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DiBpersion effects In frequency windows of millimeter range radiowaves
Pelix V.Kivva and Yuri M.Galaev
Institute of Radiophysica and Blectronics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov 310085,Ukraine
Measurements of wide band signal propagation peculiarities have been carried out in 37 GHz range under different season and meteorologic
conditions on 13 km long direct visibility path over rugged country near Kharkov (Ukraine). Dispersion effects conditioned by direct and indirect meteorologic and season factors have been discovered and measured. A method which allows measurements of differencephaee shifts
in received signals has been developed. Quantitative evaluation of atmospheric communication channel coherence band variation has been
carried out.
In development of modern radio engineering systems and radiolocation wide band signals with band width of 1 GHz and more may be used
such systems, along with waveguiding and cable signal propagation lines, open atmospheric lines in which wide band signal propagates in turbulent atmosphere over the rough division surface are also used. In such lines signal power losses may occur, and also Its coherence losses, which lead to limitations of response, accuracy and resolution of radio
engineering systems.
Additional limitations of coherence band may arise because of the
dispersion in communication channel (dependence of the refraction fac-
tor Ti from the frequency &Y). Dispersion characteristics of the open
communication lines operating at frequencies corresponding to atmosphenc gases molecular absorption bands'3 are studied quite well. Some
peculiarities connected with hydrometeors dispersion characteristics
are also considered
As a rule, available results show weak fre-'
quency dependence of the value fl in the atmosphere "frequency win
The aim of the work is development of the phase invariant method applied to the problem of wide band signals of millimeter range propaga-' tion in real media and measurements of the coherence band limitations arising from meteorological and season factors.
The developed method is based on the measurement of difference-phase
characteristics in discrete spectrum of wide band signal ?,8,9 •
spectrum of such a signal may be formed by frequency multiplication or
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by carrier frequency 2i, amplitude or angular modulation. An important
feature of the aignal iB a 8trict link between single discrete compo—
nents of its spectrum. The essence of the method is the following. The
sensing modulated signal with the carrier frequency & and with
frequencies of the lower and upper side components W &-fl. and &' &2=&,+nJ, reepectlvely,( CL is modulation frequency) is radiated into
the channel under investigation. While propagating each signal
spectrum component receives the following phase increment
which are proportional to both their frequencies &) , a radio channel
length 2 , and propagation medium dispersion characteristics /z (2&).
It follows from (1)that under the condition of radiowaves propagat I on in
dispersion free medium ( tz(2il)= const) the dependence '°(ziY) is frequency
linear function, and in dispersion media (t(2ef j const) it is frequency
non—linear function. shape of the signal
such dependences and spectrum S(&r) in Fig.l. It is obvious that segments
from Y quency
ensured by the modulation law) are
equal to
and 9224Oo . In
dispere ion free medium they are
equal to each other, but in dis-
—— — — — —
persion media they are not. Thus
the measure of unequality of the segments is dispersion measure in
radiowaves propagation channel
which may be written in the form
of difference of the segments
- &r
L ko- w
V2 'ol
'-' ço0 -1w +'u2'
Pig.1.Examplea of phase-frequen cy characteristics of cozmnunication lines and sensing signal
In 8,9 such combination of spectrum components phases of modulated
signal was called "phase invariant" because it does not vary in space
and time, provided that the signal propagates in dispersion free medium.
In case of dispersion medium
conat and
depend on dispersion
value and , and sign ofPis determined by the law (character) of
dispersion value variation (normal and abnormal). To measure the value
is of içO at the receiving end of the radiowaves propagation channel the
carrier oscillation of the received sensing signal 6
multiplied with signals of each side frequency. Further on phase shift
between the results of multiplication having difference frequencies is
measured. This is the value of phase invariant P.
To carry out the investigation transmitting and receiving equipment applying measurement method in 8 i radiowave range has been developed
and produced. Transmitting device carrier frequency 18 37 GHz, modula-
tion frequency is 0.5 GHz. Transmitting device output power is 70 mW.
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To reduce equipment error during the measurementB a special attention
hae been payed to the tuning, correction and calibration of pha8e-fre—
quency and phase-amplitude characteristics of the measuring equipment
unite. Tran8mitting device and main unit6 of receiving device have been
thermoatated. During the mea8urementa the equipment wae calibrated by
the test signal with controlled parameters analogous to the sensing
signal spectrum. The resulting root—mean-square equipment error of the value çP measurements has not exceed 0.5 • The receiving device anten-
na was mounted at an altitude transmitting device antenna -
30 an
m above altitude
the earth of 12 in.
surface, and the Both antennae
were identical with the parabolic reflectors diameter of 1.1 m• The
measurement equipment included meteorological equipment and rain inten-
sity measuring device.
