here it must be explained why there arc not sixteen con-
sidered. The four additional, 'vhich are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon are not minerals. Their presence in the body depends entirely on the presence of the twelve minerals. For instance, \Ve do not consider oxygen, for its presence in the body depends entirely on the Ferrum or iron content of the blood. This wonderful magnetic salt is the chemical attractor of oxygen and is its only means of entering the body. It is
equally true that the qua11tity of oxygen one is able to inspire
depends wholly on the amount of iron in the blood stream. Therefore, it is unnecessary to consider this gas as a constituent of the body, for it will take care of itself \vhen the blood is supplied with iron.
Let us return, then, to our consideration of this most \vonderful material, Kali phos. It is the 11zater-ial or m.otlzer
(mater is Latin for mother) of liglzt, for it contacts and links
up with the invisible fire in Nature, and actually harnesses it within the human body. As it produces a higher rate of vibration than any other salt, it is proof that the physical body can
respond witlz safety to no higher rate.
Therefore, if the body is subjected to the vibrations of radium or those of X-ray, the cells of the body receiving them
"'ill be burned. i\s it has been stated by physicians that this
[ 641
ray will kill living cancer cells it is absolutely true that it will also destroy healthy cells by burning. It is \veil known that scientists who spend their lives experimenting with both radium and X-r:tys are very low in vitality and, in many instances, suffer from cancer. Their own cells have been burned, and putrify after burning.
Potassium must be used as a healing agent instead, in all three of its forms or combinations, namely, Kali phos, Kali mur, and K:tli sulph, together with its opposite pole salt, Ferrum or iron. Thus there will be plenty of oxygen for the fire of purification to consume.
In the stud~.y of practical chemistry, we find that when some of this potassium salt is thrown on water, it instantly generates such a powerful electrical current that the hydrogen is separated from the oxygen, takes fire and burns with its characteristic violet flame in the released oxygen. Thus the two gases hydrogen and oxygen disappear. They have returned into the invisible, having been chemically released. If the imagination is active, it is easy to picture in the mind's eye (the optic thalamus) the inverse operation, the process whereby the Great Chemist and Architect of the Universe invisibly unites or forges the two gases, oxygen and hydrogen, and precipitates them in the form of water. The unification is done by electricity, the hidden fire.
Greek mythology tells us of the mighty Vulcan who forges the thunderbolts. lndeed, that literature is a compilation of scientific facts relative to nature and man, transmitted to us in beautiful and poetic language. The Bible contains the same facts but in noble and stately prose. Truly there is only one story of importance, the story of the process whereby humanity may ascend from the depths to the heights-perfectiotz.
Potassium is a soft, brilliant, bluish-white metal melting at sixty-two and five-tenths degrees to a liquid resembling mercury. In astrology Mercury is "the Messenger of the Gods" or ruling powers. Therefore we see how applicable the comparison is, for potassium is truly the food by which the gods, or gray matter, arc nourished.
The sensorv, nerv. es are the wires connected with the great
generator of electrical energy, the cerebrum, the house of God or Aries. These ramify throughout the entire body, supplying electricity whereby all of its work is done.
It is important to remember, that not only does this electri-
[ 651
cal system run the body, but it is actually the subtle substance
with which thinking is done. For electricity is both energy and substance, although unseen by our eyes, which are incapable of responding to this high rate of vibration as yet.
As potassium is a carrier of fire, perhaps it will be well to
explain, at this point, what this research \vork has revealed relative to carbon-monoxide poison. Since the advent of the automobile a new cause of death has been added to the many already tabulated, and the newspapers frequently state that so-and-so was found dead in his car, the motor running and the garage doors closed, thus shutting out the purifying oxy-
gen. As chemistry states, potassiunz has a lePidenry to utzile direct/)' with carbon-nzonoxide to produce a dangerous/)' exploJive bod)' It is my belief therefore that the sensory cells of the brain e:t:pand violently and thus burst, causing death.
The spectrum of potassium is characterized by two sharply
defined lines, one in the red and the other in violet. The wave length of the former is 0.0007 680, and that of the latter
0.000409 5. As red-violet or true magenta is the color of
..~ries, the above is conclusive proof that the potassium of ~-\ries and the iron of Pisces forge together the closing links in the zodiacal circle of life. (See article on allocation of color ,._,-ith the zodiac elsewhere in this book).
In Sir Thomas Vaughan's works (sixteenth century) trans-
lated by A. I·:. Waite, the earnest student will find a mine of
mineral wealth. He says: "\Vithin this fantastic circle (the
head) stands a Lamp, and it typifies the Light of Nature. This is the Secret Candle of God, which He hath tinned in the elc1nents: it burns and is not seen, for it shines in a dark place. Every natural body is a kind of black lantern; it carries this Candle \\·ithin it, but the light appears not; it is eclipsed
with the grossness of matter. The effects of this light are
apparent in all things; but the Light itself is denied, or else not follo\ved. This L.ight or Fire is nowhere to be found in such abundance and purity as in that subject which the
i\rabians call Halicali, from Hali (Summum) and Calop
(Bonum) ; but the Latin authors write it Sal A /kali.
"Thi~ substance is the catholic (universal) receptacle of Spirits. It is blessed a11d impregnated with light from above,
and was therefore styled by the magicians 'a sealed house, full
of light and divinity.' "
In ..~rabic, potassium is given as Al-gali, from which the
[ 66]
word alkali is derived. Studying the word, al-kali we find it means, literally, Father (al or el in Hebrew means God or
father) and Kali, a Sanskrit word for fire. In the Vedic, an
older form of the word means mother. Thus the true inter-
pretation of alkali is father-mother, or positive and negative
combined or harmonized, therefore a neutral substance. Indeed it is a chemical fact that it is alkaline.
Vaughan refers to the above as "mineral doctritZe," which
is very unique and absolutely true. We will be well on our way in the study of the chemistry of the body when we begin to
realize that this is, indeed, a most necessary doctrine and must be religiously followed.
Again Vaughan says: "For in Genesis he hath discovered many particulars, and especially those secrets which have most relation to this ~1rt. For instance, he hath discovered the
minera of man, or that substance out of which man and
all of his fellow-creatures were made." He elsewhere men-
tions the sperm of the world, as the first essence, which allo-
cates perfectly with the first explanation herein of the brain
substance, from the word cere-brum, or seed substance. Sperm means seed. Hali-Cali (potassium) is also termed "the casket which holds the Light, and links us up with God and Nature."
Sufficient proof has been given thus far, in these pages, that potassium is a most subtle substance of very high vibration,
capable of holding within itself tlze fire of life, electricity,
prana, or Spirit. Reviewing the information relative to the astrological interpretation of Aries and its definite relation to the cerebro-spinal system, we sec that Dr. Carey's allocation of Kali phos to the zodiacal sign Aries has been indubitably proved.
\Vell may the wondrous cerebral substance be termed Proteus, for it truly is the Ancient of Days. In Greek mythology Proteus was a many-formed deity. Being composed of
c'l.:crything, he could revert back to anything, take any shape
he wished, just as by chemical or electrical vibration all chemical substances will eventually be found to revert back to one.
The word protoplasm is derived from the same root word as Proteus. If any one doubts that Kali phos or potassium phosphate is the chief substance in the gray nerve cells let him read the information furnished by any dictionary, encyclo-
predia or work on the physical body. Perhaps it will be well
to explain what is said relative to protoplasm:
[ 67]
Proto, meaning first, and plasm, meaning form, is the name for the viscous (sticky or glutinous) material of a vegetable or animal cell. Please be advised that the word glutinous is derived from the same root as gluten, a nutritious substance; a proteid; the sticky, albuminous part of wheat (ceres) flour." It is, therefore, seed, a more or less granulated substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell.
"Protoplasm was previously termed sarcode, or flesh. The protoplasm of most cells appears under the high power of the microscope as a tzelwork (spongioplasm or reticulum) containing a more fluid substance (hyaloplasm) in its meslzes. Chemically it is a mixture of eighty to eighty-five per cent water, and fifteen to twenty per cent solids (chiefly proteids), with small quantities of fat, albumoses, globulins, and peptones.
"It also cont~ins small quantities of carbohydrates like glycogen, inosite, and mineral salts, especially those of potassiutn, which cause it to yield an alkaline reactiotz. Protoplasm has been called by Huxley, owing to its presence in all organized bodies, 'the physical basis of life,' and some have held that its plzenomeu'J 5how that the difference between organized and unorganized cells is simply complexity of chemical constituliotz. It is therefore a lziglzly compte."( substatzce regarded aJ a 1ni.tt:Jre of different chenzical substances.
"Protoplasm is contractile and irritable and reproduces by self-division."
The above statement that protoplasm is cotztractile is absolute pror,f of the presence of 1\1agnesium phos, the nzoving or motor salt, Calcium fluoride, the builder of elasticity, and Potassium phosphate, the electrical salt. \Ve are
here informed positively that the chicf salt is potassium, for
electricity, spirit, or the fire of life must ensoul all matter.
