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Vitor Matheus Izoldi Nogueira
Table of Contents
Preface.............................................................................................pg. 3-4 Introduction......................................................................................pg. 4-11 Relativity: My Perspective Alters Your Reality.............................................pg. 11-24
• Light Clocks: Glaring Errors & Dim Results. • The Twin Paradox: Because I See You Move, You Age Slower. • The Clock Paradox: Another Step Away From The Unified Field Theory. • The Grandfather Paradox: Time Travel is Impossible. • The Car/Ladder and The Garage Paradox • Ehrenfest-Einstein Paradox • Twin Frog Paradox: Leaps of Faith in the “Almighty” Observer Inertial Reference Frame. • Light Clocks: Glaring Errors & Dim Results.
Quantum Mechanics: Is Matter All That Matters?.......................................pg. 24-35 • Heisenberg Principle; Are There No Absolutes? • Mass-Energy Equivalence • The Wave-Function Collapse: No Wave-Particle Duality. • Gravity; The Glue That Binds Heliocentrism to Atomism, Is Water-Soluble. • What is Light. • TheDouble-SlitExperiment
Composition of the Aether Medium: Unifying All Manifestations of Energy.........pg. 38-41 • Unified Field Theory. • TheOneFundamentalForce. • Manifestations of Force.
Heliocentrism; The Soul-Lure System......................................................pg. 41-49 • NASA & Other International & Independent Space Organizations.
• Michelson & Morley Interferometry Experiments: The Aether Is Real; Earth is Stationary.
• Long-distance Infrared Photography. • Long-Distance Line-Of-Sight Communications. • High-Optical-Magnification Videography. • The North Pole: The Land of a Million Names.
Anti-Gravity: No Crazier Than Flying Spiders.............................................pg. 49-52 • Darwins Experiences with Ballooning Spiders. • The Long Disproven Wind Hypothesis and The Case for Electrostatic Flight. • The Alien Psyop: A Thick Veil Upon Ancient Human-Built, Earth-Nascent High Technology. • The APG: Gravity As A Circuital-Current Potential Gradient. • Swimming Up The Inverse Current; Anti-Gravity.
Free-Energy: Suppressed Despite Support & Simplicity...................................pg. 52-57 • Ancient Egyptian Pyramids: Megalithic Tombs Don't Bear Hieroglyphs. • Other Major Megalithic Sites: The Global, Pre-Flood Highly Advanced Civilization. • The Wardenclyffe Tower: Nikola Tesla Re-Discovers Single-Point Energy.
The Skyscraper-Antenna Atmospheric-Electricity Hypothesis: Facts and Fiction.
Notable Quotes: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants......................................pg. 57-59 Bibliography......................................................................................pg. 59-60
This work is a synthesis of functional aether theories produced in the 19th century by pioneers in electrodynamics including Tesla, Russel, Steinmetz, Heaviside, and others. It dispels the nihilistic, materialistic, and inherently atheistic theories which have held reign over middle earths citizens entire cosmological and physical system for centuries; the heliocentric, atomistic, and and relativistic theories from the time of Democritus to that of Lorentz and Einstein. The mathematical and metaphysical conjugate theories of which stem from the experimental and theoretical efforts of their predecessors; Faraday, Maxwell, Huygens, Newton, Ptolemy, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. An exploration into suppressed, ancient, timeless advanced cosmological concepts and metaphysical systems is also presented. It must be noted that prior to approaching the content within this book, the reader must understand that a new physical and cosmological model may only be presented, let alone accepted, after errors and shortcomings of the current leading models are addressed. It is my hope that in this process, as the fat is trimmed; uncertainties polished away, the absolute truth shall stand in its raw glory. This in turn renders the formulation of a new model passive, as the outcome of reductionism always stands firm in its foundations. All one must do is interpret it with discernment and without any preconceptions, mental sedimentations, or other forms of prejudice. The conceptual principles of this work may seem extraneous, extreme, or outright incorrect at times, but it is urged that the reader pay mind to the experimental foundation of same, which herein stands before the former. Only through juxtaposing theory and experience, while yielding to no mental autoimmunity that otherwise inhibit one from pondering this information without external projections and preconceptions, will the truth present itself. The reader must embrace their sense of rationality and logic. Once armed with strong discernment and disinterestedness, one may begin to read this book. Avoid all attachment, either to the ideas presented herein or to your own. Reading something that affirms ones set of beliefs and as a consequence understanding them deeply and hence becoming intelligible in that material is to be intelligent. However, wisdom is a different crop to cultivate. Intelligence, as wisdom requires the intake of new information. What must take precedent in the latter is the abolition of the brick wall of ignorance that many of us hold between our hearts and our minds; because to truly believe and inner-stand anything which contradicts and imperatively overthrows ones own beliefs, one must feel that change toward truth in their heart before they even read the material. Are they not put off by its appearance or experience conflict when first approaching it. Thus, when looking to entertain the ideas in this book, the reader should first focus on the quantitative, empirical information laid out herein, so to dispel any baseless preconceptions. Only subsequently should they interpret the qualitative, philosophical concepts. This is so that an emphasis is placed on the importance of experimental data in the formulation of theoretical hypotheses; something that, although impersonated far and wide as such, is not common practice among high-ranking academic institutions and other organizational bodies of knowledge of today. Most scientists now, as Tesla is quoted saying, are very smart, and may think deeply, but they cant clearly. They can compute complex integrals, differential equations,
and other arithmetic to describe theoretical phenomena, such as that of curved space,—of which Tesla was an adamant critic— and despite being ultimately perplexed, even mesmerized by the counter-intuitiveness and lack of experimental basis for that which they believe; as also evident in many physics forums, university classrooms, and even lectures from so-called experts in this field, very few of todays scientists can muster the willpower or philosophical tenure to question it.
The two pillars upon which modern physics stands are the gravitational and atomic theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, respectively. It is an acknowledged fact that these two are incompatible when reconciled and that both doctrines, along with the axioms from which they are built, are self-negating and contra-logical when taken independently. Einsteins theory of relativity purports that time and space —reified as physical entities— can be warped for a moving observer due solely to the perspective of a fixed observer watching them. By extension of the same principle from which this mental experiment is based, it is claimed that the aether; the electromagnetic field, does not exist, and that matter can shrink in the direction of its movement and theoretically fully convert into its equivalent in energy, if it is traveling at a high enough velocity. Modern scientific organizations, which have largely become un-scientific, religiously dogmatic priesthoods, still assert that matter traveling at the speed of light would in fact entirely disappear in its spatial parameters, despite providing zero raw, physical experimental or observational evidence to support the mathematical derivations upon which such a statement is based. Should it not be imperative for a physical system of natural science to have its foundations on exactly that; physical experiments conducted in the natural world? Why then are the two most foundational theories which govern our understanding of the way in which the world works solely supported by mathematical equations? Despite exhibiting beautifully complex symmetry and consistency in and of themselves, the same cannot be said for their application and representation to real-world phenomena. Mathematics is a language through which we can express physical phenomena in a consistent and logical mechanical framework. However, just as with any language, one can lie with it just as easily as one can tell the truth. The power to assign forces and values to imaginary constants and invariant principles is a high authority. A conceptual framework wherein every observer is given his own individual existence; relativitys first principle, wherein each existence is itself composed of individual particles and in which gravity is the curvature of space-time. Purely atomistic in every sense; all realities are separate from one another (there is no common ground as someones truth is not the same as anothers; no universal frame of reference), and within each relativistic reality every thing is composed of separate particles (unconnected by a universal medium to sustain their vibrations and undulations). This has been the foundational scientific knowledge that is instrumental to most high-energy scientific endeavors. If there are theoretical flaws, and the mathematics does not reflect the true nature of experience, as will be amply referenced below, then the scientific establishment faces a monumental apology, and debt to its millions of its unbeknownst misled academic supporters and the general public both of which it is a servant for. Operations such as the CERN L.H.C. or other scalar wave accelerators, as they should be called, must be ceased and their directive reassessed in light of the content presented in further chapters on relativity, which altogether asks the clear, concise, century-old question; “Which clock, according to the theory of relativity, is the moving clock?” If this question cannot be answered, as it has remained for the last hundred years since its inception, then there must be a flaw in not only relativity, but also, the attitude of scientific endeavors especially those associated with prestigious universities and organizations. In both of these faculties it is clear that physicists have subdued to
mathematicians. They take the equations as they are and because they work (in the framework for which they were designed), experimental scientists, as they say, run with it or plug & chug, unaware that the mathematics of relativistic physics and quantum mechanics do not reflect or represent the real physical world. A lawsuit has been filed by a Hawaiian man against all major particle accelerators and the associated manufacturers of giant electromagnets which the former employ. The grounds for the lawsuit were that the work being done at such facilities creates minuscule black holes and possibly dark matter, which could, as Mark Wagner exclaims, swallow up the entire accelerator and consequently the earth. Though these concerns are not entirely valid, as will be described further herein, they are not baseless. As expounded in the first and second chapter, there are serious contradictions associated with Einsteins special relativity and quantum mechanical theories, respectively, which if ignored could pose a significant threat to humanity. In the realm of high-energy physics there is no room for error; miscalculations and the use of erroneous mathematics can result in unanticipated disasters the scale of which we are not prepared for. The urgency of a paradigm shift in experimental science is so imperative that it was arguably the main reason behind the publication of this book. That and of course my relentless desire to dispel disinformation and dogma from the scientific community, of which I am myself a part. These fallacious concepts have been engrained and established upon the upper echelons of what used to be natural physics by scientific organizations such as the Royal Society, the Smithsonian, and associated bodies of theoretical mathematicians for centuries. In Science at the Crossroads, Herbert Dingle, now defamed as fringe or dissident scientist, was a university lecturer, teacher, and writer of relativity and physics for over 50 years. At one point he realized what he had been teaching was plagued with anomalies and outright contradictions —more than just paradoxes—, and that it went against true reason and logic. [16] This is not an easy doctrine to dispel, and the disinterested reader may have already departed, still, the content within this book and in each of its chapters, which to my desire only briefly touch on matters any scientist of today could agree constitute the most significant issues facing our scientific and societal development, should stand on its own against criticism, because its center holds, and it is aligned with experience; experimental observation. The information is laid out so that, in my hope, light can be shed on the esoteric obscurities of modern physics revealing the truth that lies at the core of the matter, plain and unprotected from preconceptions and prejudice; ready for the reader to discern for themselves. As a society we have strayed from truths because the Aristotelian concept of absolute truth has long been demonized by scientific institutions, which used to be conjunct with religious institutions, and which have since stood for nihilistic and atheistic ideas, saturating the world with concepts like relative truths and that matter is composed of solid particles, now dubbed probability clouds. Relativity grants god-like powers to observers through inferring that they are reference points from which the laws of nature may be measured. This as stated is not just a nihilistic, but satanic do as thou wilt doctrine which has fully driven the organizations which are meant to search for and disclose truth to the public into assembly-line propaganda and disinformation machines. Something must be done to allow the true scientific method to reign in the realm of academia as it once did. This is an open letter to all scientists and natural inquirers with an open mind to dismiss dogma, and phenomenologically suspend all preconceived notions
on cosmology, physical science, metaphysics, and ontology, so to allow the content herein to speak and stand for itself.
There is a notable distinction between mathematics which explains and is derived from experience; experimental observations in the physical world, and that which is conjured up independently of same and then ingeniously re-associated with physical and metaphysical attributes of reality despite never seeing them manifesting as physical phenomena. The curvature of space and time and the equivalence of mass and energy are possible in arithmetic by the invariance of the rate of induction of all electromagnetic phenomena; c, the speed of light is now the universal reference frame and the pivot upon which time and matter can warp or bend inversely to one another. Gravity in this system is seen as the curvature of the fabric of spacetime; accounting for the motions of planets as well as the downward acceleration felt by all mass on earth, and by extension, the attraction of all masses toward one another. Gravity is always left out of atomic theories, but in this paper, on the path towards a true unified field theory, its vital role in intermolecular and intramolecular dynamics is expounded upon. Gravity is not the curvature of space-time, nor is it as Newton supposed; mutual-mass acceleration with respect to density. These suppositions and the axioms which stem from them are erroneous and even in strong violation of Newtons laws of thermodynamics as well as the universal laws of nature. The theories of relativity, gravity, and quantum mechanics admittedly lack basis in experimental observation and true empiricism. They arose as strictly theoretical (mathematical thoughtexperiments) and subsequently verified through a deliberate misinterpretation of real-world phenomena; as evident by the currently-accepted conclusions drawn from the interferometry, double-slit, photoelectric, and Cavendish experiments of the eighteenth century.
Newtons second law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and the supposed big bang is essentially the creation of everything from nothing, by no-one, acting strictly through entropy; purely random chance, and forming many trillions of spinning spheres of fire, rock, gas and countless geomorphological compositions each of which is arguably insignificant and of incomprehensibly obscured meaning in the grander scale. It is said that there are suns that could fit millions of our suns inside. This is built on the assumption that the sun is 93 million miles away. This assumption is also the reason for Erastothenes interpretation of the curvature of the earth. Nikola Tesla is quoted criticizing the concept of something coming from nothing, saying it is just absurd. The idea of a pale blue dot is indoctrinated upon the minds of the youth before they can even feed themselves. Heliocentrism is highly distilled and ripened, ancient, pseudo-metaphysical nihilism, which stands on a foundation of neo-atomism, relativism, and materialism. In essence, an entire universe was fabricated upon the convention that light and matter are corpuscular and that matter, also being comprised of indivisible quanta, is not itself made of the same unifying substance as light. Substance is perhaps an erroneous term, because in empty space, just as time, there are no physical properties, and all physical attributes arising from the former and existing in the latter are due to stress placed upon the universal field; the aether, which is as Nikola Tesla and many other great natural scientists and field theorists have purported, a plenum; not a vacuum.
Atomism as first taught by Democritus in 450 B.C. was a system of belief wherein everything that exists is that which can be quantified. He posed that all matter is comprised of indivisible atomos (literally “no-cut”); particles. Atomism is a facet of materialism. A hundred years later around 350 B.C. Aristotle proposed that all matter is comprised of a combination of earth, water, air, and fire. At this point, geocentrism was still widely accepted as fact, and Aristotle developed a theory for the composition of heavenly bodies. He described them as being of a quintessential nature and a sort of fifth-element. He likely also understood that all elements are made of light. Atomism could never be accepted in a society which puts God is at the epicenter of physics. However in 230 B.C. Greek astronomer and Mathematician Aristarchus of Samos presented the first Heliocentric theory. He lived most of his life in Samos and died in Alexandria, Egypt. This theory reigned on The late Greeks lived during a period of strong digression; the Kali Yuga was still ripe with strife. He was able to put the Sun at the center of the universe and was especially kin to the Neo-Babylonian descendants whose predecessors ransacked and destroyed what was once Egypt rebuilt from truly ancient times, the golden times of old, during which it was called Khemit/Kemet. Although Aristarchus received momentum and support for his theories; likely due to the aristocratic position he was in, he lacked the mathematical finesse and imperative to orchestrate such a deceit, and naturally it was overthrown. It was Claudius Ptolemy, some three hundred years later, that dispelled heliocentric nihilism from Alexandria; or at least warded it off for the next 1400 years. Ptolemy was rumored to have been a citizen of Rome, but this is still under scrutiny. He was born from a Greek family and lived in Egypt most of his life, where he published volumes such as his almagest, which was not overthrown in the realm of science until the days of Copernicus.
Copernicus lived during the late 1400s into the early 1500s and worked as a Catholic clergyman, astronomer priest, and mathematician; a true Jesuit priest of Science. He revived the sun-worshipping heliocentric doctrine of Aristarchus, as well as introduced other ideas of his own, which truly marked the beginning of this great work of deceit. It fooled many at the time, who as per direct result of the Church, were uneducated and poor. Archimedes had purported that Aristarchus theories proposed that the Earth rotated daily upon its own axis and that it revolved around the Sun. While the pythagoreans held that earth rotated around a central fire. Then in the late 1500s Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer and nobleman, once again placed the earth at the center of the universe, with the sun and moon orbiting around it. He was also well known as an alchemist and astrologer, and came up with various explanations for the movements of the heavenly bodies. It was only in the early 1600s that Galileo Galilei, now dubbed the father of modern physics, impinged upon the upper echelons of academia the heliocentric and multigalactic universe doctrine. Or did he? He claimed to have discovered mountains on the moon with his telescope, but craters on a heavenly body do not assert nor deny the existence of physical space beyond the atmosphere. Physics after Galileo was never the same, and the revolution he conjured, quite literally, was akin to the widespread recognition which Einstein received for his theories. The work of Kepler and various other scientism Jesuit priests, usually associated with secret orders, only furthered the system proposed by Galileo. Kepler was a contemporary of Galileo and he published volumes on planetary motion; astronomy.
The ancients had advanced technological knowledge and capabilities which Tesla uncovered once again as will be discussed in the closing chapters of this book. It is possible that the moon reflects the firmament and that it is in fact smooth. Another possibly unrelated piece of information is that there are roughly 9,000 craters on the moon and about 9,000 stars visible in the sky to the naked eye (on both hemispheres; the full circumference of the celestial sphere). Ancient depictions of the moon show it to be glossy and opaque, not rough and geomorphous featuring craters and mountains, though the written records of this are few or hard to find, and thus lacking in this respect. Another possibility is that the moon once held water, or that the moon is a noble form of crystalized water. If the moon is composed of water frozen in a perfectly symmetrical lattice, the fact that radiation emitted from it is cooling when compared to the moon-shade can be easily reconciled. It is impossible to say for certain what the moon is composed of because frankly we have not produced evidence for its composition. The moon landings were very clearly staged as anyone that watches the remnants we have of the original Apollo footage or looks at any of Nasas photos with with a keen eye can discern. More on this in the heliocentrism chapter, nevertheless, it is clear that the moons light is different than the suns light. Even in the case that the sun does in fact induce the moons light, the moon must be endowed with an ability to transmute the suns heating energy into a cooling one.