Experimental communication line has been selected in terms of the following conditions: sufficient extent modelling real lines, absence of considerable reflections from the earth surface, possibility of direct radio visibility under any meteorological conditions. The communication line with the length of 13 km over the hilly terrain has been chosen. The average altitude of the radiowaves propagation channel was 50 m over the earth surface. Measurements of the vertical field struc— ture carried out under different meteorological conditions in location of receiving device and calculation of the field structure made in approximation of the wave diffraction in the zone on tops of the hills have shown that results of the experiment and the calculation agree well. That allow to estimate possible diffraction errors of the value
z0 measurement with the change of refraction condti8ns. Calculati— one showed that the errors did not exceed values of — 1
After propagation in the communication line the radiated sensing
signal was received by the receiving device, in which it was processed
according to selected measuring method. Simultaneously the intensity of
spectrum side components 7 and
of the received signal spectrum
was measured. The measured values of L\4 , 7, , and '2 were directed
to the recorder. Calibration of the equipment and measurement of meteo—
rological elements were carried out not less than one time per an hour
of observations. The rain intensity was estimated by means of a cup—
-shaped rain gauge and by values of signal attenuation in the precipi—
tations. The experiments were carried out for one year under different
meteorological conditions: clear weather, rain, snow, etc. Clear
weather conditions were considered the cases when no hydrometeors fall—
—out was observed in the radiowaves propagation channel during the
experiment. Measurements results obtained as a rule during one day
(24. hours) when one or another atmospheric phenomenon was observed were
considered one experiment. The measurement results procession was
() is carried out to obtain the following temporal characteristics:
daily variation of the average phase invariant value,
j 4
is season
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(z) was calculated. The calculations were conducted according to the following algorithm
LPjd ()
where 17? is a number of experiments during the season, z is time.
Total number of experiments is 237. Total time of the continuous
measurements of i9 values is 2186 hours. Conducted experimental
investigations have revealed differences in influence of various atmos—
pheric phenomena on phase invariant value and variability.
In clear weather in different year seasons the temporal realizations
of °(z) presented weakly fluctuating dependences with smooth average
diurnal variation. The values of MP measured in summer were as a rule negative, while measured in winter they were positive. In spring and autumn the change of the sign of measured value was observed. Statistic processing of the observation results has shown availability of regular variations of iP values. Dependences calculated for the day time are
presented in Fig.2. Dependencea corresponding to winter, spring, autumn and summer seasons are marked in the figure by digits 1,2,3 and 4. The values of confi— dea dence intervals determined for the probabi-. lity estimation of 0.95 are marked by vertical strokes. The characteristic feature of cis (z) variations is presence of extrema in the interval between 2 p.m. and
£4. p.m.
The experimental investigations allowed to reveal diurnal and seasonal variation of
the phase invariant values, which in terms of selected measuring method is a parameter
characterizing dispersion value and varia-
tion law. The analysis of measurements re-
sults showed that such phenomena as diaper-
sion in atmospheric gases, atmosphere tur—
bulence, diffraction on the underlayer obstacles under conditions of variable
refraction did not allow to obtain a satis-
factory qualitative and quantitative explanation of the experimentaireaulta. Thus, it
was experimentally estimated that in the
lOq,j2 2 4 6 (h)
atmosphere "frequency windows" in millimeter wave range the near-surface atmosphere layer showed the properties of a regular
Pig.2. Average seasonal diurnal measurements of
phase invariant.
and seasonal variation.
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The rain fall-out during the warm
season (summer and beginnning of the
autumn) caused a considerable
results obtained under such conditi-
one are presented in Pig.3. Time in
hours is plotted on x axis. The
measurement results in two different
experiments are shown by solid and
dotted lines respectively. The dura-
tion of rainfalls and their temporal
position are marked by rectangles.
Arrows indicate the instants of the
strongest attenuation of the signal
received, caused by rains• Pigures Plg.3. Measurement re8ults of
by the arrows correspond to the
phase invariant during rain fall—
attenuation values (in dB) measured -out.
at those instants. The characteris—
tic feature of the data was a considerable up to 50 mInutes, delay of
the ço value increase as to the beginnning of the rain. In case of
"short" rain (Pig.2, dotted line) the increase of the XP value was
observed after it ceased. The decrease of the A'P value down to initial
level was gradual and lasted for several hours. The experiments results
showed that the presence of rain drops in radiowaves propagation chan—
nel was not the direct reason for the
value increase.
The measurements made during intensive long snowfalls showed that if
the snowfalls were caused by the motion of a warm atmospheric front
then diurnal zçP variations practically did not differ from the same
dependence measured in dear winter weather (Fig.2, curve 1). Such
experiments showed that the presence of snow floce in the radiowaves
propagation channel did not have strong affect on the
value typi—
cal for the winter season. But, provided that the snowfall was0caused
atmospheric front motion, a considerable, up to 30 , the measured value was observed. The result of an experi—
ment carried out under such conditions is given in Pig.k. The figure is
accompanied by the results of synchronous air temperature measurements (Pig .4 , dott ed line ). Snow falled continuously during the whole experl— ment (12 hours). Time intervals when snowfall was the most intensive
are marked in the figure by rectangles. It is obvious that the beginn—
ing of the ° value increase coincided the beginning of the air
temperature decrease, which later falled down to —12 C.