In Gray's Anatomy we find that the soft, jelly-like material termed cytoplasm found in the nucleated mass of protoplasn1 contains, among other things, 1nineral salts; "chief among which are the phosphates and chlorides of potassium, sodium, and calcium.'' ( 1924 Edition).
Scientists have for some time known the above facts, and there is no longer any reason or excuse why the medical profession en masse should not adopt and utilize henceforth the findings of Dr. vVilliam Schuessler relative to Biochemistrythe "inorganic system." The opinions of so many dietitians,
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naturopaths and others, that the mineral tablets or cell-salts used to supply blood deficiencies can not enter the blood or be utilized, are absolutely untrue, and would not be uttered if these salts were faithfully and conscientiously tested for one year.
In the first place, those making such a statement as this,
for instance-"the salts are inorganic, and the body can use only what is organic," show their ignorance of the interpretation and derivation of words, for organic does not mean that a mineral is changed, but that several have been combined with fluidic materials. They can not be changed,
even by fire. Another fact not recognized is that the chemist
is able to pulverize or triturate them into as fine particles as they are found in plants. Think how much it means, when one uses the chemical term Kali, to know that it is the same in Latin and German, and is thus traced directly to the Sanskrit. Thousands of Hindus worship the goddess Kali as the most powerful deity in Nature-Fire-which is at the same
time the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer. f..ire cre-
ates, it preserves, and yet it can destroy. Most scier-tists agree that there can be no life without
potassium, and at least we realize that it is the visible means whereby life is manifested. It is indeed Proteus.
Since potassium feeds the gray matter of the brain, it at
one and the same time nourishes the Spirit in that brain. Sir Thomas Vaughan says: "Be ye transmuted from dead stones into living philosophical stones, a conversion of body into spirit, and spirit into body, from corruption into a perfect mode, wherein the body would be preserved continually. The medicine is, however, in heaven itself and not to be found elsewhere, yet not meaning thereby that it is remote in place or time, but rather in that center which, being within us-is a center that can be found everywhere.''
In the form of oil we find that potassium sulphate per-
meates all parts of the body. The marrow of the bones is thickened oil or fat stored there to feed and preserve them. Each and every cell in the body is surrounded by and bathed in an oily, salty fluid for the same purpose. Potassium, in the form of potassium chloride or Kali mur, spins threads of fibrin oc flesh fibers. Therefore all tissue, ligaments, structure of all the organs, glands, skin, etc., are made of it. Then wise Mother Nature adds to some of these fibers a large propor-
[ 69]
tion of potassium phosphate to form electrical wires through which positive currents may pass and thus enable physiological processes to go on. Potassium, in all of its combinations, is then a conveyor or medium of life or fire; for fire is life, and life is Spirit.
In his book, The Biochemic System of Medicine, Dr. Carey
says: "The gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell-salt, potassium phosphate. This salt unites with albumin, and by the addition of oxygen creates nerve fluid, or the gray matter of the brain. Of course, there is a trace of other salts and organic matter in nerve fluid, but potassium phosphate is the chief factor, and has the power
within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity, all thit~gs (Proteus) needed to manufacture the elixir of life." And we know that this esse (the substance of being) actually
creates the child in utero.
He further s:tys: "Therefore, when nervous symptoms arise due to the fact that the nerve-fluid has been exhausted from any cause, the phosphate of potassium is the only true remedy, because nothing else can possibly supply the deficiency.
The ills from too rapidly consuming the gray matter of the
brain can not be overestimated, and if all ,vho are inclined to nervous disorders would carry Kali phos with them, in tablet form, a large amount of sickness and suffering \Vould be prevented. J..,et the over,vorked business man take it and
go home good-tempered. I ..et the weary \Vi fe, nerves un-
strung from attending to sick children or entertaining company, take it and note how quickly the equilibrium will be
restored and raltn attd reason assert lzer tlzro11e. \Ve find this
potassium salt largely predominates in nerve fluid, and that a deficiency produces well-defined symptoms. The beginning and end of the matter is to supply the lacking principle, and
in molecular form, exactly as tullure furtzislzes it itz 'lJegetables,
a'" fruits, arzd grain. To supply deficiencies-this is the only I
of cure." There is one point \vhich tnust he thoroughly understood,
and, in order that it rna y be, it 'vill be rc fer red to in each of these t'velve chapters, as follows:
The principle involved in this method is that of body building. !\·1 any reasons combine to make the body un-
able to obtain a sufficient supply of the twelve inorganic salts. Therefore supplementing the nzoderate diet of t~aturnl food,
[ 70]
.simply prepared, with the different kinds of salts which each
individual requires day after day, month after month, and year after year, is the actual method by which disease is eliminated and the blood kept well nourished. In this way there is never any deficiency.
Most people seem unable to understand this, and so cease taking the salts when symptoms no longer appear. The salts
are taken not to cure symptoms, but to build up such a good body that symptoms can not arise. A person takes food every
day, and seems really to understand that the body must have
nutriment. One does not say, "I ate yesterday and so I won't
need food again for a long time." People like to eat too well ever to think of saying that, but they soon forget their minera] salts "·hen no symptom or pain is present to remind them.
Taking them in a desultory way is merely pate/zing up instead of daily building a new body automatically. This is the baJic plan for phyJica/ regeneration. "Be ye perfect, as your Father
in heaven is perfect." Among the many outstanding symptoms which deficiency in
potassium phosphate causes are: Extreme nervousness, insanity, paralysis, hysteria, fainting, mental and physical exhaustion, strange fancies and forebodings, softening of the brain and spinal cord, nervous headache, hungry feeling after eating food, etc. The writer, however, does not deal with symptoms, but furnishes the individual plan whereby the body may be entirely made over.
This plan is founded on the natural zodiac, wherein the
planets are placed in the degrees of the signs in which they were at a person,s birth. Allocating the mineral salts with these signs will give the correct analysis and indicate the tendencies to deficiencies. This being known, one can then give a list of the symptoms, mental as well as physical, which may at any time tend to appear, until the blood is more nearly supplied with the needed salts. And as Shakespeare so truly said:
••And ~o from hour to hour we ripe and ripr, And thrn from hour to hour \ve rot and rot,
i\nd thereby han~ the tale."
If our chemical needs are supplied we will ripen, physically and spiritually, but continued deficiencies in "the dust of the earth," result in the other unattractive and undesirable condition.
In The Gospel of Buddha we read the following: "But
[ 71 ]
to satisfy the necessities of life is not evil. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trin' the lamp of wisdom and keep our minds strong and clear., Truly does Kali phos, or phosphate of potassium feed this lamp.
And from the same ancient source, the Sanskrit, we obtain the following physiological information: "The living brain is constituted of gross sensible material ( M ahabhuta) infused with prana. Its material has been worked up so as to constitute a suitable vehicle for the e."(pression of consciousness in the form oi mind-Antahkarana., (From Serpent Power, p. 127). Potassium phosphate is the vehicle of consciousness.
[ 72]
..1 come from a land in the sun-bright deep Where golden gardens glo,,·_
\\'here the "·inds of the North becalmed in sleep Their conch-shells never bJo,v."
-From: Moore's Song of lht 1/yptrbortan.
N the twenty-first of April, approximately, the Sun enters that part of the heavens wherein is the constellation of the Bull. Dr. Wakeman Ryno writes of it as follows: "This sign has been the inspiration, in all ages, of more myths and stories than all the other twelve signs put together. Taurus was worshiped as a healing god, because he represented the growing strength of the Sun, and healing, from 'Helios' the Sun. In the Greek we have the word Theos, which is the basis of our English words theology and theological. He is Taur, Thor or Theuth; the Golden Calf of I-Ioreb, of the Bible story; he is Hesperia, where Hercules conquered the Oxen of Geryon; he was Amen-Apis of the Thebans." Helios is also Apollo, and every nation and every people has had its own particular term for this divine giver of life, light and heat. Taurus is the first of the earth triplicity. As two weeks of May and one of April are concerned with its labor, we find the true interpretation of the sign in the word May, the source of which is a Sanskrit root, Mag, meaning to move. The word Maia is derived from the same root. She it was to whom the ancients offered gifts on the first day of May, and even to the present day children celebrate May-Day night by exchanging baskets of gifts, hanging them on door knobs. They also delight in May-pole dances and playing pranks of a more or less harmless and foolish nature. The parts of the body with which this sign allocates arc the ears, face around lower jaw, cerebellum, neck, throat, liver and gall-bladder.