There is evidence for a war/rebellion against The Creator (or however you refer to the Intelligent Source of Absolute Goodness, Love, and Truth) circa 20,000-30,000 years ago. The book of Enoch; which has been excluded from the Bible, speaks of the ways of the fallen angels, wicked humans, and the Nephilim they together bred. Many ancient texts and manuscripts support the idea that the digression of the human race was the catalyst for the most recent massflooding event worldwide. This is on record through Vedic, Christian, Chinese, and Central American religion as well as through hundreds of other written artifacts from ancient civilizations. Depicting the flood and other events associated with the biblical world-wide apocalypse; such as solar coronal discharges, land infertility, glacial meltdown, extreme heat/ cold, mass-animal species extinctions, etc. There is ample scientific evidence for world flooding events in core drills, rain erosion features in deserts, and other peculiar geomorphological phenomena. As the days grew hotter, the oceans dried up, the water level lowered, yet the glaciers melted, which rose it once more, and this interplay would have likely generated clouds which extend far beyond the inversion zone, as they would be very dense with rain. Some parts of the world would have seen rain for days, while others would have been decertified in a matter of weeks. Not one but cyclical global mass-flooding events are said to have existed, this on the behalf of Science organizations. It is possible that the most recent flood was in fact the last flood, as much sacred scripture suggests. The Sphinx Water Erosion Hypothesis has gained attention in the upper echelons of history and archaeology. However, anyone who presents the evidence is flagged as fringe. Now it has completely cornered the mainstream narrative and scientific establishments have run out of excuses. The only way the sphinx enclosure can display such heavy rainfall erosion is if there was once water in the desert, and the last time Egypt was a rich and humid jungle was at least 12,000 years ago. This is further detailed in the free-energy section of this publication, where strong, objective evidence for ancient high-technology is presented through inquiry into megalithic constructions.
As it stands, Einsteins General (classical) Theory of Relativity along with his Special Theory of Relativity is deeply incompatible with quantum mechanics due to the effects of gravity being untenable as discontinuous fields; there are no gravitational quanta. Quantum mechanics has painstakingly derived a quantifiable (quantum) description for the effects of the supposed fundamental forces of electromagnetism, weak interactions, and strong interactions. All string theories, as well as those of atomistic cubism, and infinitely-universal-frame-of-reference theories, have their own interpretations for the various wave-forms of aether vibrations without ever shedding light on the field upon which the strings vibrate. Strings are analogous to aetheric single-point oscillations, and their magnitude and oscillatory frequency is the result of the toroidal self-similar oscillatory patterns within indivisible, indiscrete, yet identifiable and measurable (in terms of charge; capacitance) nodes of material manifestation. The most significant issue with modern theories of gravity is that they ultimately rely on the existence of quantum force carriers; gravitons, which are entirely hypothetical, and have never been proven to exist in the conventional way they deem other particles exist. It is therefore erroneous to a greater degree to say that gravity is composed of particles if there has been no detection of either and the closest and most recent estimation and extrapolation depicted the epitome of what a wave-form would be. The other three of the four fundamental forces are said to involve force carriers for both electromagnetism and what atomism refers to as weak and strong interactions experienced in photons, W & Z particles, and bosons. In electromagnetism, the force carrier is γ a photon; which in reality is a wave-peak, where electroscopes register the most energy, and atomists interpret as a particle. The Weak Force is said to govern particle decay through the action of force-carrying W (+ & -) & Z (0) particles, which act on quarks and leptons. The Strong force, which is said to bind sub-atomic particles together, is carried by gluons, and acts on quarks (and gluons; they are gluons) to bind and keep quarks together. They have thus derived a quantum measure for every force except gravity, and fundamentally by necessity attribute this measure; which consists of wave-peaks within a field-disturbance, to a vacuum. Gluons are attributed to the strong force, and both of their namesakes discloses the nature of their action, which was found to be the hardest to overcome. How could a vacuum produce such strong physical forces? Where is the tension coming from if there is nothing to be in any state of tension of torsion? Where is the inertia if there is nothing in motion? Where are the waves if there is no medium undulating?
Waves of water go on a horizontal plane which is, for the sake of argument, two dimensional. Waves of sound, however, undulate the gaseous medium through longitudinal waves of contractions and rarefactions of the gaseous mixture which comprises air in threedimensions, bouncing around the room and always interfering with itself. Light waves, the rarest of the three, can be thought of as undulating in a fourth dimension. This fourth dimension is the source for all single-point undulations including light. Unlike sound, light does not interfere with itself. Two spherical waves can and do often intersect with each other but exhibit no interference regardless of light output. What may seem like interference; such as a laser pointer in daylight not being visible across the sky, is really just due to a perceptual interference wherein the light of the sun overpowers that of the laser within our eyes, not in the physical world. The laser still shines for the same distance it would were there to be no light present. Light can often also go
through solid objects. It is argued that this process often slows down light, which then upon leaving the object gains back speed. This was debated for a long time between wo branches of science, which each believed the inverse of the other; light slows down or speeds up when traveling through a transparent object.
Electromagnetism acts between electrically charged particles; it is the oscillatory frequency resonance and inertial capacitance of toroidal wave-peaks with others. The weak force is responsible for radiation; decay of particles, and is is second in weakness only to gravity. All of these axioms are held true by those who do not wish to partake in the true scientific method. Some say there are no final truths in science, which is true, but as Mark Merlin; a top-tier biologist, conservationist, and polymath which I had the pleasure to learn from in my undergraduate studies said; “no final truths is science”. Modern Science, in the personified/ deified sense has even attribute of a religion and cult-like mentality. It should be called Scientism. Scientism, and one of its tenets; atomism, purport that all matter is composed of subatomic particles called quarks, glued together by gluons and every so often interacting with other rare and energetically-volatile particles. The name cult of bumping particles [6] is very fitting. Up quarks and down quarks are said to be attached both to each other and themselves to form protons and neutrons; with the former containing two up quarks and one down quark, and the ladder two down quarks and one up quark. What is implied by this is that there is an icosahedral geometry within matter, or at least matter within the axioms of atomism, and that is how it comes into light and stays locked as pressure-differentials of opposite polarities and vectors; centrifugal divergent and centripetal convergent. A molecule is a geometrical positioning of point-source charge fields and endowed with a collective discharge component in such that the entire molecule is stable. Hence why heat and other forms of energy can denature molecular structures, but if there is a balance in charges and inner vibrational speed, a molecule is stable.
Although the modern atomic structure is an interesting conception it serves no purpose in explaining many physical phenomena. If, as according to atomists; the universe was created nihil-ex-nihilo, then where did the energy existing today come from? Surely there would have to be an equal and opposite reaction to the creation of all this energy where once there was none, and this would effectively render all the energy in the universe back to a nill state. Thus, as Newton and all the greats have said, energy is always transformed, and cannot come from nothing. It only can be generated or transformed from a process which includes motion, which by necessity denotes the motion of a substance or thing that has the capacity to store and transform energy into motion and vice-versa. They deny the existence of intelligent design, and despite their endless mathematical axioms dismiss the truly important constants and functions of the mechanics of the universe. Phi and Pi are taken as coincidences and the very fact that man beholds intelligence is said to have come about by random, meaningless entropy. How is it that we, intelligent beings, deny the existence of an intelligence that is not only necessary for, but obviously behind all the patterns we observe in nature and within ourselves? It is selfish to use ones intelligence to deny the idea that the process by which their intelligence came to be is not in itself if not equally as intelligent, more intelligent than they are. Nature is given seed of light from source which ascends upwards from the center of the earth and curves parabolically before
cascading down through the sun and moon and all heavenly luminaries, and consequently unto the earth. This light has always existed, and will always exist. As everything else in the universe, though, it also has cycles. The Oneness. The single-point. One can say it is a still-point because there exists no-thing actually moving; juxtaposed to the dynamic part of the universe wherein the heavens and consequently everything under them move; in cycles. Differing only in their magnitude; duration and intensity on the physical universe. Everything comes from and goes back to the still light of God. God is the single-point. The Eternal One. The monist metaphysical school does not reject dualism, but rather incorporates it as an extension of the oneness. This oneness is the true center of the dualistic universe of light and dark; up and down, hot and cold. It sits just under the magnetic mount meru in the center of the earth, as we will further delve into. Ultimately, it is this central point that has not only been hidden from all maps, but also, from all minds, in that; it is God. Atomism was devised to instill a nihilistic, materialistic, and individualistic mind-state upon the individual that gets caught in its maze. Heliocentrism is a soul-lure system. It separates everything from everything else while disassociating clear synergies and keeping disciplines distant from one another. Both together assign our existence to entropy. The core of atomism is to worship the physical sun (sol) while ignoring the true Soul of the earth; hence Atum-Ra in dynastic Egyptian religion & metaphysics. All ancient cultures and myths speak of an eternal, universal soul of the universe. This is the Still-Point of Creation. The source for the heavenly akasha; celestial planes amidst the firmament which act as a capacitor, storing energy/information as a record of every previous earthly energetic beings life as they enter and exit it. This piece of information is subjective, and; as I have said plentifully throughout this book, specific areas which provide solely a metaphysical or rational explanation and lack experimental or empirical references (listed in the bibliography at the end of the book) must be taken as such. The reader has no obligation to accept these beliefs as they are, but those who are reading this are likely already adept in art of playing with an idea while holding no attachment to it or those of their own. Syncretism is not always an objective process, what matters is the outcome. For instance, to the extent of my current experimental abilities, I have no way of finding out, physically, that the dynamo of earths celestial sphere spins and records upon it the imprint of all beings and dynamic processes of the mother earth organism. This is a cosmology wherein the celestial heavens encircle the earth, and their infinitude is in question, but they are most definitely not traversable by any physical means as will be detailed in this work, hence their in nity is certain. In another example, the heavens and reside strictly above, which is just as likely, but not approached because it would not make sense from a heliocentric perspective. As for the sky-earth duality, it has been argued that one may precede the other, but this is trivial; nature is balanced evenly and to imagine that at the largest scale it would not be could indicate a contradiction, but if there is one that precedes, it would be the upper hand. The heavens, and our decisions then would be made infinitudes ahead of time in the higher worlds. This is supported by the idea that, though light and dark, up and down, etc. are known dualities of our three-dimensional universe, they are not perfectly even. One example is that the Golden Yuga in one of the oldest systems of dating is significantly longer than the Kali Yuga, which we are said to be currently experiencing, as a collective. Time is fleeting, the idea that it is all happening at once is not one I hold in my heart. It is just logical that the past and future are in the hands of our Creator. It also is hyper-logical that light overcomes darkness. Take a single lit
candle into a pitch-black room and watch the entire room flood with light. However, attempt to place darkness inside a lit room and no matter how much you put in, the room will remain lit. This is, of course, an analogy, as one cannot pick up darkness just as one cannot pick up photons, gravitons, and other atoms as we will further delve into in the Quantum Mechanics section of this work. Darkness is the absence of light; not the other way around. It seems also logical that since Light is what gives life to the earth, not darkness (the sun, moon, planets, and stars all generate light which trickles downwards to feed the earth). In life we get choices, they may all be written down, but the only way for us to fully inner-stand the worlds above and below us is to be in them, and we are not. For we were given these physical bodies to exist upon the earth and care for other creatures and love one another. I believe we were not meant to fully meddle in the higher spaces, inverse to what Rudolf Steiner and other Theosophists so ardently propose. I think we shall thrive with all we need if we focus on the source of it all, and live an honest earthly (nonetheless spiritual) life. We need not rely on divine entities other than our Creator, which is the only One. The absolute. When addressing other entities, which is becoming insidiously common either through conscious or subconscious means amongst society, humans are almost certainly speaking with souls that have a low enough vibration such that it allows them to interact with our third dimension. These are not powerful beings. They may pose as angelic benevolent beings but will always be parasitic. Calling upon guides is dangerous as exclaimed by all holy books. We must call upon The One, and He will send down guides for us. They all succumb to the finger of God and the power of goodness on earth. The only method by which they manifest themselves and survive is through our sin. Our digressions feed these interdimensional parasitic spiritual entities and through conquering our sins we abolish them from our presence. This is vitally important especially in the midst of the rampant programming not only for nihilism and materialism as expounded upon in this paper but also of hyper-sexualizing material targeted (dreadful term) at children in pre-schools. Then there are world governments and their top representatives, which are all misinformed marionettes (if lower in status) and disinformation and corruption agents if higher in the ranks. Presidents are shown the truth about much of what is kept secret from publics eyes, technology that is only possible with the knowledge of aether physics as displayed herein, and this is world-wide. It is beyond countries. There are a select number of noble' families whose world-dominance can be traced back to biblical times and which have been in control of society, first through religious and now through scientific institutions. They have, of course, had internal disputes and transfers of wealth and territorial oversight, hence the founding of America, the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the Nazi regime, and the two World Wars, but power has largely remained in the same hands. The peculiar nature of the first example, when the declaration of independence was written in 1776 and constitution in 1789 and the bill of rights in 1791, the United States was officially the country that most empowered its citizens with equal opportunities, rights, and freedoms. It is now evident by the state of countries such as Canada, Australia, and others who were not founded under unalienable and constitutional principles, that the totalitarian, world-wide Novus Ordo Seculorum has a tight grip on them, freedoms are taken away and the government is well aware that most citizens not only cannot defend themselves or stand up against tyranny, but also dont want to, and live blissfully ignorant of it all.
The keystone for the existence of light quanta (photons) is the currently-accepted mathematical interpretation of the photoelectric effect. It is said that when ultraviolet light strikes a piece of metal such as sodium or zinc, the metal absorbs a negative charge which in turn causes electrons to be ejected from it. The phenomenon truly at work is merely a wave-to-wave proportionality, and atomism/particle-physics is not required to describe this effect. Ultra-violet high-frequency undulations, upon imparting energy onto the metal, cause the metal to set off aetheric undulations of negative charge (discharge) potential in a transverse fashion. There is a problem with this derivation; if electrons are waves then light must also be waves. Electrons have been observed to exhibit wave-particle duality and there are no experiments which currently determine with accuracy an electrons position or its composition. All electron theories since the time of its conception by J.J. Thomson are purely mathematical and stand on probabilistic grounds. The photoelectric effect is the only phenomenon which atomists cling to in order to dispel the ample evidence for the undulatory theory of light. The assumption derived from this effect is fallacious because it builds on the axiom that electrons are particles. If electrons are in fact waves, for which there is indeed experimental evidence, then the photoelectric effect is simply a form of internal reflection/excitation of the material by light in the same way that magnesium in plant tissues does. The internally reflected discharge wave has a negative charge and due to this is slightly different in its undulatory form. It is demonstrably true that sodium and other metals absorb energy from UV light undulations striking it, which imparts upon it more charge than it can hold; as every element needs to maintain a range of specific charge potentials in order to exist in stable physical form. When this critical capacitance is reached a triggering of the seeming emission of negative charge which again is easily accounted for by discrete negative, polarized undulatory discharges, akin to pulse-discharges. This is also the phenomenon involved in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll contains magnesium in its center, and it is that magnesium which is struck by the suns light, and which due to the amplifying nature of the chloroplast thylakoid membranes, releases a discharge that is proportional to the energy of the light pressure-induction striking it. Sunlight, especially in the higher frequency range (purple) range imparts a strong charge upon the magnesium so to allow it to set off pulse-discharge undulations. Instead of discharging though, these waves are are harvested by the chlorophyll molecule and transferred to organelles with capacitance before being selectively employed to break down carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen and glucose.
Relativity: My Perspective Alters Your Reality?
When prompted to explain relativity, Einstein is quoted attributing a physical malleability of time to a psychological effect experienced by a man in different psychological states. In one instance he is talking to a beautiful girl; where one hour may pass and feel like one minute, and inversely that to a man sitting on a stove top, one minute may seem like an hour. Although this may be true in the mind of the relativist, it does not extend beyond it into their physical reality. In this example, to the mens wristwatches, a minute is still a minute, and an hour is still an hour. Time, as a human convention, is absolute, and its perception; depending on the state of mind of
an observer, may seem relative, but ultimately does not change reality. In the same way that modern academia, and more fittingly, the authoritative priesthoods which discern the nature of its teachings, posits, absolute time, and truth are non-existent. This is meant to separate humans from the Absolute. The Divine Creator of the earth and mankind has endowed us with his absolute attributes. To those who say there are no absolutes, and further that there is no good or bad, may they posit a scenario, first presented to me through a video lecture by Dave Murphy; in which they are a witness to someone leaving a wallet on the table and walking away. They are left with two choices; the first is to run after them and return their wallet, and the second is to keep the wallet for themselves. Imagine that they choose to keep it, they will return home only to find that persons credit cards, insurance cards, and perhaps a picture of their loved one. The person then, by means of the moral compass imbued within their hearts, (granted that they are human) feels remorse for the other, and imagines the way in which by not having that picture of their mother or other sentimental portrait dear to them will bring pain and suffering to the person from whom they have just stolen. In the process of bringing this wallet home, they will do so with caution that nobody is watching, and they will not be proud in the case that they are caught in the act of taking it home. On the other hand, if they choose to return the wallet, they will run after the person while calling out for them, while paying no mind to and feeling indifferent to the idea that someone will see their action, for they know they are doing a good deed. Upon returning the wallet, they will be met with the gratitude of the other person, who will smile and likely applaud them, or in the very least say thank you and feel an inner comfort that they did not loose their wallet along with all that is within it of value, be it financial or emotional, to them. The person who has done the good deed, though they may, if greedy, feel some remorse for not stealing, will feel a greater sense of good that will warm their hearts, knowing they have contributed to the happiness, instead of sadness, of a fellow human being. In this way, The Creator (or creative force for those who excessively personify the creation/source aspect) has placed within our hearts a moral compass that is aligned to His values. Thus all aspects of absolute time, space, and human emotion are directly stemming from the source of our universe, and thus are inescapable within all facets of human experience, independently of all psychologically-reified inertial reference frames. It is for this reason that existence can never be relative, for there is only one source of all human experience and hence only one universal reference frame from which we can deduce the inner-workings of the universe. For this life and all the foundational, timeless, and universal mechanics which render it possible (in the clockwork that is the earth realm) are only possible through the Source. Some may term its generative aspect as The Creator, but the source of this world has not a gender in the human convention of the term. The creative force (which comes from the One Source (free from duality) simply embodies the male principles of generation, as a seed does, while the earth embodies principles of fertility; reception and nurturing of creative seed patterns; i.e. plant, animal, fungal, bacterial, and mineral/crystal inherent/pre-determined life growth patterns. This is the foundational principle of DNA and the reason humans yield humans and cacti yield cacti. This is also why the microscopic Planarian can regrow its entire body if any segment of any section is cut, despite also exhibiting cell differentiation like humans and other animals do. Somehow every cell of the body understands the composition and position of every other cell of the body, so to allow Planarian flat-worms to completely regenerate a copy of itself from even a small
sliver of its body. There is no relative existence when it comes to the small dissected piece of flatworm, because it is programmed to grow into a full-sized flatworm with absolute ratios and patterns respective to each of its cells. In the same way that there is no relative existence in the perspective of our own cells, such as our immune cells, which can detect an infection and locate it and address it biochemically with intelligent precision and coordination of millions of different cells, enzymes, and molecules. The intelligence around the world, especially within our own cognitive facilities, is a testament to the intelligence of the Source of this world. Call it Creator if you will, or remain in the systematically dry interpretation of modern Science, which shuns metaphysics and divine intervention. Granted there are severe gaps in the understanding of many phenomena as a result of this, including premonition, lucid dreaming & other OBEs, clairvoyance, and all other forms of extrasensory perception.