The considered results of experimental investigations present typi—
cal time variations of phase invariant observed under different meteQ—
rological and season conditions. But data about extremum values of
phase invariant observed during the experiments are also undoubtedly
useful. Such results are not representative but they outline boundaries
of the measured value and show the conditions in which they were obser-
6' ved. The esult of the experiment in which maximum positive value
4 9' =
was observed is presented by the solid line in Pig.5. The
result was obtained at the end of autumn when cold atmospheric front
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accompanied by rain and snow passed.
In the same figure the result of
the experiment in which maxmum
negative value of 'P =
observed is given by the dotted line. The experiment was carried
out at the end of spring in clear
cloudless days with steady hot
weather. During the experiment at0
3.20 p.m. the temperature was +30 C. The wid velocity did not exceed
7a,rz 'PM 0
2 m/s , but from 11 • 00 a .m • to
5 7 9t(fz) 1.00 p.m. the incerase of1the wind velocity up to 5...? rn/B was
Pig.L1.Measurement results of phase observed.
invariant while passing cold
atmospheric front.
Thus, the essential influence of
different atmospheric phenomena on the value and variation law of dispersion found is shown experimenal-
ly.0The range of experimentally obtained z9 values was from -2k to
In paper it WaS shown that the envelope of rectangular radio pulse at the output of the dispersion radio channel can be calculated
by the following relation
[s(a)-s(a_!)]2}2, (2)
where C(U) and S('U)are Prenel integrals, U (—zc,1) z- dimen-
velocity, 2 the channel
is duration output, T,
of initial signal
detection time at the channel output.
In expression (2) the value Z is determined as follows
'°L / (7- T'ycZ.,—' '1 I'LY)
where 20;;, is radio pulse carrier frequency.
In expression (3)(w-)is a function characterising the law of dis—
persion variation in the vicinity of the point
which has the
following form
2 d&r2
It follows from relation (2) that the pulse envelope mode at the die—
persion channel output in function of U parameter essentially
depends on the relation Z I 1, . The calculations showeçl that the
relation 17
1.6 is the threshold one, but when 2/i, <1.6 the
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pul8e mode at the channel output le distorted so much that its duration
determined by the half value
of its amplitude is more than V Therefore the limitation set on the duration decrease of the input radio
pulse by the dispersing medium may be written in the following form
'-'mri >/ 1.6
Let us express Z, by the values. It is shown in paper 9 that the
4'h) piiase invariant of the modulated
in Pig.5.Results of
extrernum values
observations of of phase invariant
oscillation propagating in diapers'-
ing mediUm dispersion
mpaayrabme eetxeprrDessdeedtebrymitnheed
the vicinity of the point 2Y&'
is modulation frequency.
d22 dd22 = ____ —
rc?,-,.2, (2o-) L
I - 18 wave number.
Comparing expressions for
and D from relation (6) we may obtain
x(z)=O,5c427f .
Taking into account (7), the expression (3) may be written in the
following form
o(7 (11!I2)/
In this case condition (5) will have the form
z-,7ztz >, 6(jt(coIa2)"2.
We will treat the value 1/tprzjpz as the maximum value of the
radiowave propagation dispersion channel pass band4fmx. Using condition (9) we may write
Jmxfl (2,56WII)hl2.
This expression allows to estimate communication lines band properties with the help of the P values measurements results. Applying meaaurements results presented in Pigs.2...5 let us calculate variation of
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4J1T?ax values of the experimental communication line. The largest
values of
in communication line turned out to be observed in
clear weather in spring and autumn. Under thee e condit ions J4 .5GHz.
In clear weather in summer and winter z/max changed within 2.6...
14 GHz. After rain fall out in warm season (summer, beginnning of
autumn) 4fmctx decreased to l.6...2 GHz. The motion of cold atmospheric
fronts had the most important effect on the communication line band
properties. Under these conditions the values of
decreased down
to l.O...l.5 GHz.
Thus systematic experimental investigations carried out by "phase invariant method" in the open near..surface communication line of millimeter range showed that in atmosphere "frequency windows" its surface layer manifests the properties of the medium with regular dispersion. The value and the law of the dispersion change have diurnal and season variation and are not connected to the dispersion in atmos— pheric gases and the presence of hydrometers in radiowaves propagation channel.
A technique is suggested for estimation of band properties of coiu— nication lines in which the necessary and sufficient calculation data are the phase invariant values. Estimates of the surface atmosphere layer conducted with application of this technique and the results of experimental investigations showed that surface communication lines of millimeter range possess the widest pass band in clear weather in spring and autumn. The most considerable decrease of the pass band takes place in the motion of cold atmospheric fronts.
The dispersion found in atmosphere "frequency windows" may by the most important factor limiting pass bands of surface communication lines of millimeter range compared with other known phenomena causing such limitations.
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