[ 73]
The word cerebellum differs from cerebrum in its ending only. The fir~t part of the word, cere, means seed. Bellum is a Latin word meaning war or antagonism, contention. Thus
contention or antagonism. It should not be; but, because it
is the aninzal brain, the bull-headed god of the Age of the Golden Calf, it represents that stage in the evolution of humanity when it is torn by animal passions. Microprosophus
(of the Kabbala) is not co-operating with l\1 acroprosophus;
in other words, the animal man, Adam, "is ever contending against God," for passion can not hear the voice of reason. Seed (cere) essence is destroyed. The word Taurus or Torus also means any round swelling or protuberance-a projecting part or cushion. It is a well known anatomical fact that the cerebellum has such a protection, and is seen in any chart. Indeed it is colored red on the charts so as to be outstanding.
The sub-conscious mind functions through the lower brain or cerebellum. To be sure this is contrary to what psychologists teach, but the following is proof of its functioning process.
Naturally the cerebrum, being the spiritual brain, is the
organ of consciousness. It is Ram a, the l\1 ost High. In the
Greek it is ..~thens, and the goddess .i\thena means 'visdom. It is from this Greek word that we derive the term attic. An attic is the top-most room in a house. Delicate 'vit is termed "attic \visdom." There fore the cerebrum is the first house or first compartment in the physical d\vclling. \\7hen this part of the brain is chemically perfected and hence all knowledge is
ob.tained, consciousness or Spirit manifests as the Christ Con-
scaousness. The term .Htb means under, and is derived from the Latin.
Therefore, the sub-conscious brain in \vhich the sub-conscious mind functions is situated under the brain pertaining to con- .
sciousness or the cerebrum. It is, \Ve may say, the basement or
cellar brain, where the things stored become damp and full of
moths. Ho\v beautiful]y true is the Biblical injunction: "Lay
up treasures in heaven (re-read the first chapter) \vhere moths do not corrupt and \Vhere thieves do not break through nor steal."
.L~gain, when it is understood that Aries or the cerebrun1 is the God-brain and Taurus or the cerebellum (the contending brain) in the animal, it becomes perfectly clear.
The .state of mind, then, \vhich each one of us manifests
[ 74]
in our imperfect state becomes the divine Bull by being yoked to our higher consciousness. When a statement presented to us is understood do we not say "Yes, I am conscious of that fact." And is it not equally true that, when we are
unable to cognize another we say, ul\ro, I am tzot conscious ~hat that is a fact " This, then, is summed up in the statement that tt'e are not fully conscious.
No one can be fully conscious who is living in the animal passions, and to whom they are attractive. To the degree in which we are able to master them, to transmute or use that same energy (Taurus) in mental work-in the house of consciousness, the cerebrum, do we merge from the subconscious state to that of the conscious, or spiritual. The animal is the sub-human and the cerebellum is the animal brain. Tauru~ must be yoked-controlled-guided by wisdom. Many contend that the solar plexus is the sub-conscious brain; but an understanding of anatomy and physiology proves that this great center which is a collection of twelve great nerve ganglia and hence a zodiac in itself, is a receiver of energy, and hence one of feeling and sensation, not of thought.
It is indeed true that, as long as we live in the animal brain and are carnally minded, we are Jpiritually moldy and full of moths; and eventually the form itself goes back into the ground to be consumed.
"The last enemy to be overcome is death."-Bible; and "The wages of sin is death." Therefore, when we no longer falL .short or are deficient, which is the true meaning of sin, we will no longer die, for it will be physiologically and chemically impossible.
Taurus, or the Bull, is said to plow the earth, preparing the soil that it may bring forth. Here we must recall the parable of the sower who went forth to sow. The Adam man is the sower. He is given, has made, and contains the seeds of all things, as also does the earth.
But upon what kind of ground will these seeds fall-on fertile or barren? Ponder well on a mighty fact: The corpuscles of the body are its seed. I am not referring to the seed of procreation, for that is a different kind. But I will give you another point, equally mighty: The animal man actually robs his body of its corpuscles (one tenth, to be exact) in forming
( 751
tlze gernzs of procrea tio11. This is a fact \vhich science \vill one
day admit. The Bible states that "Man purchases a field with thirty
pieces of silver." The field (and the term ''thirty pieces of silver") is understood by studying the thirty degrees of Scorpio \vhich allocate with the organs of procreation. It is only by means of these organs that progeny may be had. The
body or forn1 is purchased, and with the coitz of tlze real1n, for it has its origi11 in Aries, the cerebrum, which is the first gla11d in rlze body. This heavenly treasure, the Gold of Ophir,
becomes perverted from its original and Paradisiacal use and
is changed to silver after Ao,ving out of the Garden of Eden-
the cerebrum. The middle decan of Aries, allocating \vith the opti~
thalami, is the place of the sagittal or ..-\11-Seeing Eye, the seat of knowltdgc where we interpret all that 've see, hear,
sme11, taste and touch. So the last dccan of Taurus is aIso
concerned with the senses, and especially with eyesight. _i\s
the nerves from the head contact or cross at the base of the
brain, a chart 'vill often indicate trouble with sight. The reason for this is that there is interference with circulation, and the special nerves having to do with this function are unable to carry nutritive blood to the center in sufficient
quantity, or to bring away the \vaste products. i\s a result
\Ve often find- cataracts forming on the eyes. The middle decan of Aries is, therefore, the positive pole pertaining to the vision, and the last decan of Taurus is the negative end.
Referring to our interpretation of the sign with \vhich \Ve are dealing, we must again note that it means lo move. .i\fter the outpouring of Divine F'ire at the Spring equinox and until
i\pril 21st, art iotz begins. Nature starts to manifest visibly or bring forth objectively. Here again we check accurately with
the anatomy and physiology of the cerebellum, for it is the
tnolor brain, the mechanical brain. It does things. It receives
the elcctrici ty "·hich .:\ries, the cerebrum, generates. For cosmic electricity-Spirit-starts the motor, and the medulla oblongata relays it so that it may start on its long journey down into Egypt (the torso, or place of darkness). The energy thus sent is received by the solar plexus, consisting of t\velve large nerve ganglia, which, in turn, broadcasts it to the organs. If the solar plexus is weak because chemically deficient, it is not only unable to receive sufficient of this great
[ 76]
influx, but is also unable to supply the organs. It can not give what it does not possess. Then, again, the trouble may originate in the cerebellum itself and that organ may be unable both to receive and dispense energy. Stop and consider, please, all of the allocations that we have thus far synthesized: the meaning of the period which constitutes Taurus (May-the doing, or moving month) and the cerebellum (the motor, the brain which acts).
Here we must dwell, for a time, on the chaotic condition in which we find humanity today. We find everything perverted-religion, science, Iaw, medicine, sex, finance, amusements. Nothing has escaped, with the exception of mathematics. We are indeed fortunate that two and two still make four, and that no one contradicts.
It is a self-evident fact that, if all the parts of a machine
are in perfect order, properly co-ordinated and contacting power, it will work perfectly. The human mechanism is subject to the same law. If a motor stops and starts, the result is spasmodic action, not action which is harmonious. Thus, spasmodic thought results in inharmonious acts, and to the degree in which it thus manifests chaos results.
With both cerebrum and cerebellum extremely deficient chemically, is it then any wonder that human thought and action are unsettled, inharmonious and spasmodic? It can not be otherwise. This is the solution, then, for it explains why wars exist, why there is no agreement, no harmony among nations, and why social, civic, religious and racial inharmony is rampant.
The spirit or God confined in an unhealthy, deficient brain, poisoned with the waste products of gluttony and wrong living, is utterly unable to produce harmonious thought. The lower hrain in an equally imperfect condition can not give birth to a vibration or current of energy that is as constructive as is necessary. For the most part the energy generated is used in a negative or destructive way. Thoughts are imperfect and spasmodic, and the acts which follow are equally so.
The Gold of Ophir mentioned in the Scriptures is the manna or dew referred to in Aries, and is the first substance with which Spirit (the Erotes of Life) links up, uniting the elements and bringing order out of chaos. The word Ophir means in Hebrew a fruitful region. In Smith's Bible Dictionary ( 1915, Appleton) we find that Baron von Wrede
[ 77]
made a small vocabulary of Himyaritic words in the vernacular
tongue, and among these he gives ofir as red. As this color is associated \Vith Aries, energy and fire, it allocates perfectly.
In addition \Ve have, on leaving off the letter 0, fir, which
is the fir or evergreen tree which from time immemorial has been used as a symbol of the Tree of Life.
i\s the \vord pine is also used interchangeably, we find that
the pine cone has been employed as a symbol of the pineal gland in the head, and indeed the word itself literally means
pitze god. The evergreen is a symbol of the renewal and
hence continuity of life. Like,yise this wonderful and
so-called mysterious gland in the head is the creator and renet~:er of life. AI and el in Hebrew mean God. Fine gold
is refined gold and there are many references in the Scriptures to the Gold of Ophir being of this nature. The cerebrum is truly a min~, a cave, in which is cloistered that most precious of all substances which has always been likened to gold.