General relativity has curved space-time and special relativity has flat space-time. In either case, matter is able to bend, wether due to its velocity or its curvature path of least resistance. Special relativity is special in that it does not account for gravity, and the only reason is because without doing away with it, the entire axiom falls apart. General relativity employs gravity as the curvature of space-time; a three-dimensional, and mathematically tangible fabric alleged to constitute the universe. The clear contradiction in both theories is that one clock still must work faster than another clock, but there is no distinction between which clock is running faster because, as aforementioned, neither time nor space have any properties, and hence neither can be dilated, contracted, or warped, lest it be in the realm of metaphysical mathematics. This is where the theory breaks down and Einstein, Dirac, Dyson, Feynman, Sagan and all accredited proponents of relativity have not produced an answer to the simple question of; “Which clock is moving?” Herbert Dingle in Science at the Crossroads presents a glimpse of the countless correspondences he had with so-called specialists on relativity, including members of the Royal Society and publishers in American and British scientific journals. The former of which were often silent or simply condescending and the latter, younger and particularly not adept, met the criticism of the magical spell that relativity is with inexhaustible diversions and preposterous responses avoiding the question altogether. Dingle presents the clear question he posed scientific authorities as it was presented it in his multiple papers, which were all denied publication rights from the highest-ranking journals in which he was deeply acquainted with and esteemed for publishing in. It states: “Two exactly similar clocks, A and B, are in uniform relative motion, Einsteins special relativity theory (1) that the onion is wholly relative, i.e. one belongs no more to one clock than to another; (2) that the clocks work at different rates, i.e. one works faster than the other. My question is: what, consistently with the theory, determines which clock works the faster?” For this question he received no response and when he did, other than baseless, adhominem insults of his intellect and diversions, he was met with letters of genuinely confused scientists in the field of relativity who had accepted that understanding it was beyond them. This, Dingle sets the tone of the times when referencing the case of a genuinely brilliant good friend of his as evidence of the severe psychological effects posed by the unquestionable and authoritative nature of notable scientific bodies. These organizations are supposed to be servants of the public and instead they continue to go against their foundational principles of empirical truth and the scientific method. The scientific method, simply, is hypothesizing of and finding physical,
replicable, observable experimental phenomena from which to subsequently formulate an opinion or theoretical representation. Such phenomena must be, either through theory or pragmatic terminology; in logical and objective terms, explained with reference to the natural mechanisms behind it. Relativity employs the opposite; its genesis is in mathematics, and it seeks to only defend itself from all angles instead of engage in an objective juxtaposition to any criticism of it. That is the attitude of virtually every renowned scientist in the field of theoretical physics. Scientific organizations and their associated scientists base an entire world view on assumptions and contradictions, and still present it to the world and advertise it as absolute truth (of course always staying away from the Newtonian notion of absolute truth in itself) without any regard for the effect that this psychological conditioning and normalization of insanity has had on these poor scientifically (truth-seeking) inclined souls. Arithmetic and equations are a language; a way of expressing ideas. These ideas can be patently false just as much as they can be true. One can create a hypotenuse from just about any two perpendicular lines, real or imaginary. With the imaginary one one can associate a right triangle of which a hypotenuse can be any figure or number and consequently also derive its sides so long as they are in accord with the Pythagorean theorem. For instance, one could draw a triangle on pen and paper and label two of its sides 2 and Pi, and hence derive the hypotenuse to be the 3.6 (square root of 13). This does not mean that this triangle represents reality. It is said [that the worst errors in science are those based on commonly accepted ideas. Time is a conceptual quantification of a continuum which exists only in the mind that is doing the counting. Outside of it, time can only be measured by the multiplicative phenomena of expression of the One Source, occurring at different rates for different states of being. Relativity often mistakes observers for reference frames. Human beings are not God, nor are we gods; we were created by God. YHWH, Allah, Brahman, Io, The Source or however you refer to the One force of creation. Paying utmost reverence to this source of love (which is generation), and source of all the light; which is the seed of life on the earth, is vital. Modern physics obscures divinity and the idea of intelligent creation simply because there is no room for such beliefs in data, which is often, but notably not always, inseparable from physical, not spiritual phenomena. However, there is a place between systematic, dry scientific inquiry and metaphysical spirituality where both doctrines merge. This place is physical and metaphorical. Its physical location is directly above the north pole mountain Mt. Meru, which itself sits at the center of the innermost latitudes beyond the arctic circle. This is further described in the Heliocentrism chapter, but Polaris; the Pole Star, also stays perpetually put directly above above the north pole and does not experience parallax, scientism priesthoods attempt to claim that it does, but they also claim that light is bent by physical (non-celestial) matter. This is the source for the aether and consequently the ultimate reference frame. The aether is the still-point field from which light, heat, sound, dielectricity, magnetism and all other manifestations of energy transformation and transmutation arise. Thus it is by extension the working, unchanging physical/experimental reference frame. Without an absolute frame of reference upon which to build an understanding of the inner-workings of nature, as observers', entitled to our own separate, atomistic realities, we are left to interpretation, and our lives lose their inherent purpose. Existence becomes random, meaningless, and consequently materialistic. The soul is further deceived when it is told it is constantly spinning out of control, but the body feels none of it. That the sun is 93 million miles away and the moon 238,000 miles away, and the sun is
monumentally larger than the moon and yet from the earth they seem the same size. The earth is in constant flux, in its inner and outer worlds, but it is not physically moving, let alone spinning. The earth is fixed in its foundations. The Sheol is the ancient Hebrew depiction of the earths foundations, often referred to as the pillars of the earth. As the north-pole, the Sheol also has a thousand names.
If truth and reality are relative to each observer, then what happens when two observers come together? One must always yield their truth to the other, and vice-versa. Who determines whose truth must yield when all truths are relative? The simple answer to that, as Tim Fortin, a Ph.D at Seton Hall university, Herbert Dingle, F.R.S Ph.D and president of the Royal Astronomical Society said; whoever has the most authority. This is widely implicative because if cosmology and all natural laws are relative to each observer, then the power to behold truths about our world and the mechanics behind it must be yielded to the institutions which have put in place relativism to begin with. There is no clear distinction in the theory as proposed by Einstein in 1905 that dictates which observer the truth shall be yield to, and hence truth will always be subject to interpretation. By extension, the jury in this interpretation will always be the establishment. As Dr. Fortin states, this is against our very human nature of communion. Two subjects cannot come together and discuss anything, for they always possess separate and objective realities, both of which are, by definition, equally valid. It grants every subject a godlike power to dictate their own reality and hence, will never allow for two people in any scientific discipline to determine that which is true and absolute, for they cannot speak the same language, let alone be in the same time frame. When in reality, there is only one objective, absolute Source of the world and all its phenomena, which gives rise to all truths. All subjects are mere receptacles of this truth, and they can grow near it, or segregate themselves, atomistically and subjectively from it. This is the crux of atomism and relativity. The belief that everything which exists is that which can be counted, and to count anything, one must remove it from its bound existence, which is never segregated, but unified with all that surrounds it. The idea that light, magnetism, electricity, and matter are all composed of atoms, and further that the reality behind the existence of these atoms is relative, would never allow for science to reach a baseline or foundation on the conclusions upon which truth can be built. Experiments will always be subject to interpretation, and phenomena will always be uncertain. This is atheistic at its core and goes against platonic and Aristotelian logic. If everyones truth is relative, how can two people ever commune? How can there be any truths at all? Who determines whose truth is true? The answer is, again, quite ironically, that the ones who have put in place relativist and atomist doctrines; are the ones to which truth is ascribed from, and that everything is composed of atoms, and that time and space can curve so as to keep the speed of light constant.
Common sense, rationality, reason and objective experimental observation are the only grounds on which science can progress. The turn towards ignorance and dogma experienced by the scientific community during the 1900s is clearly displayed in Herbert Dingles Book Science at the Crossroads. For a more recent representation of the state to which we have scientifically regressed, I shall quote an answer to the question of mutual time dilation: “Every moving frame has its own time perception, and if different people are in differently moving frames they
perceive different time(s?). That might even result in exterior event sequences being switched for example, star A becomes a supernova before star B for one frame, and the other way around for another frame. Dont try to apply common sense to relativity, it leads you wrong. Common sense developed in a non-relativistic environment.” This is a physicist that has been so deeply disconnected from reason that he pitifully states “perception” as the cause behind time-dilation without realizing that mutual time dilation is illogical and only plausible as far as someones perspective is concerned, not at all with respect to physical reality. He may believe that the time dilation is not truly real physically, only conceptually, in which case he does not understand the scope of special relativity as objectively stated by Einstein in his original 1905 paper on the subject. [2] This demonstrates how dire the situation in scientific establishments is, where hundreds of graduates are going out into the world to work on highly dangerous projects, such as those involving high energy physics, and using equations that, although correctly describe some phenomena due to the ingenious way in which physical patterns have been represented through constants, still do not describe or reflect the physical reality of our world.
Light Clocks: Glaring Errors & Dim Results
In Einsteins famous light clock example; the fixed observer, were he to 'see in timelapse, would see the light beam on his friends clock as his friend walks past him, instead of going simply up and down, form a trail resembling a zig-zag pattern, because not only is the beam moving up and down as it bounces between the two plates, but also, since the observer that is holding it is moving horizontally, the fixed observer sees the path of light as seemingly longer due to the combined vertical and horizontal displacement. Thus the fixed observer deems that the light on his friends clock, as appearing to take a longer distance between each plate, must signify that his friends time has been slowed. This is irrespective of the fact that the two clocks had been synchronized before the second observer began moving. The largest fallacy with this is the fact that were one to ask the moving observer how fast his clock is moving, he would assure you that it is moving at normal speed, and has not slowed down due to his moving. This is because from his frame of reference, if he were to envision a trail/time-lapse of the beam of light, he would see only a straight line (not a zig-zag), right in front of him, at all times. Thus, Einstein postulates that since the fixed observer sees the moving observers light beam seemingly moving a longer distance between each interval, then the moving observers time must be slowed. This is an issue when you consider the moving observers perspective of the fixed observers light clock. As the moving observer moves past the fixed observer, he would see his friends light beam as traveling in a zig-zag as he approaches and as he departs away from him, while remaining in synchrony with his clock in the moment that his friend is aligned with him on his friends journey perpendicular to his light of sight. This in essence is the paradox of mutual time dilation. If one observers reality yields to a a second observers perspective, then why wouldnt the second observers reality also yield to the first observers perspective? General and special relativity not only inherently assert that time dilation is a mutual relationship for any set of two observers, but also both imply by axiom that this is a correct mechanical description of the universe. If one of the first observers second equals three of the seconds seconds, and one of the second observers seconds equals three of the first observers seconds, then both observers
are dilated in time simply due to the fact that only one of them is actually moving? If absolute motion does not exist, then it is just as likely that the road is moving under your feet. This is not science, it is against empiricism and logic. If time is relative, and inversely dilated and contracted, and the second law of thermodynamics always holds true, then how can it possibly be mutually-dilated? What frame of reference is this dilation happening in inverse to? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Time cannot bend or warp, for it has no properties. It is no thing. Time is immaterial and infinite. The only measure of time which truly exists is that exhibited by the heavens, all else exists conceptually in the minds of human beings, yet it is still not physically tangible. Neither time nor space have properties. Space has attributes; it can give rise to matter and energy, but it does not exist in-and-of itself. Space is merely the interplay of dielectricity and magnetism. The toroidal and hyperboloidal conjugate geometry of every proton are a microcosmic fractal of the entirety of the universe. The proton is the only true particle (indivisible unit of matter) according to Wheeler and other prominent field theorists of today. Nassim Haramein and others working on holofractographic quantum theories (which in my opinion serve firstly to occult aether physics and by consequence act as gate-keepers to technologies it unlocks such as single-point energy and gravity manipulation. Electrons are claimed to be particles that carry a negative charge, and just as we are now recently discovering about photons, they too are merely theoretic in nature.
An electron only exists when it is measured because it is this very act of measurement that gives rise to the illusion of its existence. Electrons are not constricted to any singe point in space; every proton is a toroidal point-source of charge from, around, and into which spherical waveforms of dielectric discharge emanate, allowing matter to keep its shape without quickly dissipating into its constituents. Without this dielectric tension a proton (the perceived measurement of which is really the hyperboloid force vector (spherical wave peak) within an indivisible nexus/lattice-unit of the aetheric matrix of cascading charge that composes elemental matter) would give way to its plane of inertia, spin out of control, and eventually decay. Just as if one were to suddenly stop the movement of the stars, all matter would begin to dissolve, the global weather would be severely affected, and the sun and moon would no longer move. Half of the earth would plunge into a deep ice age, while the other half would scorch and lose all of its water and consequently, life. It would eventually polarize in a static sea of energy until an equilibrium was reached, at which point there would be quite literally no-thing left. Without motion there is no light; thus no charge (dielectricity), nor magnitude (magnetism). Consequently, in this hypothetical scenario there would be no gradient nor distinction between everything and nothing, and nothing would be. Truly, nothingness.
Relativistic conventions of time render it something that can have a speed, and when that is extrapolated it is found to be zero.. Albeit strange, this is merely a psychological (thoughtexperiment) derivation of the concept of stillness. Realistically however no experiment has ever shown still time; as that would obviously be a paradox granted time is by definition motion. Without motion there can be no time. This is the stone of reason from which Einstein has milked honey to feed the form of his elegant equations. Relativity is purely an inverse way of looking at reality. A lot of fumigation was required to allow this honey to be fed to materialist aether
physicists but due to the already atomized and mechanized nature of natural science at the time of its conception it eventually, albeit slowly like a feather, fell upon common ground and effectively turned both the potential current of charge that maintains matter and the torrential current of discharge which wills it downward into a physical yet vacuous fabric. Now with Density is a product of mass but without the spirit that enlivens it matter would quickly dissipate.
The Twin Paradox: “I See You Move. Thus, Im Older”
A famous paradox in the relativity theory proposed by Einstein is the Twin Paradox. This is the idea that time dilation as a result of the motion of a subject would result in the disproportionate aging of two twins, one of which leaves the earth and comes back only to be younger than the first. This is brilliantly exposed as fallacious by Dr. Herbert Dingle F.R.S., who was in fact president of the Royal Astronomical Society at the time when he first realized that what he had been teaching for decades had been substantially wrong. Shortly thereafter he wrote his book “Science at the Crossroads”, for which he received harsh initial criticism from publishing authorities at the time of its publication. Although the paper followed rational common sense and logical, empirical wisdom, because it went against the prevailing theories of the time, and hence was a well-armored threat to the nihilistic system ushered in by modern theoretical physics, it was immediately shut down. Leaving its opponents no choice but to resort to ad-hominem abdications of it. In the preface, Dingle presents a letter from professor R.A. Lyttleton F.R.S. which is such an attempt to discredit Dingles work through philosophical overcomplications and diversions of what really is a simple matter, and further so as to claim that those who oppose the authoritative doctrine are foolish or do not fully understand its complexity. This is classical in regards to what he, as a fellow of the scientism nexus that is the royal society, is precisely meant to do. It is a fact that nature is simple, contrary to what modern scientific priesthoods such as the royal society and the Smithsonian purport. In this letter, which appeared in The Times on the eighth of January, Lyttleton states: “In brief, what Dingle has steadfastly maintained these many years against all comers is this: That if Peter and Paul are identical twins, and Paul goes on a journey leaving Peter to stay home, then when Paul returns he will still be exactly the same age as his brother.”. Lyttleton further goes on to discuss that Paul would arrive back having aged less than Peter; he would be younger. He then asserts that for everyday speeds this effect is negligible, which satisfactorily explains the unmeasurable tenacity of such a claim. Physical inquiry and observable experiments are not always necessary for a strictly mathematical framework of reality, and its nature can only be verifiable and replicable through the mathematical concepts given that they are built on the same axioms which give rise to it. Relativism, as we have covered, only exists in the mind of the relativist, and any advancements in physical science which authoritative bodies present as credence of it are merely, equally, only making use of such concepts in the minds of those interpreting them. There exists still, as we will cover, more accurate ways of describing such phenomena which not only exceeded the methods currently employed, but discern the reasons as to why such methods are undoubtedly false.
In Einsteins 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, he presents two postulates which, even by his own admittance, are apparently irreconcilable. His first postulate;
that all frames of reference are equally valid, is stated as such “the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good.” It is noted on the publication that Einstein was not aware of Lorentz transforms which preceded Einsteins paper and which imply the same conjecture but with an admittance that space-time is the aether, and we as readers are supposed to take that as it may. He then presents this new conjecture as the Principle of Relativity. Nevertheless, his second postulate presented shortly thereafter states that “light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.” [1] He then goes on to say that a luminiferous aether is consequently unnecessary as the universal frame of reference, and that this would give credence to the null result of the Michelson Interferometry experiments. [1] That is, of course, if one assumes the earth to be in motion, which it is not.
The Clock Paradox: Another Step Away From The UFT
The earth, and the aether, are fixed and immoveable. Lorentz, Einstein, Michelson (unwittingly) and others replaced the universal, stationary frame of reference that is the unifying aether field for the speed of light constant, which is derived merely as a function of the defined reified values for time and space; the second and the meter, respectively. In a true UFT (unified field theory), the values for these universal units of measurement should ideally come from one millionth of both the time it takes for the sun to encircle the earth during the equinox and the distance from the earth to the highest point in the heavens, respectively. That is, however, for further inquiry and deserves an entire paper of study and experiment in its dedication. In this paper, we will focus on the reasons for which Einsteins 1905 publications, and in this chapter particularly, his work on the principle of relativity, is false and self-contradicting. As shown in earlier chapters, the first and second postulate of relativity are non-congruent. Any true inquiry into the mechanics of the universe that is inherently incorrect at its center will exhibit paradoxes throughout its fringes. This is evident by the mutual time dilation exhibited by the clocks in Einsteins example and all variants of it. In Einsteins 1095 paper, he presents Clock A, which moves in a linear fashion relative to clock B, and hence Clock A would experience a dilation in time and would tick through each second slower than Clock B, despite before beginning its horizontal translation it being synchronized with same. This is the second postulate, and theoretically it holds true although no time dilation has ever been observed by means of experiment, granted it would be of nearly immeasurable, but notably not fully immeasurable proportions due to the speed of light being such a large numerical value. However, as soon as one attempts to reconcile this with the first postulate; that the same laws of electrodynamics and optics are valid for all reference frames, one is met with the inevitable paradox of mutual time dilation, which is not only immeasurable, but impossible.