In this Garden of Eden, coiled around the trunk of the
pine tree or Tree of Life \Ve find the serpent, which is sym-
bolical of energy, the head issuing forth from the midst of its branches. In many very ancient illustrations \Ve find that the serpent has three heads, the middle being more elevated.
This is in keeping with the physiological correspondence, for those on either side stand for the right and left sympa-
thetic systems which constitute the two thieves of the Scrip-
tures. Here the Gold of Ophir changes, takes on a different vibration and becomes silver. The Spiritual IVlan is represented by gold, the feminine counterpart by silver, while the Adam man is copper. Both gold and silver are said to be noble metals, because not easily oxidized. Gold is the fire of life, while silver is the water of life. The adi nerve is associated with the pituitary body or gland in the head, ,vhile the pengala connects with the pineal gland. The Sun rules the pineal and the Moon the pituitary. These constitute the
nzale and female which God joined together in the Garde11 of Eden, otherwise Aries, the cerebrum.
The nerve-fluid from these two glands meets and crosses at the point or place in the head where Taurus begins. It is Golgotha-Placc of the Skull. This is the cross on which animal nature brings suffering. We must refer to the sign
opposiI e Taurus, its com pIeme tz 1, that of Scorpio, as it is here
that we find n1uch of the animal energy of Taurus expressed.
[ 78]
There is a curious reference in the Bible to Scorpio which ecclesiastics do not seem to deal \Vith: "In Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was also crucified.''
Not only do these nerves cross at the base of the brain but at the second lumbar vertebra also, for the fire and water of life go downward into Scorpio and are literally thrown
away. This causes the real man, the Spirit, to be crucified, de-
frauded by the animal nature of material with which to express divinity.
But when the fire and water of life are not used prodigally, -when Adam no longer sacrifices his own son (substance) but offers up the animal instead, these divine fluids,
gold and silver, the noble metals (because high born) return
to their source. They ascend b)' goit~g over the cross from
Taurus into Aries, when the father and son, the creator and the product of that creation, again merge or blend into one another.
The right and left sympathetic systems are thieves, for until the emotions become controlled through the proper supply of the necessary chemical elements, the real function of this part of the body is unable to manifest. The real
function is 111otion and not e-motion. The e-motional life robs
the body of nerve energy and of the highly specialized nerve or soul fluid. Summing up this statement and referring to our zodiacal sign which deals with emotion-Leo--it is made plain
that the conservation of nerve energy and of soul fluid recreates that body which i11ztiates it.
\Ve must understand, then, that the story which Taurus gives us is relative to motion, 'vork, doing. Therefore in order that such may result, it is self-evident that there is in Nature a certain substance that creates motion (which is
energy matzifes tittg). Natrium or sodium is said to be a reducing agent. In other words it steps down chemical action and
lo\\-·crs the rate of vibration. It has the power to decompose water. In the form of Natrium sulph or sulphate of sodium, the addition of the sulphur causes a little different action.
Sulphur has been known from the remotest times. It forms an essential part of human and animal tissues and exists to a considerable extent in plant life, in that the human body must obtain it through food. \\Then digestion and assimilation fail because of Calcium starvation it must be derived from the highly triturated tablets of this mineral. Natrium sulph
[ 79]
is electro-negative, in this instance. It is linked ~·ith sodium and thus especially active in water.
The brain or Aries essence is a proteid, in fact this Ancient of Days in the Greek myth ""as Proteus-the first substance. It is a 'vell-kno\vn chemical fact that sulphur is the only visible mineraJ substance found in proteid, which proves that it per-
forms a linkitzg function. Thus it serves to link up the brain
substa11ce or Proteus \Vith the next chemical agent or Natrium, in order that a more substantial substance may result. There are t\velve steps in this reduction or stepping-down process, corresponding to the t\velve signs of the zodiac. Therefore the ''heavenly dew" is brought into a different state or condition, becoming more earthy or tangible.
One particle of Natrium sulph has the power to attract twice its bulk of water conltlitzitzg waste products and to throw it out of the blood. As waste products consist in the average human body of unhealthy or acid residue, they can truth fully be compared to sulphuric acid. Indeed \\'e find strange and sinister chemical products in a very foul and unhealthy human body.
The sodium, then, takes some of the fluid from the essence, mixes it \vith sulphur and begins the process of reduction, seeking to make a denser substance. A form is to be created. Spirit is to be clothed with matter.
We have said that Natrium sulph is a reducing agent in chemistry, and it indeed is. Those born when the Sun is transiting Taurus are lymphatic types, for they are deficient in sodium sulphate. They \\·ill find· many of the symptoms which appear at intervals during their lifetime listed under
this salt in Schuessler's Bioclzentic Sys te1n. They arc also set
forth in Dr. Carey's work. \Vhen this salt is supplied and taken faithfully it will gradually eliminate all these ills.
\Vhen the nature and use of Natrium sulph is understood, people will then know 'vhy they take on \\·eight and increase in size in spite of strict dieting. It is because the lymphatic system slo"·ly becomes engorged with excess fluid derived from the atmosphere through the breath. Air goes directly into the arterial blood, for the word artery means air-carrier. Air is humid or moist, and when it carries in suspension a great quantity of water the blood becomes quickly overcharged. Particularly is it difficult for the Taurian born to live in comfort in the tropics, and especially in localities where there is great humidity.
[ 80]
I am positive that Dr. Carey has given us the correct explanation of a chill. He says, in his Bioclzernic System:
"There is not a 'medical authority' (?) in existence who has given us a true definition of this phenomena. Their so-called explanations are meaningless and glittering generalities. I explain a chill (ague) thus: \Vhen the blood becomes overcharged with water, of course the various tissues of the body must suffer from lack of proper nourishment. This sets up a pant•c.
"Now, as the \Vater-carriers are not present in sufficient quantities to throw out the excess in the natural way, nature
does the next best thing-causes a spasm of the vascular,
nervous and muscular systems, and thus, by violent effort, thro\vs out the excess of \Vater; hence the profuse perspiration which follows the chill. Where Natrium sulph is not given to supply the workmen, and thus keep out an excess of water, the chill will recur in about forty-eight hours, simply because that much time is required again to overcharge the blood with water.''
Thus we see that kindly Mother Nature actually wrings the water out of the blood, when the needed material which \vould eliminate water comfortably is not at hand.
We also learn in his book that malarial conditions or symptoms are not caused by microbes from a swamp-he was not
at all interested in the germ theory as the cause of disease. Deficient material for Nature to work with and a general toxic
condition constitute the reason for physical and mental dis-ease and inharmony. vVhen a person suffering from malaria visits a mountain resort he is relieved, simply because he is breathing the air from a cool, dry stratum, and is above the point where water is held in suspension by heat. A large supply of oxygen is also obtained, but here again, if the Ferrum or iron content of the blood is low, it is not able to enter.
We find the month of May to be a humid month, for the
reason that Nature, Aries, is reducing-taking water from
the fire-impregnated air-and precipitating it into the fireimpregnated earth, so that the work of production or growth may take place. Thus we see the formation of buds and the trees clothed with their first faintly green spring garments. It is perfectly legitimate for humanity to think of new garments in the Spring, for does not Mother Nature, the eternal feminine, clothe herself anew at this time? \Ve should ever
r st 1
seek to know this cosmic mother of ours, to \Vork understandingly with her.
During the Spring period a great many people feel lazy and debilitated and are thus unable to appreciate \Vhat is going on in ~ ature and \vhat she is endeavoring to accomplish in human bodies. The blood is very deficient in the needed \\~orkmen ( rninerals) and the system is full of physical rubbish. Nature is endeavoring to "'·ork-and against odds. \Ve could accomplish marvelous things if we could only '\\'Ork with her.
The human body, like the earth, may actually become dry,
parched and barren because of lack of \Vater. It may also
become flooded with \Vater and the corpuscles drowned. Many people suffer from drowsiness \vhen the attention is not occupied, in spite of having had sufficient sleep, due to excess \Vater in the brain cells. Sleeping sickness is an exaggerated form
of this, and thought is actually drotvtzed, indeed, temporarily
submerged. There is a great need for all three sodium or Natrium
combinations. A few of the many indications or symptoms
which inform us of a need for this reducing agent are: I rrita-
tion due to biliousness; tendency to suicide with wildness and irritability from an excessive secretion of bile and from too much fluid which is of an acid nature in the cells; headache on top of the head; biliousness; vomiting of bile; dizziness; tongue dirty, greenish-gray or grccnish-bro\vn color; bitter or metallic taste in the mouth; violent pains at the base of the brain; spinal meningitis; conjunctivitis; lightning-like pain through the ears; enlargement of the liver; diabetes; asthma; dropsy; gout; fistulous abscess of long standing; dro,vsiness; debility; heavy, anxious dreams, nightmare, etc.
It must be understood that the above are only a feu' symp-
toms from the long list \vhich the book on this subject gives us. All symptoms are \Vorse in the morning and in rainy or damp \Veather, this being \V hat is termed "a modality."
The Bibiical story of the ten captive tribes refers to the remaining ten signs of the zodiac and the allocating parts of the body which are truly captives, forced into bondage by the animal man, .."\dam, Taurus, the Bull or cerebellum. The animal mind, the emotions, wastes in the pleasures of the prodigal son, the man, the substance, the daily bread from heaven, while the ten tribes or parts of the body slo,vly starve. In this state they represent the ten tribes of Jacob. But when
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at last they become nourished and sustained by the conservation of this Alkahest or cerebral honey, they become the tribes of Israel, which means warriors of God-serving the most high, the God-brain, the cerebrum.
Our own poet, Edwin Markham, refers to this constellation in the words "High as that Heaven where Taurus 'vheels" and says:
..It is a vi~ion waiting and 3\,·arc,
And you must bring it down, oh men of worth,
Bring down the New Republic hung in air , And make for it foundations on the Earth."
.:\nother of our modern day writers, G. A. Gaskell, who has given us A Dictionary of the Sacred Language of All Scriptures and Myths, a most enlightening work for students, interprets Taurus as "A symbol of the second period of the
cycIe of Iife. It signifies the divine out-going acI ivity in the
creation of forms. The Bull of the West represents the matrix of forms on the Buddhic plane, or the productive energy of Buddhi. It pertains to the period of involution when Spirit is descending into matter and giving it the potencies of forms and qualities after\vards to be evolved in natural phenomena and in the souls of humanity.''
Taurus is a symbol of the second period of the cycle of life, for it is the second sign and house of the zodiac, receiving the out-going electrical energy of Aries, and utilizing it in the formation of the human body. Earth, Taurus, has received the baptism of fire and water from the pineal and pituitary; and Mercury, the guide of travelers and the Messengt!r of the Gods, descends.
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..A noiseless, patient spider, I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark'd ho\\·, to cxpkre the vacant, vast surrounding, It launched forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
E,·er unreeling them-ever tirelessly speeding them.
And you, 0 my soul, \vhere you stand, Surrounded, surrour.ded, in measureless OC(ans of space,
Ceasel(ssly musing, venturing, thro,ving-5eeking the spheres to connect them; Till the bridge you will need be formed-till the ductile anchor hold;
Till the gos~amer thread you fling, catch somewhere, 0 my soul." -If'aft Whitman.
HE spider is a creature of air as "'ell as of earth. Standing, as our poet so beauti fully expresses it, on a material foundation, it launches forth into space fairy-like threads, spun from the substance of its own body, a thick, viscous fluid, secreted by certain glands in the abdominal region. 1\ir currents lift this aerial raft, bearing its creator on its way, and, eventually, by means of this silken cable, it ties up at another port. The student of Esoteric Biochemistry revels in the perfect analogy existing between the above lines, the metaphysical. physiological nnd astrological interpretations of Gemini, and its allocation \vith potassium chloride or Kali mur by Dr. George \V. Carey. For the entire story has to do with offshoots, threads, fibers, filaments-or offspring. In the preceding chapters ,,,.e have considered the outpouring of energy into undifferentiated matter, the creative esse of life, and its impregnation by fire. It manifests in nature as the Spring time and in the human body by the generation of electrical energy in the cerebrum (Aries). Then, by the addition of Natrium sulph to Kali phos, a different chemical product results. The tvork at last begins, a protuberanc~ appears, .J. \aron's rod buds and the back-brain or cerebellum forms. The Sun in its journey no\v enters the sign of Gemini, which occurs, approximately, on :\1ay 21, and as there are two weeks
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of June and o!lly one of May in this period, it is termed the June month.
The word is derived from the Latin verb jungo, and means
a joining or joint, therefore a fiber or shoot. It is a thread, a filament branching off from the main stalk, whose source is the bud (gemma) or swelling brought forth by the Sun in Taurus. \Ve have an identical interpretation in the word bulb, a protuberance, derived from the same root as Bull, which is the animal glyph for that sign. In the term gemmatiotz, we have direct evidence of the true meaning of Gemini, as it refers to a new organism developed from a projection. It may be separated off or remain attached, the shoots of a plant being an example of the latter, and human progeny of the former. This last differs in that it takes place within the body.
Juno, as consort of Jupiter, refers to this sign, Gemini and Sagittarius (Jove's house) constituting the two ends of one pole-that of growth and travel. Under the name Juno Lucina the goddess of childbirth is represented, which again checks the original interpretation and the glyph of the twins. In India, they were popularly termed Mithuna, the Boy and Girl, while in Arabian astrology they are AI Tau'aman, a term replete with esoteric significance. AI or El meaning God; Tau, meaning cross; and Amen or Aman signifying concealed or hidden.
As the inner meaning of Taurus (Tau and Rus) is dew cross corresponding with Golgotha, "the place of the skull,'' "this Manna (man) or brain esse comes down to fornz man, which
is an anatomical fact. Thus the Divine 'A1an or Spirit in us
actually becomes suspended on a cross of nzatler. Its body constitutes that cross (tree of nerves). The oldest glyphs brought down from times remote picture man crucified on a tree. Later, much of the true interpretation was lost because of the change from tree to cross.
It must be understood that the two nervous s.vs tenls co1z-
stitute the living physiological trees upon which each and every human being is crucified, for through them all of the functions of the body are carried on. They register in themselves, the kind of life each person lives, for every thought reacts instantly on them. The brain and nerves have a chemical formula, as do all parts of the body, and not until they are chemically perfect will absolute self control be possible. This is the reason why the story of Freen1asonry is not relative to
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character building, bur lo body building; character will take care of itself when the brain cells arc chemically perfect.
On page 167 of Part 1 of the Secret Doctrine, Madam Blavatsky quotes the following: "Lead the life necessary for the acquisition of such knowledge and po,vers, and Wisdom will come to you naturally." As the Sun is exalted in ..~ries and the 1\tloon in Taurus, neither one, the same writer informs us, can accomplish anything in the great work without Mercury, "'ho truly is the messenger of the gods, the mind-fluid, the bearer or carrier of light or electricity.
The cerebro-spinal system is the generator and carrier of physio-chemical electricity, which is energy or life. This explains 'vhy Mercury is associated with Gemini as its ruler, meaning that all the activities with ,vhich this sign and house have to do are of a M errurial nature, and must thus be interpreted.
The different rates of vibration by means of which all Nature's work is accomplished have received the names of planets, in order that humanity may study them and the effects they produce, not only in nature, but in the human body.
l\1 etaphysically, Mercury is mind; physiologically, the cerebro-
spinal system-the nerves; chemically it is quicksilver, an oily or fatty substance, the argentum vivum or living plzilosoplzical Jilver, for 've learn that the true interpretation of quick is li'L·ing.
The root of the "'ord Mercury is the Latin word merx, meaning goods or merchandise, and when the various offices and attributes ascribed to "him'' are analyzed, a vast treasure house of information is available.
In ancient times this god was identified as the Greek Hermes, son of Jupiter and M aia. He was the messenger of the gods, the inventor of the lyre, god of oratory, conductor of the souls of the dead to the lower world, and patron (father) of merchants and thiett-·e.s.
As messenger, Mercury (mind and the sensory nerves) utilizes the electrical energy of thought and the subtle nerve fluids created by Father Jupiter, the giver of all good things. In action he may do this positively and hence beneficially, or negatively and destructively. In any case Mercury stands for merchandise, wares or goods, utilized in commerce or ex.. change by the mind in the body. As god of oratory he refers to the mental power necessary to become a good speaker, one who voices truth.
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The reference to the lyre is concerned with a very mysterious organ in the brain having that name and which is the real source of the singing voice. It is the positive pole, while the negative is the place where sound is emitted, or the vocal cords in the throat.
The explanation of Mercury as father of merchants and thieves is the same as that given above. Mind, the father of thought, can actually rob the body by becoming the prodigal son as the Bible states, and wasting its substance or merchandise in riotous living.
The brain esse and thought power or electricity constitute the true merchandise of every human body and the great work is to perfect it so that it will be able to attract the highest form of ether ( Akasha) into the body. We become thieves when we make no effort to do this, stealing not only from ourselves, but from others as well. 'J.'o rob another or one's self of this most precious merchandise is truly the sin against the Holy Ghost.
In the Scorpio division of the zodiac, astrology gives us complete information relative to thieving. The body is the rightful owner of all that is created in it and when this sentence
is understood, the Biblical statement relative to "inheriting the earth" will at last become clear. To inherit means to hold possession of.
Death is the separation of Spirit from the body-there is insufficient material for it to work with or function through, its piece of real estate is of poor quality, its mineral or chemical formula is imperfect, so much so that it can not support life. Hence it leaves.
When the chemical formula created by the Divine Chemist for the ·perfect man is complied with, then indeed will the great work have been accomplished.