Einstein put it best as undetectable by means of any physical experiment.. a claim that is physically immeasurable should sound every alarm in the mind of the rational, experimental physicist, for universal time dilation of any subject by the sheer will of their observer could never exist in real-world observable conditions. What Relativitys two foundational postulates inescapably suggest, when taken together, is that of two clocks either can be said to be moving
with respect to the other, and hence either clock can experience a dilation in its temporal parameters; in other words, slow down. How does one determine which clock is the moving one? The simple answer is that one simply cannot. Surely at least by means of theory alone, as is the current situation, but unfortunately even that is not the case. Let us posit a scenario where there are three subjects; one staying still while the other two move past him in opposite directions. One coming from the east another from the west so that he observes them both in front of him. According to special relativity, the fixed man in the middle is far from fixed. For he is moving both to his left and to his right according to either of his approaching friends. Now suppose they overlap their horizontal positions and for a brief second all line up (given the two approaching friends are not in the same line of travel) so that the man in the middle is moving simultaneously to his left and to his right until the immediate second they perfectly line up, at which point time for all three is eternally still. After this threshold the two friends pass him on either side and now all of a sudden he is still moving at the same rate of acceleration as before, but his inertia has switched frames; the observer responsible for his eastward movement was originally responsible for his westward movement, and vice versa. This entails that motion renders time not only relative to each and every observer, but indiscriminately so with regards to which observer it yields to at which point in time. This thought experiment begins to make sense of how objectively proving relativistic physics is untenable. This discernment would require an experiment in which an external, universal, fixed frame of reference, dare I say as the aether, is to be used in determining the parameters of both clocks simultaneously so that one may be said be factually moving. Anything else is illogical; there is no place on earth lest for Minkowski diagrams wherein which two objective yet mutually-exclusive truths can exist simultaneously. The scientific establishment of today cannot even fully account for their latest product; dark energy and dark matter, which is really the aetheric undulatory mechanisms that give rise to all light and matter in the universe. Thus, in an attempt to dispose of the aether, Einstein has ingeniously created a necessity for it. For his clock paradox can only be solved, and even approached, with respect to it; a unifying field. He utilized Lorentz and Poincarés math; which accounted for the aether, and turned the speed of light c into the universal frame of reference instead of it. Einstein consequently turned everything into a “vacuum”; despite vacua being unable to account for the multiplicity of wave-forms the aether is able to produce given different amplitudes of stress or strain upon its plenum. Greens theorems and other elastic aether theories of his contemporaries display beautiful symmetry and are much more descriptive of real-world phenomena than the thought experiments forged from the canonical set of relativistic equations in Einsteins Annus Mirabilis papers. Such aether theories articulately provided explanations for the seeming elastic components of the aether; in that it is able to undergo tension and compression as a rarefied/ primal form of matter.
We started by supposed that elastic solids, rotational bodies, then springs, strings, cubes, and now patterned symmetries of posited fundamental particles producing proprietary wave-form
elds (not the other way around) as the possibility of relativity being true in any respect. Yet as we have seen the supercharged Godzilla in the room always remains, embodied by the single, simple question; which clock is stationary, and which is in motion? This is an arbitrary question because the answer is defined by the theory plain and simple, it should be both. Yet this can only
be true in the mind of the relativist. It can never be observed; by definition of the very word, in the physical world. Time moves mountains, it turns grasslands into forests, collapses glaciers, etc; time shapes the earth. Time is constantly moving forward with infallible precision and strength akin to the cycles of the sun and the moon. Time is a conceptual quantification of an abstract concept. Time only may truly be tracked and told based on the motions of the heavenly bodies, which are infinitely cyclical yet dynamic. It is a continuum, it cannot be broken, bent, or warped in any way, shape, or form.
In his 1905 paper, Einstein attempts to negate this inevitable paradoxical conclusion by presenting a thought experiment in which Clock A sits at the center of a wheel that is rotating, so that it only experiences axial momentum but zero movement or displacement, while clock B sits at the edge of such a wheel, and thus is constantly in orbital motion about the center; relative to clock A. In this experiment, it is first attainable that clock B must be clearly the one experiencing a dilation in time, but the same paradox is met when one fixes B as the axis of axial momentum, much in the same way that a fishing reel can be fixed to a vice while the entire fishing pole rotates about its axis. In the case of this experiment, the fishing pole is akin to the wheel itself, which rotates, carrying with it Clock A, in circular orbits around the fixed point of B, which has taken preference as the reference frame. Irrespective of how it is viewed, the clock paradox is always a paradox, and the only way out is for both clocks to abide by an external frame of reference instead of serving as their own. This, ironically, speaks for the most widely implicative problem of Atomism; that everything is separate and thus subject to its own experience and reality. When in fact, all the atoms of a book, or of a single letter of ink or even a single pixel on this page, are in fact inseparable and indivisible as a whole. Half of an eye is no longer an eye, but a composite of various kinds of cells. We can classify cell types; such as that of a cone or a rod cell. However, as soon as that is halved, it is no longer a cone or a rod. Then one must look at a smaller increment of that; a cone cells nucleus, for instance. When halved, also will not yield anything that can be referred to as a nucleus. A single strand of DNA, when halved, will yield nucleotides. Further halved it will yield nucleosides and phosphate groups. Neither of which can be referred to as DNA. A nucleoside can be taken and subdivided into its sugar & amino acid molecular components, and so on until one arrives at a single atom of nitrogen. The idea of which, is self-destructive. No element can exist on its own in nature/duality. It must occur as a composite along other dense matter in order to exist in a stable configuration within its environment. Even hydrogen gaseous atoms must exist coupled to one another, and to exist alone, notably only temporarily, they must be placed in a true vacuum; free from any other gaseous matter. Eventually, in the endless quest to find the unifying framework of all matter, we arrive at singlet hydrogen, which forms the structure for all other matter to exist. It is the ground state of the first so-called shell of every other atom, defined currently as one proton and one electron. Though as we will cover, an electron does not exist conventionally, and can only exist, by definition, when kept in a field-form by the discharge emanating from a Proton-Point-Source (PPS). The PPS is the inner hyperboloidal geometry of centripetal expansion and centrifugal contraction, the source for all single-point oscillations of the aether which manifest as tangible matter. A proton then, one could argue, is the only matter that truly exists, by definition, physically. However, upon further peering into its nature, we find that it too needs a discharge
component (the field emanations which modern physicists wrongly discern as electron probability clouds) to exist, and without it, would quickly bind to anything in its surrounding area to achieve an equilibrium, due to its potential charge component. Thus the very idea of a proton being composed of individual quanta is absurd and erroneous by necessity. A cell can not exist on its own, neither can a nucleus, without distorting its field structure as a result of the environment around it.
Modern physics, regardless of tenet, reify time and space as physical entities, thereby assigning to them properties. This assumption is exemplified in the current interpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment, in which an interferometer arm can shrink/contract in its spatial dimensions while dilating/expanding in its temporal dimensions. The largest fallacy with this assumption is the fact that neither time nor space have any physical properties. Time is a human convention which exists only in the mind, while space is an attribute given to an area occupied by what we conventionally refer to as matter, however, upon closer inspection of this matter we find that even it is not entirely physical at all, but rather composed of pressure-differentials created by wave-forms, which giving rise to fields which to our eyes may look discrete with respect to their frequency, but that to a hypothetical observer on the molecular scale are merely immersed in a sea of other fields, all of which act harmoniously in their wave-motions to exist.
Relativity states that an objects velocity through space can alter its temporal dimension, but the inherent paradox with this, is that time, as all else in nature, is not quantified, nor discrete. It occurs continuously irrespectively of an observers frame of reference and perspective. Einsteins first postulate affirms that all frames of reference are equally valid, yet his second postulate negates that statement by saying that an external observers perspective can change the reality of another observer, and vice versa, manifesting the paradox of mutual time dilation, a tremendous fallacy in both relativity. The light clock example proposed by Einstein denotes that two people, one fixed, and one that is moving in a trajectory perpendicular to the line-of-sight of the fixed observer. They both are holding synchronized light clocks, which essentially are two plates in between which a light beam is bounced back and forth at even intervals; denoting a discrete measure for the passage of time. It is no surprise that he used light clocks, as the speed of light itself; c, is the universal frame of reference in Einsteins equations for special relativity. It is merely the aethers rate of induction. These insights I attribute to Ken Wheeler of Youtube and Run Ze Cao of Run Ze Education. They were both extremely helpful in furthering my aether research. There are a lot of controlled opposition groups out there that anyone researching relativity and QM must beware. Nassim Haramein of Resonance Science, Greg Braden & Gaia crew, all mainstream Science Youtube Channels (usually sponsored by Brilliant, Masterclass, or The Great Courses Plus), countless social media accounts, many hundreds of blogs posting mild (unimportant), diet-truths and promoting materialistic, selfworship & physical sun worship (often times unwittingly) and nihilistic diluted Hindu, Greek, and Egyptian metaphysics must be listened to with a generous amount of salt. The aether was once the universal frame of reference, but it has since been rebranded, over-extrapolated, evaded until possible then quickly chastised from all physics, without anyone noticing the glaringly obvious but ingeniously mischievous ways in which it has been hidden in plain sight. It is all that
truly exists, and none of the chemical reactions and charge dynamism which powers the minds and bodies of those who deny its existence would be willed to occur were it not for the unifying medium. The aether medium gives rise to all subtle and dense elements, as well as all fundamental forces. It thus gives rise to all matter and the entirety of earths energy dynamics. Earth is a dynamo, and with respect to its atmospheric potential gradient and the nature of our fourth dimension, it can possibly be thought of as the central plane of inertia resultant from the centripetal descending vortices and centrifugal ascending vortices of light from the Oneness; the still-point; singularity; Eternal One; God. Just as at the center of matter there is no matter to be found, at the center of the earth there is no earth to be found. The center is the single-point from which the root and the branches of the tree of life extend. The two flux polarities of the torus field are exhibited by the growth patterns of a tree. The trees branches usually extend outwards and upwards, while its roots draw inwards and downwards into the soil, together they form a hyperboloid-like shape, as we do when we space out our legs and hold each arm upwards away from the other. Hence trees, as humans, have a toroidally-shaped aura. The auric field is an inverse projection of the physical field, though it can be argued that the former precedes the latter.
The Grandfather Paradox: Time Travel is Impossible
Time dilation as a result of the constancy of the speed of light in Special Relativity brings about many paradoxes, the most strange of which is the grandfather paradox. It argues that since time dilation is possible, then by extension time travel should also be, at least in theory, possible, as is often spoken about casually in upper academia. However, if time travel is possible, then it would be possible for someone to go back in time and kill their grandfather. If they do so before the conception of their father, they will themselves never be born, and hence never be able to time travel. This is a contradiction. It is paradoxical in every sense because that if one can time travel, they can prevent their own birth, and consequently never time travel. Nature does not deal with paradoxes, it is diversely, though orderly perfect and self-similar; patterns repeat themselves in a wide range of material forms. Time, however, is set in the foundations of the earth. It has been set since the earths creation. It is untouchable lest by the hand of The Creator Himself.
One cannot alter time, let alone space, due to their perspective. That is irrational, illogical, and simply incorrect. Critical thinkers, reductionists, and those who generously swing Occams razor and practice the unadulterated scientific method can discern that time dilation, and imperatively by extension, mutual time dilation and time travel, are all not physically possible. The only way out is through uncovering observable, experimental proof of time dilation, not computed with biased software nor extrapolated through axiomatic arithmetic. There is no evidence that time travel is possible. Rather, evidence is virtually non-existent that even time dilation is possible.
Another paradox which came to my mind as an extension of the principles of time travel and the grandfather paradox is one perhaps less grim though still weirdly applicative. Say one time travels to an earlier time during the resurfacing of post-diluvian human civilization and
decides to join society, this would create serious paradoxes from many angles. Their bloodline will already contain the genetic information of multiple generations of people that lived in a very industrialized, modernized world. If they pass on their genes, they will contaminate the gene pool forever, change the course of human history. That would be impossible.
The Car/Ladder and The Garage Paradox
Another substantial paradox in Special Relativity is the example of a ladder, or in other cases a car, which when moving through a garage at relativistic speeds produces strange paradoxical phenomena. Paradoxes in themselves are not to be disregarded, because from abstract phenomenological pondering we can synthesize working models based on the inner workings of nature, but when it comes to these inner workings themselves, we cannot dwell on probabilities, uncertainties, and relativism. There is an absolute Truth in the universe which pervades all speculation, theory, and in many cases even physical laws. The physics pedagogy that has been in place over the last century or so is reliant on false conjectures made upon real- world observations and severely lacking in its own experimental basis. Even in its own field of interest, the mathematical theory of relativity, though beautifully multi-functional in the system for which it was made, suffered serious injury when extrapolated to its deep, dark limits. Many paradoxes have arisen as a result of this. In the case of the car, the garage fits the car perfectly, and there is a garage-keeper who is responsible for closing both the front and back doors of the garage, and he does so when the car is centered perfectly inside the garage while moving at near light-speed. The idea is that the driver inside the car would experience time slowed down and space contracted so that the car shrinks and fits perfectly in the garage, but to the but to the gate operator, the speed of the car makes the car shrink, such that he cannot trap the car within the garage for any second because the car becomes longer than the garages length. The version with the ladder is similar. The ladder is moving through the garage at near light-speed and for a brief moment it can be completely contained within the garage because due to its temporal dilation its spatial dimensions are contracted and hence it shrinks in the direction of travel.
Ehrenfest-Einstein Paradox
Paul Ehrenfest was the first to publicly uncover a peculiar anomaly in special relativity when exploring Born rigidity. The Ehrenfest paradox manifests itself when one imagines a rigid cylinder made to rotate about its axis of symmetry. The radius (R) as seen in the laboratory frame is always perpendicular to its motion, it is not affected by mass contraction and time dilation, and
should therefore be equal to its value R0 when stationary. However, the circumference (2πR) is Lorentz-contracted to a smaller value while the cylinder is in motion by the factor γ. The fact that in this theoretical experiment the radius stays the same while the circumference experiences contraction gives rise to the contradiction that R = R0 and R < R. This is another doublemeaning. Physical nature does not deal with contradictions and uncertainties. Nature, as everything else in creation, rises from the One Absolute. Through philosophical alchemy, by
throwing a stone into a still pond, one may truly turn mercury into gold, for he realizes that they are both wave-forms of the same unifying substance, at slightly different frequencies. One stone is denser, and produces deeper waves, the other is light and airy, producing small ripples. The spiritually adept may discern that the stones, the pond, and all other forms of matter arise from the aether plenum in the third-dimensional plane of existence and differ only from one another by energetic state.
Twin Frog Paradox
The twin-frog paradox is described as such: “Two Giant frogs are captured, imprisoned in a large metal cylinder, and placed on an airplane. While in flight, the storage doors accidentally open and the cylinder containing the frogs falls out. Sensing something amiss, the frogs decide to try to break out. Centering themselves in the cylinder they push off from each other and slam simultaneously into the ends of the cylinder. They instantly push off from the ends and shoot across the cylinder past each other into the opposite ends. This continues until the cylinder hits the ground. Consider how this looks from some other inertial frame, falling at another speed. In this frame, the frogs do not hit the ends of the cylinders simultaneously, so the cylinder jerks back and forth about its mean speed v. The cylinder, however, was at rest in one inertial frame. Does this mean that one inertial frame can jerk back and forth with respect to another? (Hint: Special relativity forbids rigid bodies in the strict sense.)” [LLPT 1.24]
This paradox suggests again that matter, time, and space can be warped for a moving observer due to another observers perspective. As discussed further herein, this confusion of an observer with a reference point, brings about flaws in the theory that no relativist is ready to overcome. Time is immaterial, and one persons perspective has zero authority on the temporal aspects of another persons reality. This is a mind-game and has zero experimental support. It is purely theoretical and even Einstein concurred to this simple fact. It should be near shameful that our society has gone on for so long without noticing the illusory nature of this theory, but of course, there are those who believe that the orchestrators of this New system fully understand the golden system. Yet, they create a mental puzzle for not only the physicists and scientists who take it seriously and live in that fabricated reality, but also for the truth-seeker looking to reach the center of the wheel of understanding of cosmic mechanics and natural science. Only through studying atomistic and relativistic concepts deeply can one syncretize and really bring to light their multiplicative incompatibilities and all the sinfully obvious errors which always occur at the far fringes to which these theories have been stretched. One always reaches a dead-end. There is no reconciliation between relativity and the real world, nor is there any between quantum mechanics and the composition of matter and energy.
Quantum Mechanics: Is Matter All That Matters?
Hydrogen must exist bound to itself or another atom, and thus it can be considered to be the only thing that really exists, because as soon as one attempts to subdivide it further, its composite parts are no longer stable and quickly assimilate or integrate into other matter. A
neutron must be addressed, as it also, like an electron, does not exist by convention. It is an apparent source of mass in the nucleus of an atom which really comes forth from the interplay between the charge and discharge components of it. A single hydrogen atom is merely the interplay between charge and discharge, kept in motion by the motions of the heavenly bodies which send down the charge and the earth which receives it. This is the source behind the inclination of all matter towards the earth.
All free neutrons become protons, and thus the phenomena that we discern to be two different kinds of particles inside an atom are really one and the same, merely at different states. Additionally, a hydrogen atom is not really a particle at all, for it does not exist conventionally, and only as a part of something else; i.e. hydrogen gas (H2). The next question then arises; what is a proton? It is merely the charge component of a hydrogen atom and, in larger atoms, the magnitude of this charge component. So an atom of oxygen does not have six protons, but it has a charge component that is six orders of magnitude larger than that of hydrogen. This can be visualized as a torus field with six times greater inertia at its center and hence six times the potential to resist (due to greater inner surface area of high energy density and aetheric pressure) primary solar rays and consequently exhibiting six times the density and imparting it six times greater acceleration towards the earth, hence why nitrogen, hydrogen, helium and any gas lighter (having lesser inner surface area of high energy/flux density and aetheric pressure) than oxygen sits above it within the earths atmosphere.
In Platos Phaedo, after a discourse about the nature of the soul and what follows before life and after death, Socrates, Cebes, and Simmias engage in a long-winded conversation about whether or not the soul perishes upon death, and whether knowledge is simply recollection. Through logic and wisdom they discern that the soul is invisible and indivisible; divine, and unchanging, while the body is visible; carnal, and in constant flux. Simmias and Cebes, however, present objections to this view through the analogy of a harp, which once destroyed, can no longer produce a harmony, concluding that the harmony no longer exists. The harmony can also be seen as existing independently of the harp, as it can be achieved with any sonic instruments through the same longitudinal-wave frequency. Socrates responds that the soul, being more enduring than the body, must leave it for decomposition to ensue. They concur that the soul must exist before the body, and add the fact that all knowledge is merely recollection; a remembering, and hence humans are able to act accordingly with wisdom in unfamiliar situations, and again, Socrates reminds Simmias that since the soul has existed before the body, then the body is not the source of the soul. This forces Simmias to yield his argument, and assert that the harp is not the source for the harmony, and that the soul existed long before the body, in a formless state, and the body is the way in which it takes form. Simmias admits that the soul is not as a harmony is to a lyre; the composite of the body. The harmony is in a way the reason behind the harps existence, and without the medium to produce longitudinal wave-forms (compression waves); air, there would be no transmission of sound, and hence the harp would bear no meaning. Phenomenologically, the harp is not only produced for creating harmony, it is an extension of our senses towards harmonies attuned to the resonant frequency of the environment around us. Simmias realizes that the idea of the soul being a composite was becoming popular opinion;
though through only probable and plausible grounds. He goes on to confess, that “doctrines which stand their truth on probabilities are impostors and they are very apt to mislead, both in geometry and everything else, if one is not on ones guard against them.”