The cerebro-spinal substance is thought material, creative esse, manna, elixir of life, the ambrosia of the gods, the Gold of Ophir and the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven, which becomes argentum vivum-quick or living silver, in the human body.
And thus we find the true interpretation of merchandise perverted along with everything else, for the words Mercury and mind are derived from the same root. Our minds must have goods with which and through which to express. The old slang phrase "you haven't got the goods" is accurate even though it can. not be termed "attic wisdom," delicate wit.
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As the mind (Mercury) can be capable of recognizing facts or their absence while surrounded by a mass of mental rubbish in the literature of today, or of any age, even so is the clze11zica/ i\:lercury endowed with the same power. It is an amalg~tm, and can separate gold and silver from other orestruly releasing them from their bondage \Vith impurities. It is also a solv~nt of metals. Its work in nature is analogous 'vith that of the human body.
~\gain, we have another and perfect correspondence in the thermometer :tnd the barometer, whose tubes are filled with mercury \vhich measures air temperature and pressure. Mercury expands and rises in the tube under the influence of heat vibrations. It \vas invented and named by man for the simple reason that it \vas patterned from his O\Vn spinal canal which contains living (quick) silver. The lower or negative bulb is the sacral (sacred) ganglia, the upper and positive being the cerebrum.
.i\nother mechanical device patterned from the spinal canal is the syringe, the Latin word for \\"hich is S}'rinx. One end
is attached to a source of supply, the cerebrum, and pressure applied to a bulb at the lo\\'er end releases the fluid. Even
so in the human body Euphrates, the River of God, is robbed of the Water of Life.
Gemini is a neutral sign, and the three others, V7 irgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces, constitute the neutral, harmonious. or as I have named it, the purification cross. It has been understood by most students of astrology that beginning \Vith Aries as positive and masculine, every alternate sign is feminine. But I have found it much more satisfactory and very illuminating to consider every third sign as neuter. \Vhen the fact is recalled that there are neuter planets it is only logical to differentiate the signs in the same way, and I wish to make the emphatic statement that the true astrological story will_ never become clear unless the four signs above mentioned arc studied from this viewpoint.
The inforn1ation \\"hich actually proves this to be true can be obtained by studying the nature and use of the four mineral salts which Dr. Carey allocated with them, namely: Kali mur, Silicea, Kali sulph and Ferrum phos. After carefully studying every point in each of the twelve chapters you \viii readily see on reconsidering the information given relative to the purification cress, that the amazing story it tells is none other
[ 88]
than that of purity, harmony, and perfection, and therefore is neuter.
In his Dictionary of Sacred Lat~guage of All Scriptures and 1\1ytlzs, G. A. Gaskell says of Gemini: "A symbol of the third
period of the cycle of life. The 'twins' signifying the higher and lo\ver selves, or the Individuality and Personality on the mental plane. These are the two centers of consciousness in the soul for the higher and lower activities. In the constellation Gemini are the two stars Castor and Pollux, which are symbols of the personality and the individuality, in accordance \vith the story of the Dioscuri."
\Vhile the above definition is one of the best we have had,
it is rather misleading in the light which physiology throws
on it. There is really but one self, and that is the Spirit, the
\Vhen the physical vehicle, the brain, is chemically perfect,
then Spirit, the individuality, manifests as such unhampered. Its manifestation is limited and colored by the imperfect vehicle in and through which it endeavors to function. It is cramped, chaotic and spasmodic. It harms the body and injures others. This, in its various and varied mani fcstations, we term personality or lower mind. A concrete example of this is the difference between the vibrations produced by a perfect musical instrument and one dilapidated and utterly incapable of producing anything but discordant sounds. Both keyboards are manipulated by a gifted artist, the Spirit.
Mr. Gaskell quotes from Smith's Classical Dictionary rela-
tive to Dioscuri, the Twins, or Castor and Pollux, the two principal stars of Gemini. "They were the sons of Leda. Pollux and Helen only were children of Zeus, and Castor was the son of Tyndareus, also the daughter Clytemnestra." The fact that their mother was mortal makes them half-human, half-divine, and emphasizes the dual nature of the brothers.
The key to the real meaning of Castor and Pollux is in their etymology. Castor is derived from the Latin word
castus, meaning pure, spotless, abstinence from sensual pleas-
ure, chastity; while Pollux means to defile or pollute. Thus Spirit utilizes the wares of the body or physical
merchandise i!1 perfecting it, and in making it spotless and pure. If the substance of the body is otherwise employed it defiles and pollutes. It is needless to say that the great majority of human beings come under the negative interpretation of Gemini. They are living in the lower mind. Gradual-
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Jy we will learn, through the suffering which inevitably results from misuse of the cerebro-spinal substance and electrical energy the great lesson 'vhich must be driven home to each one.
1\-ladam Blavatsky says, on page 122 of Part I I, S. D., ''But the variant of the Leda allegory which has a direct reference to mystic man is found in Pindar only, \vith a slighter reference to it in Homeric hymns. Castor and Pollux are, in it, no longer the Dioscuri (of Appolodorus I II, 10, 7) but become the highly significant symbol of the dual man, the
1V1 o rta I and t 11e I m morta1. Not on1y this, but as wi11 now
be seen, they are also the symbol of the Third Race, and its transformation from the animal man into a God-man \Vith only an animal body.''
In the Greek allegory we read: "Pollux will either remain
immortal, living eternally in Olympus; or, if he would share
his brother's fate in all things, he must pass half his existence underground, and the other half in the golden, heavenly abodes.
This semi-irnmortality which is also to be shared by Castor is accepted by Pollux. And thus the twitz brothers live alter-
nately, one dr,ring the day, and the other during tlze tzight."
I n a II esoteric '" r itings re fer ence s to day have to do \\"it h the higher mind, living the life which leads to illumination, while the night symbolizes the life of spiritual darkness.
Exoterically Gemini deals with short journeys, letters, mail carriers, messenger boys, telegrams, and methods of communication, children and relatives, all of those things which have underlying them the idea of threads (of thought), fibers, twigs, emanations-that which branches off from a parent.
In the Vedas the Twins are called "the Physicians of Heaven," and this probably refers to the influence of Mercury whose caduceus is, to this day, used as the official insignia of our army medical corps and among physicians generally.
The explanation of caduceus is one with which real students must become thoroughly conversant, as there is no one thing \vhich so clearly links us up 'vith, and at the same time gives us the physiological key to what we have termed religion.
The word is derived from the Latin cadus meaning a vessel or jar, also from the verb cado meaning to fall. A dead body is termed a cadaver and is derived from the same root.
\Vebster's Dictiotlar\-' informs us that caduceus is derived from
[ 90]
cadere-meaning to fall. Summing up our various interpreta-
tions, we find that the human body is a vessel or jar containing
the \Vater of Life. \Vhen a living body falls lifeless, it is
termed a cadaver. It is a desert, a deserted place from which the \Vater of Life has departed.
The inner meaning of caduceus, then, is concerned with the fall of man. If this is the negative interpretation, since it obviously deals with destruction, then in its positive analysis we find the plan for the rise or ascent of man. In other words,
this is his return lo the Father-which consummation is the at-one-ment. As the word ment is derived from the Latin
mentis meaning mind, right here we have the complete explanation, one mind, mind forever manifesting harmoniously, benevolently, the Christ Mind. The vehicle has been perfected, therefore there is no longer any antagonism, no mental
chaos caused by mind-Spirit-searching for material with
which to manifest. The Father now has sufficient Mother (mater-material) with which lo produce harmony.
This brings us to our physiological allocation, and to the consideration of those parts assigned by the ancients to Gemini, the bronchial tubes and lungs, the shoulders, arms and hands. Some astrologers include the nerves, which is correct if one considers their basic formation as fibers, for other salts must be present in order that they may respond to either sensory or motor impulses. The sensory nerves must be studied under Aries, the motor under Leo. All nerves are essentially filaments. To the above list I add the skin and
glands, especially, but it must be remembered that all flesh
is constituted of fibers or filaments, so there is very little of the body which does not have flesh filaments for its basis. These constitute man's garment.
Referring to the interpretation of June from the Latin word n1eaning joint or joining, we must bear in mind the fact that the nerves and bronchial tubes constitute that part of the
body which first branches off, after the formation of the cere-
brum, cord and cerebellum. The bronchi are the branches which convey air to the lung
cells which we may term the twigs and leaves. \Vithout lungs there would be no marriage in Cana of Galilee, no turning of the water of life into wine. For here is where oxygen, spirit or prana, combines \Vith the blood for the arterial system, producing a combination of earth, air, fire and water of
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which so very, very little is really known. How amusing it
becomes, then, to the student of synthesis, '\vhen he reads that
this supposed turning of '\Vater into wine in an ancient city in
times remote may today serve as a reason for even ministers of the gospel voting against prohibition. They say, "at least give us wine, for since Jesus himself made it to serve to '\\'edding guests, it must be quite all right.''