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
Werner Karl Heisenberg won a Nobel prize for mathematically stating that you cannot determine both an objects position and its momentum conjunctly and accurately yet they persist on referring to the object being measured as corpuscular. This is an admittance and a stretched rebuttal that atoms, if they exist, cannot be measured. One then takes a look at photographs of atoms and molecules, say produced by scanning electron microscopes or other high-tier microscopy and notably, computation method to generate images, not photographs, of what the program takes to be atoms and molecules. There is an important distinction between an image and a photograph, just as there is an essential distinction between all that which by convention exists and that which is imaginary; purely mathematical. Arithmetic is an essential method of human interpretation and scientific exploration into the nature of things, albeit it can also be dangerously malleable. Theories can be created from any point of view, always reflecting on a physical experiment. This does not always inherently deem the substance within these theories as accurate representations of the physical world and its inner-workings. What truly surpasses all theory is law. Laws are what we should build our system upon, and any aspect that falls short, as highlighted herein, should be cast from physics. The uncertainty principle states that one cannot know anything because until we measure something we do not know its state and the act of measuring itself changes that state, so we can never be certain of things.
Mass-Energy Equivalence
Special relativity attests that mass and energy are equivalently interchangeable. “I dont subscribe to the notion that something can come from nothing” -Nikola Tesla
Matter is seen, on improbably grounds, as equivalent as energy, represented by the equivalence principle e=mc^2. Mass is truly nothing but energy, akin to light, heat, magnetism, and electricity. It is in fact the seed of these attributes within the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and over a hundred distinct trace minerals which create life. Every single material point of existence is an energetic standing wave-form, bound in tension and torsion of its fabric; the aether. This means that heat can sometimes increase the friction within an elemental composite such as wood, and setting it alight can do same so vigorously that oxygen drags carbon along with it, rendering it volatile. Gases as all elements exhibit a particular density depending on the elemental charge-state. This charge-state is maintained by the primary solar rays which flood the inner-matrix of different elements in different flux-geometries respective to each elemental lattice pattern. The lattice pattern is energy, but matter in itself does not turn into raw energy.
Gravity is described today by a form of action-at-a-distance in which two objects curve the fabric of space-time around them at a rate proportional to their mass and inversely
proportional to the distance between them. The inverse-square law states that the gravitational force between two objects increases as the square of the distance between them decreases.
Hence, the gravitational force between two masses changes in inverse proportion to the square of their distance. The equation used by modern physics to derive a numerical value for this accelerative force is Einsteins F = G (m1)(m2)/r2; wherein r is the distance, m the mass of each object, and G the gravitational constant. Einstein and other priesthoods of relativism and heliocentrism assert that this force is not only responsible for the downward acceleration experienced by any physical object upon the earths surface, but also for mutual mass acceleration; two objects attracting each other. To attribute this never-before-detected and hypothetically unmeasurable force to the effects of weak electrostatic attraction was clever; there is no way to accurately measure one without the overpowering effect of the other, thus we can never know for certain whether two masses are truly attracting each other by virtue of the extent at which they form a curvature of space-time alone or whether it is through the active and minute electrostatic attraction between their composite indivisible single-point torsion field oscillations; or so-called atoms. Atoms which, as we will discuss, have no true physical existence but rather serve as nexus points for that which is beyond physical to emerge into our seemingly threedimensional world. Each point of matter differs merely by the distance between each of these nexuses in its matrix. If for instance one splits a sample of sodium in half until it is no longer visible, eventually one would arrive at a lattice. This lattice is not composed of particles, but rather, is the negative-image of spherical convergence points along its matrix when any lightbased apparatus is used to measure it. Thus why through electron microscopy, one is able to peer inside substances through the repellant effect of these positively charged nexuses of pointsource oscillation to the discharge (negative) wave-forms which modern empiricism refers to as electrons.
Using FitzGeralds and Lorentzs Hypothesis and the additions from Larmor, Einstein enthroned the atomistic, nihilistic heliocentric cosmology now used to describe infinitesimally numerous yet finitely applicable formulae in physics. Through the atomistic, corpuscular theory of light and charged matter i.e. electrons one is compelled towards an infinite spiral of information due to the nature of constants and their numerological patterns, though all of which leads to and comes from nothing. The Energy and Mass equivalence principle E = mc^2 denotes that an object can vanish as a result of it moving near the alleged universal speed limit; the speed of light; c. In this axiom, an object moving at the speed of light would distort space-time as it travels so to completely contract in its physical dimensions and all its purported ponderable mass would be converted to its equivalent in energy. One of the biggest issues with this assumption, as criticized by Tesla, is that it does not adhere to the laws of thermodynamics. If matter were to bend in one direction there would need to be an equal and opposite bending of something else in the other direction, which would cancel out the curvature effects. Additionally, in this mathematical axiom, time is regarded as having physical properties (bending/warping/ dilating/contracting) when it is but a mental construct of the continuum of existence. The same can be said for space; it does not exist conventionally. It is merely a human conception regarding seemingly discrete fields. Space is not a physical thing, neither is it a vacuum. Space is
the exact opposite of a vacuum. It is the unmanifest counter-space potential field, the source if you will for all dielectric and magnetic phenomena; encompassing everything we call matter and energy. Matter is energy in motion, therefore it cannot “occupy space”.
A fire does not exist without the energy being released by the combustion of organic matter. The largest fallacy, however, is in the assumption that the earth is currently moving at multiple vectors at once and that indirectly because of it light is quantifiable and albeit so is matter, matter is not light. Matter is simply extremely high frequency light; undulations in the aetheric medium at an extremely high rate, causing an inertial pressure and aether-torsion respective to the elementary geometries comprising each kind of matter. There are often cases where substances contain a lattice which is clearly seen. This lattice is simply the framework inverse from which the light is emerging in counter-space. The light is the area in which undulations of the aether field within filaments, sun, or fire are of such high current; carry enough energy per wavelength so that the aether is quite literally torn into shreds for a moment before regaining elastic continuum upon the disabling of the light source. From each light source extends a circular wave-form of aetheric undulations.
The Wave-Function Collapse: No Wave-Particle Duality
Richard Feynman is quoted in his book QED saying; “...complex numbers were multiplied and then added to produce a final amplitude for the event, whose square is the probability of the event. It is to be emphasized that no matter how many amplitudes we draw, add or multiply, our objective is to calculate a single final amplitude for the event. Mistakes are often made by physics students at first because they do not keep this important point in mind. They work for so long analyzing events involving a single photon that they begin to think that the wave function or amplitude is somehow associated with the photon. But these amplitudes are probability amplitudes, that give, when squared, the probability of the complete event. Keeping this principle in mind should help the student avoid being confused by things such as the “collapse of the wave function” and similar magic.”
By collapsing the wave-function, Feynman implies, one denies an essential aspect of Einsteins theory of quantum mechanics; the wave-particle dual-nature of light. Light is in fact a wave, and as detailed further in this text, the only experiment which is used to support the waveparticle duality has been grossly misinterpreted. Reconciling light and matter as wave-forms and geometrical patterns produced by microscopic wave-forms kept under infinitesimal oscillatory motion, respectively, we find that their different constitutions are closer to each other than we are told and that, they both arise from the same medium; which is a plenum. A continuum of endless energy, which can be accessed as well as employed in the transmission of disturbances along it, which comprises every facet of world communications systems.
The ideas that a photon and an electron are particles are admittedly erroneous. This has never been proven observably let alone empirically. Science has replaced the quest for a structurally-stable, experimentally-supported absolute reality with a lingering search for
individualized suppositions and mathematical abstractions. A mathematical theory is rendered meaningless lest it has structure on physical reality. That which is true cannot rely on probabilities alone, for Truth is absolute. Endless hours are spent by highly proficient and welleducated scientific men and women on trivial pursuits within an ever-expanding system of illusion and nihilism. The idea that there is uncertainty in every atomic outcome does not fit the rhetoric that matter is composed of atomic particles; proton, neutron, electron, and that light is composed of discrete packets of photons. This atomistic narrative has been enforced upon by scientific authority since ancient greek times, and it has been overthrown and re-enthroned countless times.
Gravity: The Glue Binding Heliocentric and Atomic Theories Together is Water-Soluble
The patterns of primary solar rays through which heavenly bodies are compelled to follow as they rotate due west in the sky, especially those of the wandering stars, are also attributable to the attraction of dense objects towards the earth. Nikola Tesla was the first to describe this phenomenon through his term primary solar rays which constantly cascade down from the stars. This phenomenon along with the upward magnetic force is what gives rise to all cyclical motions experienced by what we refer to as atoms or indivisible elemental units of matter. However, everything that matters is not made of matter. What truly matters is the spiritual; the soul. The Sun rays and the heat it emanates, as well as the Moons rays and the cold emanated by them are merely emergent phenomena. The Sun is not hot inside, just as the moon is not cold inside. They are both windows into source light, which is still, and thus cannot have any properties as matter can; such as heat, conductivity, viscosity, density, etc.
Inherently, however, nothing is indivisible as all is energy in motion and neither energy nor motion can be discretely quantified lest in the mind of an atomist. Elemental units can be better interpreted as toroidally-shaped energy fields that within ponderable matter are held together in a lattice or another form of aetheric pressure. This pressure differential can be seen to exist perpendicularly and proportionally to the intramolecular undulations, likely in the form of standing waves, set in motion from an extremely high capacitance for aetheric flux originating from the centripetally converging cascading primary solar rays. These rays are sent down from the heavens, starting at the fixed stars, then to the wandering stars, then through Venus and Mercury, and consequently, through the Sun and Moon. This cascading light is, after giving life, motion, heat, creation and existence to earth (from the dielectric) slowly penetrates deep into the earth to be cast back to the Source in between Pater/Allah/Deus and Mater/Terra/Gaea from the moon. It is very hot in its journey and receives a baptism of fire.
Gravity in modern quantum mechanics is seen as an emergent phenomenon. Gravitational waves are a mathematical convenience, not a quantifiable attribute of mutual mass acceleration. Gravity is not a force. Gravity is the acceleration of aetheric torus pressure fields (existing as standing waves within the aether) achieved through electrostatic discharges in centripetal
convergent form. Just as magnetism is the acceleration of mass that has been given aether spin and that contains a high dielectric capacitance for transverse aetheric electromagnetic undulations.
The work of Henry Cavendish was misinterpreted and extrapolated beyond reason in Albert Einsteins theory of gravity and relativity. Electrostatic forces are responsible for the
Cavendish experiments supposed phenomena of two masses gravitating toward each other slowly and over a long period of time. Hence why the data yields in oscillation; electrostatic disturbances caused by sky patterns can speed up or slow down the attraction of each of the two spheres. A replication of the Cavendish experiment in which there is added experimental control through the surveillance of atmospheric electrostatic leaders during the length of the entire experiment could shed light on the oscillatory and seemingly random results of the traditional experiment.
The equivalence equation was essential for the eclipse of the nihilistic atomist theories over Aristotelian logic, which was enforced into law by the scientism church over the wave theories of light proposed by Maxwell, Kelvin, Tesla, Young, Michelson, Morley, Huygens, Dollard,Wheeler, and many other notable figures at the time and present. However, this equation, albeit essential, is not the keystone. Think of the letter G, what does it mean to you? We will discuss some meanings later, I am speaking of the occult meaning of the letter G, in terms of the unnamed groups of societal, economic and governmental influence. They are a set of architects which fulfill in the material world the agenda within the lower worlds, which currently govern most of human society on our third physical plane of existence; which itself consists of three dimensions; up:down, left:right, and front:back, or simply; X,Y,Z. Each plane out of the total possible seven consists in itself of multiple dimensions; possibly in a logarithmic increase in dimensions with each ascending plane. None are like each other, and it is possible that there are fewer. Perhaps a thorough analysis of the Bible and other ancient sacred scriptures can reveal this. Though it is not entirely relevant for the subject of gravity. All metaphysical speculation aside, the earth and our universe are not exactly as we are told. The universe is geocentric, and many know this, all noblemen, aristocrats, and brotherhood adepts and sages are taught this at the upper echelons of their duty for the order.
Special relativity concerns the movement through space of two objects (observers) at constant velocity in relation to one another. General relativity accounts for two objects moving at different velocities and vectors in relation to one another. The generalization of the special theory of relativity, so to allow the force of gravity to exist between two masses, is the crux for the existence of space-time, relativity, gravity, and consequently, physical matter in elemental atoms and light as discrete packets of photons ever dancing in entropy within the finite but unbounded universe of materialists. Through this generalization, Einstein was able to dismiss laws that would not permit the non-constant acceleration of two masses; the concept of accelerated independent motion. This is the axiom, held together with gravity glue by its keystone, the gravitational constant G, which allows for the infinite whirls of matter in infinitesimally small
orbits to exist within the heliocentric cosmology. In this convention, an object with an extremely high acceleration would experience their surroundings distorting and warping (curving) around them, as their movement through time exceeds the functional limit of the c constant put forth by Einstein for the speed of electromagnetic propagation; 3x10^8 meters/second. Through this axiom Einstein claimed that space can be said to not only have properties, but also dilate or contract inversely and equivalently to time. An object in motion and the notion of action at a distance; induction, are both phenomena of aether torsion fields interacting and sending out/ receiving veritable ropes or tubes of force vector field, usually bipedal vortex toroidal fields, which induce illumination, magnetization or dielectric acceleration along either, while sometimes both, transverse or longitudinal wave-forms. Of course for a wave to exist there must be a medium to support it. Waves are not a substantial thing or quantifiable in any way other than by focusing on certain aspects of them while ignoring others i.e. crests and troughs. This is, as expounded upon in earlier chapters, the crux behind the particle theories. Machines which are attuned to detect wave-peaks (where most of the energy lies) and programmed to associate them with particles will in fact detect particles. However there has not been a non-generated/ AI-constructed photo of a particle and there can never be one. For one the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the measurement problem assert that it is not possible for a particle to be seen because it will move or change its state if it is measured. This is another diversion, because a wave-peak can never be isolated from the wave itself. Spacetime is neither flat nor curved. “Space cannot be curved for it has no properties” -Nikola Tesla. Spacetime is an illusory mathematical interpretation of the medium; counter-space (aether field).
The atomists who purport the existence of a heliocentric universe also argue that a discharge-carrying particle; the electron, must exist, and that it surrounds the nucleus of a positively and neutrally charged clump of particles discretely and quantifiably charged. Light is also, in these theories, seen as discrete and quantifiable clusters of photons traveling in longitudinal-wave fashion, when in fact light is the longitudinal undulation of the electromagnetic aether medium, and not clumps of particles. It would be easy to suppose that linear and longitudinal wave-forms are in fact discrete clusters of particles. Light is supposed to be massless, although it can carry and transfer energy; primarily as heat. This property of light is only an emergent property of the aether field as it becomes subject to torsion and expansion. Through expansion there is the generation of heat, through compression there is the nullification of heat. As light expands the aether through its disturbance/undulation the counter-space plenum which exists everywhere in the physical world, experiencing flux towards its gradient into the physical spatial dimension. The aether is within and through every point of matter, which really are simply human conventions, as all matter; rarefied and dense, is a continuum. The aether field itself is considered to be a continuum. Scientism authorities determined after the time of Tesla that the aether does not exist, due to the fact that earths drag through it as it encircles the solar system is undetectable. This is another fallacious claim that is clearly, as evident throughout this work, axiomatic and based on a framework of falsehoods. The assumption that earth is moving, and not fixed in its foundations as experiment and all ancient sacred scriptures tell us, ensures that the aether cannot exist. If the earth is fixed and geocentric as our senses tell us, and as is confirmed through geology, astrology, and true astronomy, then the interferometers should have
never detected drag in the first place. The aether exists, and the earth is still. This was the alternative view when Michelson & Morley, Sagnac, Gale, and others determined that there was likely only two possible options; 1] that the earth is moving and the aether does not exist & 2] that the aether does exist and the earth is a fixed reference frame.
Particle theories fail to explain instantaneous action at a distance, the EPR paradox, wireless power induction in a vacuum. Photons break Newtons law of conservation of energy; light slows down when passing through a semi-transparent medium such as water or a crystal then speeds back up upon its alleged emittance from the opposite side. This phenomenon can only be explained with the undulatory theory of light, wherein the index of refraction governs the path-length of the light-wave and consequently the rate of induction. Rate of induction is an important distinction brought to my attention by field theorist Ken Wheeler, as intuitively, that which is not physically moving from point A to point B cannot possibly have a speed. Speed denotes that some thing is moving, and to assume that light is corpuscular, and therefore composed of things, as we have discussed, is highly erroneous for its own set of reasons. The beginning of the corpuscular theories trace back to Democritus, the first greek in recorded history to propose an atomic theory of the universe wherein everything was composed of indivisible, quantifiable/discrete units. The main arguments which in the 19th century successfully, though erroneously, eradicated the aether theory and with it the wave-theory of light, were that light; a wave, could not possibly be polarized nor travel in a rectilinear fashion. This is also a false assumption due to the fact that light can be polarized and double-polarized if and only if it is comprised of waves.
What is Light?
The fact that light can be polarized is a testament of its ability to be influenced by magnetic fields. Why is the sky blue? The upper layers of the atmosphere are composed of mainly noble gases; Argon, Neon, Helium, etc. which can induce electromagnetic undulations as electric currents from the sun and become ionized. Ionized Argon produces a sky blue hue and so do the other noble gasses. Thus, during daytime, the sun is not only directly transmitting light and heat to the earth, but also indirectly ionizing inert/stable atmospheric noble gases to produce the color of blue, and which in turn also illuminates the earth. This is why the suns light is seemingly focused though illuminates in diffuse fashion.