The word Cana means reeds in Hebre"', while Galilee
means circle. Their combination clearly refers to the lungs and their function of combining air and blood, which is the Tf/ater of Life. It becomes the wine of life when Spirit is added.
Is it not no\\' clear how utterly perverted the \vhole subject of beverages has become? A clean, healthy, pure body nour-
ished by tlzis brand of wine, the \Vine of Life, makes for a
clear intellect and a brain without cobwebs, which is the necessary qualification for understanding. Thus we have a good foundation for 'visdom. On the other hand, a stomach filled with any other kind of wine results in a befuddled brain and the entire absence of reason. We have as yet so little sense that it behooves us not to drown it.
We link up again with Mercury as ruler of Gemini when we dwell on the fact that air, breath, oxygen and Spirit energize and make active the mind for which Mercury stands. The following quotation from the scriptures gives us a clearcut picture of it: "There is a Spirit in man, and inspiration (inbreathing) of the i\lmighty gitt·eth it ullderJtanding." The kind of air and the amount we inbreathe depends on our physical chemistry, but that is another story and is told in Chapter Twelve. Our mental power is our metaphysical
merchandise or money which needs must lza'L'e braiu substance through wlziclz to manifest and which constitutes our physio-
logical coin-real treasure. That astra-physio-chemical book, the Bible, also tells us
that "The blood is the life of the flesh," for it carries not only nutriment to every cell, but air as well. Every corpuscle is a water-air creature, truly a salt \Vater habitant, a human fish.
The eager, open-minded searcher for truth will find many questions relative to religion answered in these pages. This book, however, serves only as an introduction to others which will follow, and which will go still deeper into those subjects concerning which there is so much controversy today.
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Truth is very simple and easily understood, \vhen the brain is in good condition, for there is a clear and logical explanation for every problem. But the cerebral cells as well as all other cells must be supplied with the proper mineral food, and kept
free from acid accumulations and poison. It is a process, like
everything else, and time is required.
Before dealing with the mineral allocation, let us see if we can find anything in the physiological story which has been
brought down through the ages. In C. A. Gaskell's ClaJsic M )'ths, we note that the Three Fates (Clotho, I~achesis and Atrophos) were the spinners of the thread of human destiny.
They were provided with shears with which to cut it off when they pleased, and, according to Hesiod, were the daughters of
Night. Clotho held the distaff, Lachesis spun the thread, and
Atrophos cut it off when it was ended.
In Funk & Wagnall's New Stattdard Dirtionar)' \Ve are
informed that the Fates dwelt in the deep abyss of Demo-
gorgon, and with unwearied fingers drew out the threads of life. Demogorgon was said to be the genius of the soil or earth, fabled to be the life and substance of plat~ls. He \vas
depicted as a little old man covered with moss \vho lived underground.
Gemini is the branching-off month or period of the year, as has been heretofore explained. It has to do, in utero, \vith the branching-off of the nerves from the head, to form the body. Thus it does not require much imagination to see that the story of the Three Fates is concerned with the three decans of Gemini. The distaff refers to the base of the brain, where seventy-five per cent of the nerves of the head concentrate and cross, appearing to wind upon themselves. In some mythological pictures the thread is represented as first appearing at the feet of Jove and his heavenly spouse. Clotho, the youngest of the three fates is allocated with the first decan of the sign Gemini, and is holder of the distaff. Lachesis
spins or draws out the thread, while Atrophos divides it so
that it may form the great nerve branch in either leg.
While the interpretation of the story is that Atrophos cuts
off the thread, much research into the etymology of the ":ord shear reveals the fact that it also means "the parting or fork
of the human body" hence the limbs. The nerves do not terminate at the end of the spine but continue to the end of the
extremities, after bra11rlzi11g off. It is also true that life ceases
r93 1
when nerve action ends. An archaic interpretation of shear is to make an incision or cleft.
It is also true that fate or destiny of each individual depends
on the extent and degree to which the Spirit in man is able to control, direct and manifest the threads of life through the
cerebro-spinal nervous system. The electricity of life truly flows through them.
The Three Fates were termed the Parcre by the Romans, while the Greeks called them the Mrercc, meaning to divide,
to apportion. Other interpretations are a tree-shoot, a cutting -a lot of anything. From this latter, no doubt, arose the
idea of casting lots, or one's lot or fate-destiny. There is, then, every evidence, from its synthetic analysis, that the branching off of the nerves from the base of the brain, the formation of the air passages and the growth of blood vessels and arteries to form the torso and extremities must be studied under Gemini.
"In the astronomical story of Gemini we find that in the feet of the T\vins, a brilliant white star named Almeisan or
AI Maisan is described by AI Biruni as winding, as though the
stars of this station were winding around each other, or curving from the central star. In Babylonia this star marked the
tenth ecliptic constellation, M ash-mashu-sha-Risu, the Twins
of the Shepherd, and may have been the Babylonian lunar
mansion Khigalla, the Gatza/." This information is available in Star JVameJ and Their 1\-1eanings, by Richard Hinckley
Allen. There is every evidence that the Canal represented by
stars in the constellation of Gemini refers to the spinal canal.
''In the hurnan body and blood, fibrin is distinguished from albumin and casein by its separation, in a solid state, into delicate filaments in any fluid in \vhich it is dissolved, shortly after the fluid is taken from the organism. It is clearly shown by biochemistry that, without the inorganic salt potassium
chloride, no fibrin can be tnade; and it is further sho\vn that
the normal amount of fibrin can not be held in proper solution in the blood 'vithout the proper balance of that cell-salt. Fibrin results from the union of certain fibrin-plastic substances ( al-
buminoids), but tlziJ u11ion does not take place in the absence of tlze chloride of polash tnolccu/es.
"In venous blood the fibrin amounts to three in 1000 parts. Arterial blood contains less, and lymph a still smaller amount.
[ 9-t]
In inflammatory exudations \Ve find fibrin in the serous cavities-such as pleura and peritoneum-and on the mucous membrane, as in croup, diphtheria, catarrh, etc. In all inflammatory conditions, Ferrum phos (the Pisces salt) should be given with Kali mur, for iron particles carry oxygen \vhich becomes deficient when the proper balance is disturbed
by the outflow of fibrin. It is quite clear to my mind that
fibrin is created or produced by the action of the chloride of potash, with the assistance of oxygen, on certain albuminoids." Dr. Carey's Bioche11zic System.
The definition of Fibrin is: "A whitish proteid from the blood and the serous fluids of the body. It is seen in elastic fibrillar masses.'' It is not recognized as fibrin in the blood but as coagulum from which fibers or filatnents-tlzreads-are spun. The definition of fiber is "an elongated, thread-like struelure of organic tissue."
Potassium chloride is the mineral sylvite termed in Latin, sal digestivuJ, the digestive salt. The word "digest" is derived from the Latin dis-apart, and gerere-to carry. Its meaning therefore is to carry apar.t ·in different directiotzs, to separate, divide. It will be clearly seen what a significant allocation Dr. Carey made when he assigned to Gemini, the branching-off sign of the -zodiac, this salt which has the power to carry apart in different directions. But it must be remembered that his allocations of the salts to the signs were made automatically, and he did not (in this incarnation, at least) check up with esoteric astrology. It is evident, however, that he recalled, from a past incarnation these accurate chemical corre· spondences.
As we study anatomy and physiology, it is evident that with the exception of the bones, fibrin is necessary in the formation of the nerves, ligaments, veins, skin, tissue-in fact, all flesh. From a deep realization of this fact, I have named potassium chloride the spintzing salt, for it spins the Jlzreads from which the seamless garment of fleslz is woven.
Let us refer to Mercury as the Messenger of the Gods, or ruling powers from Mt. Olympus, the cerebrum. Let us pic.. ture for ourselves the character of the message that Mercury held in itself from the past. From what pattern did it reconstruct the garment which serves in this incarnation? What is the texture of our Mercury-what of the garments commonly known as n1ind and body? Is the mind capable of boring
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like a gimlet into a subject, revealing hidden treasures of truth?
Is it able to stand, towering like an impregnable fortress of strength against the blows of adversity and sorrow which sooner or later come to test each one of us? Do we find reason tottering and mental confusion resulting when difficult situations arise? Are we fearful and panicky, lonely, homesick and discouraged? Are we stiff, lame and rheumatic as the years go by? Do we find some symptom more or less constantly manifesting, until, finally, there is no mental or physical rest, and life becomes merely a painful existence, death at last coming as a blessed relief?
Such, then, is the Mercury we brought with us into incarnation. It was intended by the Great Chemist to be argentum vivum or living silver,.but we were prodigal sons in our past incarnations; and in the depths to which we descended this silver became polluted. That which is so quick to attract to itself became an amalgum which indeed chained us to the mire and filth of earth.
Mercury's w1ngs seem to have been broken. Instead of soaring into the higher realm of mind which is the result of the expansion of a purified and living silver in the spinal canal (our physiological thermometer and barometer), Mercury has been coagulated with lead by Saturn. Heavy, instead of light, are those winged feet. Mind (Mercury) functions very, very slowly and crudely (Saturn) and we drag ourselves along as though weighted down with lead, Saturn's allocating metal. Is it strange, then, that lead coagulates mercury, and is the only metal having the power to do so?
What is the process whereby we may free our mercury from the burden of impurities it bears--both the tangible, physical mercury and the intangible, abstract Mercury of mind? By exactly the same process used by the chemist-by raising its vibrations and vaporizing it. Remember-our Mercury is a true creature of the air-the height is its home. Gemini is an air sign. Mercury originated in Aries, it was GOLD there, but in the LO\VER regions it became ARGENTUM VIVUM, living silver or the WATER OF LIFE.
Its passage-way, the spinal canal, is both the River
Euphrates and the Jordan. By this process of vaporization
all incumbrances fall away. In metallurgy we are informed that when minute quantities of either gold or silver can not
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be extracted from a mass, they are mixed with mercury, to which the precious particles are attracted. It picks up just as the mind does, either that which is valuable or valueless. The mercury is separated and vaporized, and the gold or silver is released.
Thus we nnd that Mercury is a symbol of Mind, free at last of all that would prevent its soaring into those realms where only pure Spirit is at home. When the brain is at last completely purified and perfected, which means that it is formed of the ultimtJie chemical atoms, this will be possible. Why do we delay this Divine Messenger on his journey back to Olympus? Obviously because we have not known that road or the direcJion in which it lies. Perhaps until recently we had not wished to journey; or dreamed, ever so vaguely, of the golden glory and the peace beyond words to be found at the journey's end.
And so, once more, let us take up the threads of Gemini and review. again, the ancient story of the Caduceus of Mercury. Although it is used as the symbol of healing by the American and British Medical Corps, how many physicians among them know of its immemorial metaphysical and physiological tradition? About as many as those having knowledge of the real interpretation of Freemasonry, of Astrology or Christianity.
A cut made from a photograph of a beautiful bronze Mercury accompanies this article, in order that it may be studied in connection with it.
Mercury, as has been explained, means mind, also that through which mind expresses in the physical body, namely, the cerebro-spinal system or semi-fluidic material which constitutes soul. Spirit must have a medium through which to impress the dense physical atoms. It is our psyche, the tender mother substance which can be more easily manipulated. Spirit is not soul, neither is soul Spirit; but how often we find these terms used interchangeably. They should not be. The Scriptures state that body, soul and Spirit exist, the first two being detachable and subject to dissolution.
Mercury, poised on winged feet on the lips of Gaia or Mother Earth, the right arm lifted and forefinger pointed directly overhead, is crowned with a winged hat. In the left hand and grasped by a handle extending from the middle pole or wand. is the caduceus, resting against the forearm and in
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the hollow made by the elbow. A very short distance fron1 the top of this '\Vand are two wings. T"·ined around the pole \vith their bodies meeting and crossing at four points arc t\vo serpents, their heads turned inward and toward it.
Study carefully the position in which the caduceus is held. Ordinarily the natural way of holding a thing is out\vard or for\vard a little away from the body. The reader will note
that the arm is forced backr;c;ard and a\\·ay from the body,
instead, an unnatural and awk\vard position.
This \vas planned as a means of attracting one's attention
to its relation to the back of Mercury, for the wand is the
Jpint~, and '\Ve find this fact expressed in Hindu literature as
the slick of Bralznz. Brahmarhandra (Spirit or tlze Bee) enters
the body through the Door of Brahm (suture in the skull)
and leans on his stick. The backbone is the support of the body,
and there is much more to this statement than appears on the
surface, for docs not lack of character mean a weak back bone? In terms of 1\1asonry it certainly docs, in spite of the
French pronunciation of the Pass-word. In Hebraic literature the back bone is the Rod of Moses. Thus we learn that the same story, the fall and rise of man, is universal among all nations and peoples.
The meaning of spine is thor,, and that is exactly \vhat
it looks like, the skull forming its head and the coccyx its point. As flesh is torn and bruised on contacting a thorn.
so does the point of our own individualtlzortz in the flesh bleed us of the \Vater of Life and torture us to madness. (Sec
J>isces). 1'he spinal canal is humanity's Euphrates and its
Jordan .
The wings on the hat of i\1ercury represent the t'\'\'O hemis-
pheres of the brain, our thinking cap. The two serpents are
symbolical of the right and left sympathetic systems, and cor-
respond to the t\VO thieves of the Bible story. For when life is lived negatively, they steal from us.
The winged pole of Mercury is the Tree of Life, while the serpents correspond to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and E'L:il. One is the sensory system, the other the motor, the latter planned to \vork in harmony \vith the former, doing the tvork pertaining to motion. Perverted-it becomes E-~10TION, e11ergy wasted, substance loJt .
.~. 11 around us today \\'e see its effect, humanitv as a whole
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floundering in chaos-a sea of emotion. Why was the symbol of the Lion allocated with Leo, away back in the morning of time? Why is it the only beast of prey symbol in the entire circle of the zodtac? Because it has to do with the process of SELF-CONTROL, the taming of the beast in man, the EMOTIONS WHICH TEAR US TO PIECES AND CONSUME US. Bear this in mind when reading the chapter dealing with Leo and note its interesting chemical explanation.
The heads of the two thieves and the heads of the serpents cross or are crucified al the base of the brain-the cerebellum -Taurus. (See previous lesson). The four points of contact are important centers within the canal.
IJest there be any to whom the foregoing explanation is not yet clear, let it be further stated, that under the winged hat is the nectar and ambrosia of the gods-that which nourishes. It is the electricity of life which runs the body, and \Vith which we think. It forms the protoplasmic basis of all the fluids of the body including the pro-creative. This fact will ere long be scientifically accepted. See Lesson Ten, Capricorn, for further information relative to this statement.
No wonder then, that Mercury was said to be a patron of merchants and thieves, the former supposed (devoid of perversion) to deal legitimately with goods, the latter taken by stealth, v.vitlzoul reimbursing. Here we note the distinction between the positive and the negative mind, one functioning constructively, the other destructively. As the positive mind, Mercury expands under the rapid vibrations (heat) of Spirit; as the negative, he is cold, congealed-stagnant.
In the study of Schuessler's Biochemic System, as set forth by Dr. Carey and other writers, we note how the symptoms arising from deficient Kali mur check with the last statement of the foregoing paragraph, for the spinning process stops, the threads thicken, tangle; and the parts feel enlarged, congested, swollen. The thread or fiber takes up too much · room. This is the true explanation for swellings, glandular enlargements, etc., etc.
Thick blood or embolus results from need of this salt, causing the heart to work harder, as more energy is required to circulate the blood. Biochemistry states that Kali mur is a specific for children's diseases, for they have to do with disturbances in the fibrin, and are usually accompanied by exudations through the skin, as in scarlet fever, measles, chick~n-
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pox, or in swollen glands, and throat irritation such as diphtheria, tonsilitis, mumps, etc. And to the degree in which iron or Ferrum phos (the squaring Pisces salt) is deficient, fever will manifest.
Inflammatory rheumatism has to do with the fibers or threads of flesh deficient in this Gemini salt, and is augmented by the need for more oxygen due to iron deficiency. The brain becomes congested because the blood is thick and circulation slow, causing it to feel dull and heavy. One is unable to think clearly. The thread of thought is broken. It must be repeared that the basis of all fibrin is Kali mur; but, as there are many different uses for it, the fibers are differentiated by the addition of other minerals, or inorganic salts. When these suits are put together-combined with the protoplasm formed by the cerebrum, the)' become organic-which merely means put together-as bricks with mortar.
Joseph of the Bible story is the Mercury of astrology. Is not his coat of many colors symbolical of the countless shade~ and hues of thought? The mental as well as the physical garment is SEAMLESS. Religion, so absolutely and entirely perverted down the ages, begins now to blossom forth as a nc\\' and wondrous story, and we realize at last that each individual has his own Tree of Life, his own Garden of Eden. No one but himself can destroy that tree. No one but himself can cultivate it or supply it with nutriment, so that in time it may bear twelve kinds of perfect fruit (the twelve divisions of the body). This process means THE OVER-COMING OF
DEATH. Barring accidents, no one dies except from dis-ease,
and even the former will be done away with as the cerebral centers having to do with intuition are perfected, for one will then be forewarned.
It is very interesting to note that both Castor and Pollux have dual and seemingly contradictory interpretations. For while it is a fact that Castor is derived from castus, meaning pure, while Pollux means to taint or pollute, yet, at the same time when we analyze the Latin derivation, polluere, (literally meaning to wash forth) we divide the word into POLL and LUX. Here we have the basis of another interpretation. Poll is the Middle English word for top of the head, which physiologically is the source of light or understanding, while lu.~ means light. We have here the source of
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