Because light is affected by magnetic fields it is inferable through deductive logic that light and magnetism are correlated phenomena. This was accepted even by Heliocentrists who still understood the concept of the aether prior to its abolishment. In resonation with the claims of the greatest field theorists of all time; Nikola Tesla, Christiaan Huygens, Albert Michelson, Thomas Young, Eric Dollard, and Ken Wheeler, and even, surprisingly, Newton, attested that light propagates in a manner akin to that of sound; through longitudinal wave-forms extending out on all directions spherically and concentrically from the source. Akin to how different frequencies and intensities of sound affect the amplitude and wavelength of its undulations to produce different tones, different frequencies and intensities of light produce different colors and
luminous coefficients. Wheeler supposes that a magnetic field is divergent. This idea is coherent with the fact that a magnets north pole is the source of centrifugally divergent flux lines which encircle the magnetized object in a toroidal shape and eventually return to the center through centripetally converging into the south pole.
Light arises from the sun, keeping the toroidal/hyperboloidal aether standing-wave pressure field respective to each elements frequency (spin, vibration/oscillation) in motion and stable three-dimensional spatial low-elasticity zones (atums or indivisible elemental crystalunits which due to their respective diamagnetic and dielectric effects adhere and interlock with others like it at the correct temperature and pressure. From the atmosphere to the center of the earth, there exists a pressure gradient which starts with the most rarefied, or noblest of gases; nascent forms of hydrogen, which merely is an aetheric pressure field of a high vibration but extremely low flux density, are the closest to the Primum Mobile. From them, denser hydrogen and helium, neon and argon, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen and towards the plane of the Earth denser forms of carbon and the rest of the elements are all deposited in a coherent density gradient. Through the hot bottom of the earth all matter or toroidal aetheric pressure fields undergo inertial expansion until built-up pressure/charge/frequency is released or discharged. Once this light is made void of motion it returns to source through the moon. The Sun and the Moon are the sun and daughter of the Sky Father and the Earth Mother. The Heavenly Father (Pater Caelo in Latin) is the force behind the metaphorical sacred seed, descending in the form of generative patterns of light from all the celestial luminaries as a hyperboloidal vortex field of centripetal convergence and Mother Earth (Terra Mater) receives these seeds in her womb, which bears a toroidal geometry, and hence gives rise to matter. Motion (patterns) and matter comprise magnitude.(Mater=Matter) (Pater=Pattern).
The Double-Slit Experiment
Light is said to exist as a wave-particle duality given Fresnels interpretation of Youngs double slit experiment. The double-slit experiment perfected by Thomas Young demonstrated in full scope the wave-nature of light. At its time it completely overthrew all corpuscular theories in physics. Now, however, his result is non-congruent with the theories of atomists and heliocentrists. British polymath who made notable contributions to the fields of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, physiology, language, musical harmony, and Egyptology. Famous for Youngs double slits; interference experiment, and for deciphering the rosetta stone.
Young had first read Newtons Opticks in 1790 at age 17, and had admired Newtons work. By 1800 Young saw some problems with Newtons corpuscular theory. For instance, he noticed that at interfaces such as that between air and water, some light is reflected and some is refracted, but the corpuscular theory cant easily explain why that happens. The corpuscular theory also has difficulty explaining why different colors of light are refracted to different degrees, Young noted.
Sound was already known to be a longitudinal compression wave in air; Young thought light might be similar. He noticed that when two waves of sound cross, they interfere with each
other, producing beats. While he didnt immediately look for the optical equivalent of beats, he began to realize that light might exhibit interference phenomena as well.
In May of 1801, while pondering some of Newtons experiments, Young came up with the basic idea for the now-famous double-slit experiment to demonstrate the interference of light waves. The demonstration would provide solid evidence that light was a wave, not a particle.
In the first version of the experiment, Young actually didnt use two slits, but rather a single thin card. He covered a window with a piece of paper with a tiny hole in it. A thin beam of light passed through the hole. He held the card in the light beam, splitting the beam in two. Light passing on one side of the card interfered with light from the other side of the card to create fringes, which Young observed on the opposite wall. Young also used his data to calculate the wavelengths of different colors of light, coming very close to modern values.
In November 1801 Young presented his paper, titled “On the theory of light and color” to the Royal Society. In that lecture, he described interference of light waves and the slit experiment. He also presented an analogy with sound waves and with water waves, and even developed a demonstration wave tank to show interference patterns in water. Despite Youngs convincing experiment, people didnt want to believe Newton was wrong. “Much as I venerate the name of Newton, I am not therefore obliged to believe that he was infallible,” Young wrote in response to one critic. Disappointed at the response to his research on light, Young decided to focus on medicine, though he was never very successful as a physician. He did do some further work in physics, and in 1807, Young published some of his lectures, including the double- slit version of the interference experiment. There is in fact only one fundamental particle, though nothing is a particle as defined by the common convention. All free neutrons become protons. All elements are just energy fields compounded upon hydrogen, each of a subtler matter which is subject to more downwards force; as in greater surface area of leaves move a tree more during a storm.
Mass is not physical, as each proton; the fundamental and only nuclear “particle” is merely a holdfast or hole through which magnitude is generated from magnetism; the upward force. Electricity is the downward force, and both magnetism and electricity are modalities of the dielectric field; the aether. This zero-point is where all mass derives its energy from. There is no equivalence principle; as energy must be contained within undulations of the aether and cannot exist without it. There can be no “waves of nothing”. Something must be undulating, although the aether is not a thing, it is simply all there is. Things rise and emerge from it, only to descend into it once more, as all is cyclical and impermanent, except for the singularity; the point-source of creation. This is the Eternal One, Brahman, Io. It has always existed and always will. Io is the universal monistic god of creation in Maori cosmogony and theology. It represents the will to create the seed of light within the sea of darkness (P .). The heavens descend downwards in a hyperboloidal geometry, the earths physical, three-dimensional cavity/hollows has a toroidal geometry. This is what gives rise to the motions of the celestial luminaries, which are cyclical yet unchanging. The hyperboloid is the source and sink for the earths entire mass, which is kept
physical through the ever-running current of primary rays from the sun through the heavens and down towards earth. Since the Moons light is cold, it is possible that it absorbs heat, hence energy from the earth. Rather even, that it re-absorbs energy from the earth; the energy which was imbued upon the earth from the suns rays throughout the day. This dynamic is both cyclically finite and infinitely cyclical, as all else in nature. The motions of the sun and moon are a direct result of the energy from the heavens creating downward electrostatic force upon them.
Each cycle is finite (day & night, life & death, summer & winter, spring & fall, high-tide & low- tide, etc.) but the existence of cycles has been and always will be infinite, because the nature of creation itself is infinite. Since they; all the heavenly bodies, are of a quintessential nature, we can, for experimental, not theoretical purposes, assume them to be a highly noble form of plasma. This would explain both their indifference for each other and ability to emanate light. The Australian scientist and physicist R. Foster (1965) brought up the plasma moon hypothesis during an interview with a local news television show (in 1965). He said that man cannot ever possibly land on the moon because it is made of plasma. The hyperboloid and torus geometries, as Tesla, Wheeler, and a rather good number of scientific individuals believe, a conjugate form of these two geometries. [6]
Likewise, the bellows/sheol ascends upwards through the center of the earth and into the true center of the universe, beyond which lies the upper portion of the descending vortex/semihyperboloid. The true center is directly between heaven and earth. This center is the source of the aether; the quintessential toroidal field geometry of magnetism, which comprises the One element of creation. From this primordial quintessence rises the four primordial elements; air, fire, earth, and water. Air is the sky above, earth the ground below. Fire is the sun, water the moon. The union of fire and water gives rise to the bubble within which we live. One could say it is the boiling of the primordial waters which separates them, in a toroidal field of universal magnitude. “Every mass has magnitude by definition.” -Wheeler. Magnitude is the magnetic component of toroidal expansion, and every proton bears this geometry. As we have discussed, there is no such thing as an electron, nor are there neutrons. As Wheeler states, The proton is the only nuclear particle because all free neutrons eventually turn into protons. This is because there is constant positive flux from the heavens to the earth, and anything which has no net charge eventually accumulates charge. All charge is positive. What we convene to be positive and negative charges is in reality, as Walter Russell presents in The Universal One, the interplay between charge and discharge, respectively.
The Aether Field: Unifying All Manifestations of Energy
The main object of a true unified field theory would be the understanding and consequent symbiotic manipulation of the laws of nature. Through taking into account the aether and the multiplicity of phenomena which spring forth from it, we are able to discern that all which exists in the conventional sense must be composed of it. All matter is dielectric in nature; an atom is held in tension through oscillations in dielectric counter-spatial pressure, which create spatial-flux zones of magnitude. What we call the electron probability field is really a spherical
standing wave with amplitude respective to the element (charge potential) at its core (what science todays calls the proton). This core is the source for the counter-spatial oscillatory motion which gives rise to the spatial standing waves, which again science attempts to quantify as electrons but they can and will never find, let alone isolate an electron. All discharge (intraatomic) emanates from the central point of positive charge through the aether and eventually returns to it in a toroidal fashion. The torus is an enclosed, infinite loop; a sphere with an infinite edge, hence why it is also called hypersphere. These, much like conventional standing waves in light or sound are of an extremely high frequency. Much like in a Cymatics set-up; fine salt sprinkled over a steel plate fitted on top of a speaker from which the frequency can be tuned to generate different standing-wave patterns as the salt is compelled towards the areas of low pressure. The atoms within matter can be seen to undergo the same process as the salt, and depending on the frequency of generative source energy giving rise to their three-dimensionally unfolding existence they arrange themselves in different geometrical dielectric flux field architectures, which dictate the materials color, density, refractive index, and other general perceived properties, which indeed are merely attributes. As nothing truly is other than the One Source God of Creation; The Heavenly Father; Allah; Pater Caelo.
Light, magnetism, electricity, dielectricity, and static (moving charges) electricity are all phenomena relating to, and arising from the aether field. This field is inter-dimensional, and encompasses all four corners of our Earth. It cascades down from the firmament, starting at the highest above and descending through the luminaries. Primary solar rays as referred to about by Nikola Tesla are constant sources of generative radiation tricking down from the sky. These rays come in different states of charge and give light and life to all beings and living systems on earth, through the Moon and the Sun this energy is diffracted and reflected and focused in order to supply the earth with adequate living faculties and arrangements, as courtesy of the Creator. A wave cannot exist without an ocean to undulate. A sound wave cannot exist without gas pressures to transmit longitudinal vibrations. A light wave cannot exist without an aetheric, ever-pervading field underlying and composing all matter so to allow it to undulate through various different transparent solid, liquid, and gaseous media while never interfering with itself, intersecting itself without ever losing momentum. This aether then must be extremely rarefied and permeate all forms of matter. The aether field is itself the unifying fabric which is set into torsion and tension at extremely high frequencies to produce; give rise to matter in a form akin to standing waves. This matter really is not tangible or ponderable, it exists only as dielectric pressure differentials within and of the aether field. Locked in extremely high-frequency oscillatory wave-motions, some of higher inertial torque; density, than others.
Light, matter, magnetism, and electricity are all field-effect phenomena of the same unifying substance and ultimately driven by the same force. The field cast from the heavenly quintessence, the strictly aetheric realms at the vault of the heavens, drives the tides by imparting upwards acceleration upon all of earths surface water. All water is composed of polar toroidal inertial field-forms, which we may call molecules, and the force with which modern academia attributes the downward acceleration of matter, is also responsible for the synchronous pulling of the oceans. Pulling is an incorrect conception, this effect is more simply described as the
easing of what we attribute as gravitational force on behalf of the moon. The moon pulls more strongly the side whence it resides, yet it still pulls, though weakly, on the opposite side. The effect by which this happens is also simple and hyper-logical when approached from a geocentric and geo-planarity perspective. The toroidal vault upon which the moons image is projected and consequently focused in our sky as ionized hydrogen is the aetheric dimension upon which the heavenly luminaries dwell. The moon is a projection/holographic image of this vault in its entirety, hence its circular shape. The moon is said to have 9,137 craters, and the visible sky is said to have 9,096 stars. The proximity of these values is statistically significant given that they are claims by occult-order-controlled academic authorities such as Yale (Skull and Bones), Harvard (Freemasonry), and most prestigious Ivy League schools. The moons craters have also been reported to eject plasma, referred to as LTPs (lunar transient phenomena) which could be the rarefied essence of that which is incinerated in the chasm below the surface of the earth, referred to as its bellows or Sheol. This would be possible because the earth itself, its physical component bearing a toroidal geometry, is a manifestation of infinitely increasing magnitude from a single point; where one end is immediately connected to the other through an absolute center, around which our entire universe sits. This is the Universal One, YHWH, the Source of all things astral and physical. Gravity is therefore not a force which causes heavenly bodies to orbit around one-another. It is also not mutual-mass attraction by virtue of curved space-time, nor the attraction of bodies towards each other with solely with respect to their density. Gravity in the conventional sense is not responsible for the acceleration of all solid objects towards the earth. Each of these phenomena is attributed to different states of energy, torsion, or tension of the aether field, although they are not all of the same kind. The downward acceleration is attributed to the same force which drives the circular motions of all heavenly luminaries, and depends upon the upward magnetic force and downward dielectric discharge which both synchronously give rise to the cavity within which we live.
The following quote by Whittaker in his magnum-opus aether-history compendium displays clearly the contradiction of a vacuum that is filled with dark matter: “With the development of quantum electrodynamics, the vacuum has come to be regarded as the seat of the “zero-point” oscillations in the magnetic field, of the “zero-point” fluctuations of electric charge and current, and of a “polarization” corresponding to a dielectric constant different from unity. It seems absurd to retain the name “vacuum” for an entity so rich in physical properties, and the historical word “aether” may fitly be retained.” (Whitaker 1960). The “zero-point” which Whitaker refers to is the null-aetheric pressure point within every elemental molecular substance, which is in itself a microcosmic fractal of the Earths Still-Point mentioned above. Still-Point is a rather scientific; descriptive and raw (absent of spirit/emotion) name to bestow upon the center of everything, but this is done so that the metaphysics within this paper can be interpreted to its full extent, and so the reader may make no mistake that the aim of presenting the information in this work is not to establish another faith-based theological/religious, cosmological, and physical model; as that is already extant and in full steam. The various references in this paper to attributes of Creation and Divinity are merely my own extended interpretations of the raw, empirical, and replicable quantitative and qualitative aspects of this research, and should not sway readers from its core. I am confident that in time, this information shall find its way to all
who are ready for it, but that it will only nourish their souls to the extent that they are hungry. There will be those that find their way through it without any or much judgement or prejudice, and those will be rewarded with the framework for a sound model. I must state that this work is not nearly complete, and the main purpose behind this book is to bring all the issues mentioned into light with some synthesis. It is then that synthesis that should be expounded upon by those who possess critical knowledge of the tenets of cosmology and physical science mentioned within and through reading the insights in this book can contribute to this re-emerging body of aether physics and ancient cosmology research. Molecules in the sense of the electrochemical bonds that we observe when looking through a scanning discharge microscope are merely areas where the discharge cannot go through due to the high charge capacitance of physical objects. All matter holds charge, and really, is charge. For without a charge pressure-field in the aether to create the high-density vibrations of matter and without the aether medium to sustain such vibrations matter does not exist. Discharge (negative dielectric charge) wave-forms (electrons) are oscillatory troughs.
All perceived particles are but distortions or emanations of the one true particle. Graviton concepts fall short in that they quantize that which they claim has no physical properties (i.e. a vacuum, time, etc.) however, they are intuitively aiming for the heart of natural science. Gravity is the mother of all forces, and it is by virtue of earths multi-dimensional cascade of potential, as protons in an electrochemical cell gradient, that on the third-dimension it not only keeps matter in its solid liquid or gaseous material state but also gives rise to the very field phenomena to which each state of matter and every physical elemental object is attributed. It is easy to mistake ripples in a pond for the pebble thrown in, when in truth one could strike the water with a stick and produce the same ripples.
ESP: Brain & Heart Waves, & the Aether
Modern academia refuses to touch ESP with a 10-foot pole. As Richard Feynman, a renowned quantum physicist/relativist said; if ESP is true, then physics must be wrong somewhere, because it cannot account for it. He said the same of astrology, which is explained herein. ESP, and Astrology, both have in common the fact that their underlying mechanisms are subtle energetic field disturbances. The brain produces waves of thought which radiate spherically in all directions and are not bound by distance or time. The heart is constantly generating the bodys electromagnetic field, through the iron-rich blood which runs through our veins. There is digital imaging evidence; not the most convincing but notable, which concurs that the body produces a toroidally-shaped auric field, as do trees and other organisms. This is the same geometry of a coelom in development, we all start off as a bundle of cells but eventually a cavity is formed on one side, which eventually extends out through the other side. The side on which the cavity first forms differs between the mouth and the anus, depending on if youre a coral polyp or a human, respectively. All other animals are a variation of these two original forms of fetal development. Imagine a donut on a table that is slightly stretched upwards on a vertical axis. This is akin to the torus field geometry produced by humans and that humans and all other animals start off as in the early fetal stage. This is when the tract that connects the mouth to the
anus is formed. Controlled opposition sources of online information such as GaiaTV and others of the sort purport that the quantum field is the way in which everything is connected, but they are not mathematicians. Little do they know that the word they are using is in itself contradictory. If everything is quantized and entangled, then nothing is a field. Fields are waveform phenomena. There is no need to tie everything together with strings when it is all one as it is. Every undulatory manifestation of energy is inherently connected because all has the same origin.
Magnetism and Dielectric Charge/Discharge of the Aether
Lightning discharges throughout the earths surface cause it to accumulate a negative charge. Lightning comes from clouds which contain positively-charged tops and negatively charged bottoms, due to water droplets carrying down a negative charge as they condense; absorb energy. Expanding expends energy, condensing absorbs it. Lightning discharges thus are expending accumulated energy which causes the expansion and expulsion of dielectric and sound pressure waves from which we observe and discern the phenomena. This expending of energy occurs at the upward final stroke, which causes the lightning.
How can magnetism not be related to the same field through which light and heat are transmitted when magnetic fields interact with both light and heat? Light is polarized in a magnetic field, and gadolinium becomes a ferromagnet once the temperature reaches 10 degrees below room temperature. Heat also is known to hamper all magnetic flux in a permanent magnet, while extreme heat or cold can turn certain dielectrics into superconductors; with nullifying their electrical resistance. These and other phenomena prove undoubtedly that all energy manifestations and forces of nature are interconnected and composed of the same unifying field; the Aether.
Boscovich viewed monads composing the indivisible structure of reality as operating through a vis or force which determines their approach and recession towards one another as well as the resultant acceleration of these material points. I believe this is exceptionally demonstrative of the phenomena which scientists of today call gravitation. Physical objects are accelerated toward the earth as they all contain a high (positive) internal (intramolecular) charge. This charge not only keeps the elemental indivisible monads of a substance adhered to each other, but their adherence and interactions vary widely respective to the charge within them, and consequently so do their physical properties. Primary solar rays are constantly carrying a positive current of electrostatic flux downwards and centripetally from the heavens towards the earth, which when interacting with toroidal indivisible units, drags them down along with it. Intuitively, as the greater the number of weaves in a ships sail the more air it can divert, the closer the proximity of each materia puncta, the greater the positive charge (which scientists of today associate with the nucleus or center-of-mass of every atom), the stronger it is repelled towards earth by the positive solar rays, and consequently the faster the rate at which objects overcome gaseous atmospheric drag. Dropping an empty 5-gallon tank and a full 5-gallon tank of water in a vacuum we shall find that both reach the ground at the exact same time. Although the full tank
contains a much greater density, and thus proximity of its constituent monads which induce its greater downward acceleration, it is being struck by the same number of primary positive rays as the empty tank. Due to this fact, the empty tank, although having less force per volume, also contains significantly less resistance per volume. The same can be said about the classic example of a feather and a bowling ball simultaneously being dropped from the same distance inside a vacuum chamber. They allegedly reach the ground at the same exact time.
Light, heat, magnetism, dielectricity, electrostatics, sound, plasma, and all other phenomena to which modern academia accounts infinitesimally small yet discrete particles of different attributes and compositions are actually all composed of the one unifying substance; the aether.
The straining of this aether yields different vibrations and oscillating geometries, where undulatory energy in motion is stored, transferred, or transformed; and thus all forms of ponderable matter exist and exhibit their unique physical properties only due to to their different aetheric field geometries. Anything that is aetheric in substance will be affected by the currents which constantly flow down from the heavens to the earths foundations. This negative charge upon the earth is what draws any and all positively-charged matter by virtue of a weak intramolecular (the aether penetrates all substances) electrostatic attractive force. What we take to be gravity is the downwards acceleration imparted on all matter (all objects composed of standing-wave oscillatory aether pressure-differentials), which by the nature of its existence alone exhibits resistance to descending heavenly currents. The higher the wave potential, the greater its resistance to heavenly rays, and thus the faster it will fall. A toroidal fractal-lattice unit of Cesium for instance contains a greater total charge and is thus subject to the most drag against the downwards atmospheric gradient, consequently descending faster than a toroidal fractallattice unit of Sodium whose discharge field-geometry is less dense in flux (I.e. its protonic point source has less energy exiting and entering it). Comparing a falling bowling ball to a feather in regular pressure and temperature we can see that the bowling ball, possessing a greater density and thus greater electrostatic resistance (like a sail in a boat) to aetheric currents, weighing much more than the feather; falls first. However, if they are dropped in a vacuum, the air resistance upon the feather relative to its weight is notably higher than that of the bowling ball, and because the aether penetrates the gasses which impede it faster than it pushes it down the feather falls slowly.
Gravity is perhaps the greatest scientific lie in the modern world. It stands as the culmination of over 2000 years of reformation and oligarchical systematic power agglomeration. However, the fact that the other leading pillar of the nihilistic doctrine of atomism is the assumption that all that is real is that which can be quantized means that gravity stands forever independently from the other keystone. If both keystones do not fit each other, the arc collapses. If when looking at one the other falls short and vice versa the tension breaks and the center does not hold. The fact that gravity can never be quantized attests in-and-of itself that it does not exist conventionally. It is constantly showering us, and yet it only materializes when it is encapsulated, and the only way for it to be encapsulated is by autotrophic living biological tissue, and it often
is. Afterwards gravity (dielectric potential charge) can be passed on to higher forms of life It is but a mathematical abstraction. All physical objects are imparted the same downwards electrostatic force, which acts upon them at a function of their density and air resistance, generating downwards acceleration. All matter is dielectric in nature; all elemental indivisible toroidally-shaped lattice-units which give rise to an elements aether torsion field are bound by electrostatic forces. Modern atomism dares not explain what keeps electrons in orbit, but it is the precise fact that the torsion fields of an element are electrostatic and notably, polarized, that gives rise to their existence. The negative charge could occur due to discharges produced by the aether torsion, and the greater the discharge, the greater the aether torsion and essentially the more counter-space is converted into physical energy which is kept in motion exclusively by the motions and illumination of the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies. As much as it is kept in solid form by it, matter is constantly being willed down by this heavenly force. It acts even on helium, which dares not touch the upper hydrogenous sub-heavens, even hydrogen cannot penetrate the firmament. All matter by principle is and has magnitude, and this idea I attribute to Ken Wheeler, who has truly been very helpful to me and all my work. I also attribute equal consideration to my Kumu Laau Lapaau; Traditional Hawaiian Medicine Teacher, and he showed me the Kumulipo; the ancient Hawaiian genealogical chant of creation. That, and learning the sacred truths inside the Bible and the cosmogonical creation of the earth and its luminaries described in the scripture, this I learned from Pastor James. I have been deeply drawn to magnetism and electricity since I could barely write, and ever since my childhood in Brazil I have always sensed that there are greater mysteries about the true nature of the universe, but never in a disciplined dissent of the mainstream doctrine, until it became inevitable. I always just thought that we; as a society, had not gotten there yet; a civilization without a clear reason for its own existence, nor a way to live in harmony with its surroundings. This is the direct result of the tireless programming instilled upon the minds of billions of people since youth for centuries now. The axioms such as that some time ago humans were primitive cave-dwellers and that not long before that we were, in every sense of the word, animals, sows the seed in the vulnerable young mind for a nihilistic creation belief; asking where did it start rather than what (who) started it and most importantly why do we exist.
Given that all matter is condensed is light, distinctions could be created to differentiate spectrums and dimensions, however, this is not needed to reconcile the fact that light, heat, dielectricity, magnetism, and gravitation are all different manifestations and states of the same unifying field.
The systematization of this fields dimensions and spectrums used to be the primary foci of all serious academic inquiries of physics. As of today, few have sailed against the current, notable ones of which are credited in this work. The equivalence principle, wherein mass is equivalent to energy, is merely a tangential way of exclaiming that matter is not physical at all, though corpuscular theory has obscured the true meaning of this convention. The Lorentz contraction hypothesis and its employment in Einsteins relativity theory, has stood as absolute fact within modern academia of physics. Light can be polarized, as young said, if it travels in transverse waves, rather than longitudinal as most aether theorists and proponents for the
undulatory theory of light used to concur upon. What is proposed here is an undulatory theory of everything. As the aether can only be set into motion as spherical waves and toroidal waves. The spherical waves are counter-spatial while the toroidal waves are spatial. Matter is composed of toroidal wave- fields of aether torsion. Light is also composed of aether-torsion wave-fields, however they are spherical, and possibly as Thomas Young said, transverse in nature. If gravity is an accelerative force, measured as a function of the curvature and “lensing” effect that a mass has on the three dimensional spatio-temporal fabric around it. The surroundings is an ambiguous term in the sciences because it implies an atmosphere. Earth has an atmosphere composed of mainly oxygen and nitrogen, and with increasing altitudes we reach colder temperatures, as well as increasing concentrations of lighter gasses, such as helium and hydrogen. Why does steel, when placed in a pool of mercury, float? It is submerged in the pool of liquid metal, but the mercurys composite geometry is more densely packed, despite being fluid. It has a tremendous amount of stored energy. Hence it experiences greater drag from the atmospheric electrostatic currents which give rise to its downward acceleration. What is it that is tugging? To determine this we mustnt dive into theoretical axioms and mathematical thought experiments. In the center of an atom exists the answer to this age-old problem. We are taught an atom is mostly empty space. To-date, however, the scientific establishment has failed to produce experimental proof of the 1% of matter that is not empty space. It is therefore deducible that matter is entirely holographic in nature, composed of multidimensional patterns giving rise to and maintaining intramolecular spin and in effect rendering it in three dimensions. This is due to the ethereal
Upper: Tibet, Japan, India.
force, once personified into a woman in Nazareth, now alive at Gods right hand; the heavens, which constantly shower us in his glory. The sun is the source for all light and life on earth. The stars are the source of all matter. The moon is a sink for both light and matter. It is not fully physical nor fully aethereal. It receives the three-dimensional patterns of condensed light that we associate with particles, but they are merely wave-forms of the aether field, not discrete or separate in any way from their surroundings or anything else in the universe, as everything rises from the same underlying field.
Heliocentrism: The Soul-Lure System
Heliocentrism teaches us that we orbit around the sun; hence its literal name; sun-centric. Geocentrism; an earth-centric cosmological theory, states that every celestial body; the fixed & wondering stars and the sun & the moon, all have elliptical and sometimes circular orbits around the North Star; Polaris. Directly below which sits the north pole. Circumnavigation of the earth has only ever been achieved around the east-west axis. This latitudinal circumnavigation is possible
on both a geocentric, at earth as it is on a spherical earth in outer physical space (which as will be expounded upon is not real). Flat is italicized because the earth is not just flat, for what constitutes it is certainly not flat, but spherical. A third-dimensional sphere translates to a fourth dimensional hypersphere. If for example a ships circumnavigation of the earth diameter is roughly along the equatorial line, on a geocentric, azimuthal equidistant projection; which interestingly is employed in radar & all other line-of-sight communications, including airline guidance systems. The equator is a circle halfway between the arctic circle at the center and the vast southern circumferential fringe on the edge. The edge is the icy Antarctic coastline explored by government operations; Highjump (fittingly, as this coastline is in most places a sheer wall of ice over 30 feet in height), Deep-Freeze, and others, which in themselves display evidence that the Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. [Fig.3] more closely resembles the earths geography. If Antarctica is not a continent at the bottom of the earth, it is a wall surrounding it and thus monumentally larger in circumference. Antarcticas circumference is so great that it surrounds
and encompasses all the worlds oceans and continents. Hence why the antarctic treaty and by extension the arctic treaty which was signed by 52 countries and which prohibits any independent exploration anywhere near the edge. It is evidently clear that this treaty is effective at its more extrinsic purpose, which is still not known by the general public; to prohibit anyone from interacting with the business of secret U.S. and Russian research facilities, bases, and other organizations in the antarctic. This is known by many in the military irrespective of rank but its operations are known only to the generals and other officials which take part in them. Another reason for the treaty would be hiding the Hidden Northern Lands further discussed below, and this is of utmost importance. However, the real reason the arctic and antarctic treaties deem areas beyond a certain latitude north and south prohibited is because through visiting both one could determine that the earth is not a sphere. The northern lands would display the 24h sun phenomenon more intensely, and the fact land exists there and not ocean also is implicative.
The southern circumference would demonstrably deny any possibility earth being a sphere and Antarctica being a continent. To circumnavigate the world with every single continent on the inside of your circular path of travel, as one would when sailing parallel to the antarctic circumferential fringe, would render it elementary to determine that its circumference is much greater than what is currently purported by the scientific authorities that provide us with satellite imaging and geo-positioning services. Antarctica has been the subject of countless cover ups and classified military operations. Due to the Antarctic treaty signed in 1959, we today could not dream to navigate close enough to its giant ice shelves and shores to see them, and this is not
Upper: Universi Orbis Descriptio, Universalio Cogniti Orbis Tabula. Lower: Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio.
always due to mechanical reasons. If anyone were to take interest in exploring Antarctica independently they would soon encounter international military adversity and be promptly met with force.
The Sun and the Moon are said to be local, perhaps around a few thousand miles up, and they are polar opposites, being willed magnetically to evenly coat the earth realm with sunlight and moonlight, both of which embody different properties and are needed in unison to ensure the survival of life on Earth. Moonlight is cold and draws energy in, sunlight is hot and exerts energy, although, there is no distinction between the two. They only differ in energy states. For all on earth is one substance governed by one force by the power of one spirit. If you take a thermometer and measure a moon-lit area, any area of non-moon-lit ground or moon shade would be noticeably warmer than the moon-lit area. This is not due to radiative cooling as scientism authorities would have you believe. The easiest way to prove so and dismiss that common excuse is to put up a circle cut in such a way that it forms an even shadow in 360 degrees for a measurable period of time, which can then be calculated and compared. There should exist no difference between any two measurements in the circumference of the apparatus if the entire area surrounding it has been exposed to the same amount of sunlight and moonlight. Geocentrism also reinstates the necessity for firmament or dome that encapsulates this realm, and hence that the rarefied, more subtle ethereal realm before the sun and beyond the moon exists only within this wide-encompassing seemingly semi-solid barrier. Beyond the firmament, as purported by ancient christian astronomers, lies the heavenly spheres wherein dwell the stars and planets. They differ from each other in the sense that, according to various ancient religious scriptures, the planets are referred to as “wondering stars”. It is possible that these are the stars that have fallen and are now rebelling as in going about their own seemingly irregular orbital paths in an elliptical resonant dance.
The sun is claimed to be 93 million miles away, and the moon is said to be 238,000 miles away from the earth. In biblical and other religious scriptures, they are claimed to be the same distance from the earth, as also our senses (which scientism propagandists love to shame upon ironically through their own sense (or lack thereof). The only reason Galileo although no precise measurement has yet been concluded upon, as least in the general publics (in contrast with esoteric) knowledge. All of these ancient civilizations did in many things, though. They possessed far greater astronomical and scientific knowledge, and could portray the composition of our earth with high degrees of complexity yet through simple arithmetic and symbology. Our ancestors did not ponder on false axioms and self-verifying equations, which are simply machines of thinking and often arent tuned to reflect the observational and replicable phenomenal in our reality. So how is it that without telescopes the Dogon tribe was able to
Upper: Mercator Septentrion Map, Mercator World Map. Lower: Typus Orbis Terrarum, Palazzo Farnese, Orbis Terra Compendiosa Descriptio.
identify and predict the arrival of Sirius B in the night sky, when neither planet is visible to the naked eye? This is the same reason why highly skilled ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, and Incan architects were able to construct their pyramids in extremely accurate and precise alignment with the constellations.
If there exists a downward force, it is assumed that there would be an upward force at its opposite pole. What use is associating kings with months, and pagan gods with days? The cosmos is our earths innate and impeccably tuned spatio-temporal clock, where the pole star serves as a reference to physical location. There is no solar system. We are encased by a large blanketing of gasses and perhaps a metaphysical or actual dense dome. Some say there are plasma rings beyond it, and that the Van Allen belts still rest beyond a semi-physical barrier. Some say it is made of a noble crystal of water wherein its structure is not random, but fractal and in the highest-energy lattice form of water.
Earth is not a flat disk in space as controlled opposition organizations and individuals that purport a deliberate false view of geocentrism, such as The Flat Earth Society, Mark Sargent, Rob Skiba, and countless others, simply to humiliate and discredit those honest, scientific men who have, through following the fallacies in heliocentrism, inevitably arrived at geocentrism.
Newtonian gravity is said to occur instantaneously as an accelerative force between two objects not only in the same vicinity but also, to some extent theoretically, at infinite distances with the same speed. Einstein dispatched the aether from physics, and subsequently invented time-space as the fabric of the universe, while granting upon every observer their own reference-frame and by extension the power to curve this fabric with degrees proportional to their density. He attempted to join Special Relativity, for which a description (not a true explanation) was devised to describe all fundamental forces, with gravity, the only force left out of the equation. To do this he created General Relativity, where the curvature of space-time is defined as gravity, overthrowing the Newtonian concept of instantaneous attraction.
Albert Einstein on the concept of General Relativity: “The gravitational field has only a relative existence... Because for an observer freely falling from the roof of a house -at least in his immediate surroundings- there exists no gravitational field.” How can something with a relative existence exist? It may as well be said that there are infinite potentialities of absolute existence awaiting with each passing moment, and despite sounding true it remains difficult to posit with certainty. If the earth is indeed a sphere, then it is a projection of the hypersphere within a plane of inertia which produces it, and thus the space outside the plane of inertia has a hyper spherical geometry, which is fourth-dimensional and eternal. The fifth and last dimension is With the earth being stationary, an observer free- falling is surrounded by the heavenly-cascading potential (in a toroidal flux field architecture) which acts upon his density and imparts upon it momentum towards the earth; that which we call gravity, but that really is the discharge (negative) electrode in the heavenly polar descending gradient, which again is manifest in a hyperspherical geometry; in which akin to a magnetic field seen through a ferrocell, if viewed from the side display a torus field geometry [fig.4] and from above a Fibonacci or flower-of-life circle with a hole in the center. This center null-point is the source for a magnets magnetic field. The equivalent to this center still-point (zero aetheric fluctuations) is the earths exact north pole. Anything beyond that is speculative because as mentioned all areas beyond 60 degrees north latitude and south latitude both cannot be ventured without a government chaperone and a serious set of imposing restrictions. If working under a scientific organization with clearance for antarctic research one is bound by their location and if they so choose to explore further south or anywhere outside their field of study they would face serious monetary and disciplinal calamities. The nature of the Northern Lands and especially of the central magnetic mountain referred to as the Septentrion by Gerardus Mercator in figure 5 can be inferred from the seemingly religious iconography as well as from the cartography and metaphysical/religious writings of ancient Vedic, Hebrew, Muslim, Egyptian, Norse, Mayan, Olmec, and other civilizations. Many cultures refer to the northern lands in their mandalas. Other than Muslims south of Mecca, a number of religions teach to face north during prayer. All bestowing upon it the title the land of a thousand names. It is possible that it envelops or comprises the central starting-place of humanity i.e. the garden of eden. This is supported by the Bible [Gen. 2] in which four rivers descended from eden. Also, peculiarly, every map of the arctic circle and of the earth from the 1300s to the 1800s which showed with decent and impressive accuracy the worlds continents also depict four small continents or islands surrounding a central mountain which itself is surrounded by a whirlpool that encircles a “very tall black rock.” Literally the
name given to it by Mercator: Rupes Nigra Et Altissima. From this whirlpool there are four diverging river heads which run in between each of the four central island-continents [fig.5].
This rock is known to be the central north pole of earths magnetic field; where all compasses point to. The four continents/islands surrounding this rock are now obscured from all maps, but they can be seen in the above figures 7 through10. If this central mountain is indeed the axis for the ethereal heavenly planes which humans are barred from unless permitted by Gods angels, and if by consequence the land directly beneath or around it is in some way special to us and our history, it would make sense that it has been hidden from all recent maps and all information on the Septentrion has been written off as nonsensical records on the behalf of otherwise notably astute and cartographically accurate explorers such as Magellan, Mercator, and Cook, all whom ventured to the north.
The gravitational force is the keystone within a philosophical tenet of special relativity; general relativity, wherein the attraction between massive cosmic bodies is considered. Its numerical constant G was derived from the cavendish experiment, where two large spheres on opposite sides and ends of a rod fixed to a mount. Fixed to the same mount, two smaller spheres were attached to a pivoting arrangement either in an upside down U-shape or a rod.
In all instances that this result was replicated, the data were obtained in oscillation. If the value for G is found within a quite generous frequency band, it is considered a successful experiment. This common fallacy and infringement of the scientific method occurs not only due to the fact that the results obtained from such an apparatus are inherently subjective, but also especially as Einstein and various prominent mathematical philosophers at the time suggested, because no matter where it is done on earth, this experiment could not account for the gravitation between two bodies due to the fact that the electrostatic and intermolecular forces acting on the apparatus from the environment would be, inevitably, interfering with the experiment. Einstein is quoted saying that no motion of the earth could ever be detected. In this he takes into assumption that in any observers inertial reference frame the world under his feet is supposed to be spinning in nine different directions, and that it is unable for him to feel any of its motion because he himself is also spinning with it.
In this assumption he presumes that there exists a field beginning in the hydrogen ions in the upper gaseous atmosphere through the following density gradient of helium, nitrogen, oxygen, then hundreds of miles of liquid water and eventually calcite and silica and other denser minerals with greater aetheric intramolecular spin and this field maintains such a gradient not only in spite of, but due to the fact that the earth is a rotating body in a vacuum.
"The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless. Either coordinate system could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, the sun is at rest and the earth moves, or the sun moves and the earth is at rest, would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems." - Albert Einstein
This quote implies that heliocentric and geocentric views of the earth merely are two modalities, or ways of interpreting, the same data. How is this possible? Well, it has been possible for a long time. All the way back to ancient Greece, in fact, when Erastothenes used two sticks, miles apart, and measured the angles of the shadows produced by both sticks, at specific times of the day, and thereby determining, through a mathematical formula which derived the earths circumference, given the sun is 93 million miles away. A closer sun (3000 miles) would cast the exact same shadow on the two sticks, on a plane earth, as a 93-million-mile-away sun would on a spherical earth. Certainly just as in relativity, as expounded upon in earlier chapters, in cosmology Einstein leaves absolute truth up for interpretation, almost dependent on our choice. This displays in clear detail the contradictory nature of most of what Einstein published. The earth being at rest and the sun moving around it is a starkly different physical and metaphysical system than the opposite, widely-accepted convention.
Gravitational phenomena are not separate from magnetism, light, heat, and other energy manifestations. In fact, without gravity, such phenomena would not exist. A magnet has a toroidal flux field of aether torsion exiting its south and entering its north pole. The earth has a material flux field exiting through the Sheol and entering through via the heavens. The downward aether flux (positive potentiality) causes a constant downward tendency which is imparted upon any object whose mass is composed of protons. For within substances which manifest magnetic fields, it is the primary solar rays which, by continuously striking them, remove their dielectric component and allow magnetic fields to extend beyond the material.
Time is a continuum. The quantifiable, tangible expression of time in modern arithmetic implies that time is, in a way, physical, and hence that it can bend or warp, as purported through the contraction conjectures of atomists in the 1900s. Physics still refuses to admit that all waves need a medium, but academic physics books from 1944 still concur that waves are disturbances in a medium, still refusing to speak of the aether. The word, medium, has become so demonized, that now they are forced to use the term eld. Modern physics will never truly grasp the concept of a field because they imagine fields as existing by virtue of the waves which are being propagated, not the medium which itself must be undulating to produce them. They go as far as calling this medium the vacuum, indicating that it is empty of substance, when in fact it is where all magnitude extends from, and hence wherefrom all substance is bestowed its inertia to even exist. It is far from empty, it is in fact full of unmanifest potential. It is the matrix which upon experiencing torsion due to magnitude allows for the expansion of itself and manifestation of its stillness into motion with respect to the formative geometrical pattern being expressed in any physical substance. Each element is motion of this stillness at different oscillatory frequencies and consequently different magnitudes of aether-torsion and expansion/contraction conjugates.
A true unifying theory of physics and cosmology must, inherently, explain not only gravitational, dielectric/electromagnetic, and electrostatic phenomena; but also geophysical & meteorological processes, the motions of heavenly luminaries, and all possible chemical
reactions. It must explain why all compasses point towards true north, and notably; what it is they are pointing to. Gravity is an emergent phenomenon of the aether field, as all other undulations of same, and thus it cannot be explained nor accounted for without reconciliation of all other phenomena which spring forth from it. Gravity is what wills rain drops to fall upon the earth, but it is also what keeps the sun and moon in perfectly cyclical elliptical orbits around the earths central axis.
The descending force begins at the highest heaven of the heavenly firmament, which sits directly above the equatorial circumference. It then descends towards the center of the world as a centripetal vortex, setting into motion all the heavenly bodies and consequently all geological and meteorological processes, including the the polar whirlpool which, joining all oceans of the world, draws water inwards through the four rivers between each continent. In the very center of this whirlpool sits a tall, black, magnetic mountain known by a million names; meru is one that I particularly enjoy. This mountain is said to be 33 miles in circumference. Thus, there is a cross of water and a cross of land; four deltas and four land masses marks the eight-fold nature of the torus field of earth as a whole, which is what encompasses the physical three dimensions and likely in outer shells, higher dimensions which are not separate from our own but in a sense, fractal/holographic projections of it, which become increasingly subtle with altitude. The downward force and the upward force; both being responsible for the motion of heavenly bodies, also control by extension all processes which we attribute to the effects of the luminaries; including the sun and moon. All celestial luminaries, and particularly the sun and the moon, terraform the earth and give rise to plate dynamics, the tides, weather patterns, and all life forms. All arise from the Source of all, which is the holiest place in the universe, and lies at the very epicenter of the earth.
The Axis of Evil: Lambda-CDMs Weak Spot
“The "Axis of Evil" is a name given to an anomaly in astronomical observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The anomaly appears to give the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance a result which has been claimed to be evidence of a departure from the Copernican principle.” Wikipedia: Axis of Evil.
Mainstream astronomers cannot explain why microwave-scanning telescopes and other means of probing the universe to understand its composition and age have yielded unexpected results, and shown that the cosmic background radiation has a symmetry to it that seems to be dependent on the earths ecliptic plane. This is easily explained by a geocentric perspective; cosmic radiation hitting the earth is entirely dependent on the movement of radiative (luminous) celestial objects above the earth. A geocentric universe also explains why the top half of the CMB is slightly cooler, as quoted by Paul Sutter: “It seems that the CMB is slightly cooler when viewed through the "top half" of our solar system, and slightly warmer on the opposite side. I'm not talking much; just a handful of microKelvin difference, but it's measurable and definitely there. Plus, this peculiar relationship to our solar system is aligned with the quadrupole and
octupole.” “But when you look at the CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun the plane of the earth around the sun the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.” - Lawrence Krauss in a 2006 edge.org article.
As quoted in the space.com [29] article, the universe could care less what the earth is doing, so why are there two multipoles in the CMB from the entire universe that align with the earths ecliptic plane? There must be something missing in our current cosmological model.
Anti-Gravity: No Crazier Than Flying Spiders.
One hundred lightning bolts strike the earth every second. The atmospheric potential
gradient (APG) is an electric circuit between the earth and the atmosphere maintained by
thunderstorms through the constant, and for the most part, negative lightning discharging all over
the earths surface at any given time. Usually this collectively amounts to one hundred lightning
bolts striking the earth every second. This field exists globally in the atmosphere with an average
surface magnitude of 120 V m1 pointing
downward towards the earth from the heavens.
Due to the accumulation of this charge potential
the earths surface is then, under most conditions,
negatively charged compared to the atmosphere,
which is generally positively charged. During
storms, however, the earths surface builds up
positive charges which when accumulated to a
sufficient degree induce a discharge from the
negatively-charged bottom of storm clouds, which
usually also have a positively-charged top. The
positive electrostatic charge manifesting on the
earths surface during thunderstorms accumulates
particularly well in tall conductive objects; as they
are not only far from the grounds general negative
charge, but also allow charges to flow freely
through them. During the discharge of lightning,
positive leaders are sent upwards through the
conductive object to meet with the negative leaders
Peter Gorham, University of Hawaii
from the clouds, and it is only upon their union that a strong upward stroke/surge of high voltage
and current is formed. This final discharge is what
gives rise to the light and sound wave-forms of lightning and thunder, respectively. The tree-like
fractal pattern which is in most cases from the ground up is formed as the charges find the path
of least ionization resistance in the gaseous atmosphere. This extremely powerful discharge also
generates extreme air pressures which create the audible and revered sound of thunder. It is due
to this continuous dumping of negative electricity unto the earth by storms all across it that its
surface remains negatively charged, and that under usual conditions it serves as an electrostatic
ground towards which the positive charges in the atmosphere are constantly flowing. Just like a
magnet can store and create single- point aetheric (magnetic) flux, defined simply by cyclic
dielectric and electric potentials simultaneously charging and discharging each other as a torus
field geometry, the primary solar rays as referred to by Tesla create a river or current and a
gradient of electric potentials which can be harnessed for imparting mechanical momentum upon
an object that is inversely charged with respect to its flow.
This phenomenon has been observed in
nature when ballooning spiders, through biological
electrochemical mechanisms, accumulate charges
on a brush of silk strands spun out and deployed
from their spinnerets during optimal atmospheric
electrostatic conditions. These spiders contain
trichobothria; electrosensitive hairs on their front
limbs with which they scan the earths Schumann
resonance or APG to determine whether the
electrostatic currents are rideable. After this pre-
flight check they stand on their front limbs and
point their abdomen to the sky, and begin
simultaneously weaving out many individual
strands of silk to which they impart electrostatic
potentials of high negative voltages (relative to
their size) which nullify all primary solar ray
centripetal electrostatic acceleration upon their
mass. The lowest charge needed (which could
indicate the charge scale used by the spider) has
been determined in a study under controlled zero-
wind conditions to be possibly as low as in the
nanocoulomb-range. Through charging each strand
of silk with a negative charge, they all repel each other while simultaneously attracting the positive
Peter Gorham University of Hawaii
polarity of the atmosphere. Notably, some strands in
the fringes of the discharge brush are bent downwards while they are all separated at the very
center, forming a curve and epicenter akin to that of a torus field. This could indicate the field
also should repel the earths negative charge, but interestingly it is possible that the spider attains
a relatively lesser positive charge in its body which is lesser because it is not to attract the
prevailing negative charges of the earth but instead to induce a counter-flow or sink of
electrostatic potential within the body of the spider so that when the negative discharge from the
brush draws in positive charges into the body they are quickly expelled out through the other
end. They likely achieve this by using their main two limbs which remain lowered and positively
charged to achieve an effect akin to a piece of aluminum foil that is rounded and negatively
charged at the top while concave (forming two sharp edges for discharge (aetheric flux
rarefaction) at the bottom. Thus it can be inferred that the negative brush discharge from their
strands create a centrifugal electrostatic potential which after compressing the aether through
drawing in an increased positive flux and imparting this as electrical momentum in the body of
the spider akin to a capacitor accumulating electric charge. However, when the spider reaches its
critical capacitance, the centrifugally divergent field of aetheric compression generated by the
brush envelops the spiders body and folds inwards to centripetally converging at the two front
limbs. This causes an outflow or elevation upwards and out-feeding of rarefied electric field
lines in the APG, which impart mechanical upward momentum into the spiders body and oppose
all gravitational effects, which really are all attributed to electrostatics. There is promise in this as a medium of propagation wherein machines could through electrostatics deploy In the case of gravity for mutual-mass acceleration, it is due to intermolecular electrostatic attraction. In the phenomena of downward acceleration towards the earth, physical matter exhibits some resistance to primary solar rays from the heavens, which compose of a constant flux of electrostatic leaders that pass through objects while dragging them along towards the earth, henceforth creating them; matter would not be stable were it not for the constant supply of intramolecular oscillation and spin inertial energy from the primary solar rays.
Therefore, in order to select matter that can be attracted towards the inverse vectorial direction as the current of these rays, one would have to look into conductive materials. There is also a need for insulating materials, as the high electrostatic potentials produced need to be stored and charged in some way so to encapsulate the vehicle in an inductive flow upwards as the highly negative brush discharge creates a field of aetheric compression above the vehicle which induces the centripetal influx and accumulation of the positive charge in the conductive materials of an electromechanical flying craft by emulating the electrodynamic gravitational currentinversion principles employed by ballooning spiders. The bottom of such a craft should contain a highly positive, direct-current coronal electrostatic discharge. This charge is drawn downwards centrifugally to exit out through the underside of the vehicle hence repelling the earths charge and causing aetheric rarefaction.
This is why there is zero air-drag or other forces acting upon an electrostatic flying vehicle because the craft itself is bending the very fabric from which gas and other particles are comprised of; allows craft made with this technology to travel at incredible speeds. Gyroscopes are the primary means by which steering and stabilization are directly fed even the minutest of impulses from the mechanically-driven controls. The upward charge could be produced through the use of multiple Van de Graaf generators or Wimshurst machines wired in parallel in such that the negative electrode; or in the case of the negative-polarity Van de Graaf, the main electrode, feeds into the top resonating primary pancake coil (made with 8 turns of 1/2-inch diameter insulated copper wire) which induces a strong electrostatic field from the secondary pancake coil (made with 80-300 turns of 2cm copper wire). The positive electrode on the high- frequency electrostatic generators is grounded in the ships conductive hull. The electrostatic discharges must be of extremely high frequency but must also carry out just enough current and as low an amperage as possible for increased safety. The interior of the craft must be fully insulated, while the exterior, with respect to its upwards and downwards sections, oppositely and inversely conductive. That is, opposite of each other and as a whole inverse to that of the polarity of charges from earth to the atmosphere.
Scarab beetles have elytra; frontal wing-covers, which they stick upwards during flight. These are implicated in explaining the elusive disproportionate weight-to-wing ratio of many insects. A possible reason could be that they produce electrostatic discharge alongside their flapping figure-8 mechanical movements, and it has even been supposed and possibly practically observed that and if an array of these wings is rotated super-symmetrically in such a
way they are capable of generating mechanical aetheric-rarefaction, drawing in primary solar rays which impart upon them upward momentum, which can be used to raise a platform above the ground, the underside of which bears hundreds of these elytra. This was claimed to be done once, and can easily be found on any search engine, but has not been visibly replicated since.
The high voltage electrostatic charge potentials necessary for replicating the effect employed by arthropods in providing in some cases additional or in others all their lift as they fly can be generated by two different Van de Graaf generators each identical except in the physical composition of their essential parts, so to produce different potentials of charge. It is likely that the upper discharge component of the bi-potential electrostatic field will need to be of a higher amplitude so that upward lift is generated. However, through using a modulator or other electronic regulatory device one can increase or decrease this amplitude at will to control the crafts altitude. In the positive (charge) one, the top roller is to be made of nylon, the belt of PVC, and the bottom roller of silicone. In the negative generator, the top roller is to be silicone, the belt PVC, and the bottom roller nylon. All this does is produce torsion in the aetheric (dielectric) components of the insulating belt, allowing it to accept and release charge through frictionless as well as friction- based transfer. When the entire system is operational, electrostatic leaders exit from the circular or toroidal head-mount of the generator and are led upwards or downwards depending on their charge potential. If it is a high potential; positive, they are drawn downwards, if it is a low potential; negative, they are drawn upwards into the high-potential atmosphere.
The negative component discharges as an apical inverse cone exiting through the conical roof of the craft. The positive generator can produce weaker charges which are also distributed between four equidistant coronal discharge areas on the underside of the craft. These drag the mechanically compressed aether undulations downwards and back into the craft through its attraction to its positive underside, converging as spirals along each circular coronal diffusion repulsers. These charges enter and climb up through the central toroidal current cavity of the spider which passengers have no access to. It allows the constant upward drag or levitation which is imparted upon the spider as its top becomes highly negatively charged and bottom weakly positively charged. The top would consist of negative discharging electrostatic alternating currents of short period; with rapidly varying charge potentials, and the bottom of a steady positive electrostatic discharge.
Ancient Hindu Vimanas are widely documented in ancient Vedic scripture; not the vaimanika Shastra, which was a human mediums transmission, but in the rig veda there is mention of flying chariots and floating cities. Vimanas are flying machines used some 5,000-20,000 years ago. Some apparently were powered by thought while others; particularly the more recent ones, were of exquisite technological capacity. This is just one of many examples of flying vehicles. UFOs are earth-constructed and to the best of my knowledge strictly earth-based vehicles. One cannot enter other dimensions by physical means. Astral travel has been deeply studied by major world governments which now regularly employ remote viewers, they have since fully declassified all programs involved in the inception of these super-soldiers. The project
was passed around several intelligence and military organizations due to its subjective and mysterious nature, each of which conducted their own version of probabilistic phenomenological experiments aimed at ruling out random chance. With positive, yet varying and subjective results, this game of hot potato between agencies including but limited to the NSA, CIA, FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Army Research Institute (ARI).
Eugene Podkletnov created ceramic superconducting discs demonstrating gravityshielding as well as a focused gravity beam achieved by means of a stationary superconducting unit coupled with a Marx generator. This was possible given the electrodynamic nature of gravity. He used superconducting discs to direct gravitational fields of force and a Marx highvoltage generator to dampen them so to decrease the downwards acceleration these fields impart upon any solid object within the gravity-shield generated by this coupled system. Effectively an anti-free-energy device. Instead of harvesting gravitational potential (as in free energy devices) or inverting it (as in electromechanical flying machines), his gravity-shielding device dampened (absorbed and nullified) the effect of these rays within a localized area.
Free Energy: Suppressed Despite Support & Simplicity.
The material in this chapter, just as that in the previous one, each deserves its own book. These subjects must nevertheless be brought to light and the faster this is accomplished the faster society will progress in not only revolutionary technological achievements but in all other philosophical and socioeconomic endeavors that follow. An erroneous physical system creates the pedagogical precedent of error. Rather than complex yet simple, conceptual intricacies, which if presented to the common materialist would be discarded altogether, as a insurance newsletter is thrown away before being unfolded the moment the thin envelope is open. Turning inquisitive minds into pre-programmed knowledge capacitors; set to temporarily store then discharge knowledge as needed while taking no input from faculties of reason, critical thinking, and logic.
Free-Energy is not only possible, but exists all around us. Condensed light patterns are constantly running downwards from all heavenly luminaries and showering the earth, meanwhile their eventual degradation as discharge; what science calls electrons, constantly rises upward from the earth. In one of the most famous quotes from Nikola Tesla, he exclaims that earth and atmosphere are teeming with untapped, limitless energy that can be used to power all aspects of industrial society. This is true because the earth itself is a dielectric dynamo, as Tesla also proposed. It is constantly generating energy as the heavenly bodies go about their elliptical orbits. All powered by the prime motive spirit, which is one of the tripartite embodiments of God The Creator. He is this Spirit, which gives life to all. He is also the denser emanations of his voice (frequency) that themselves shower the earth to become complex elemental matter. Starting with hydrogen and differentiating into separate organized geometrical arrangements. The Sun and Moon are sources of energy and light for earthly matter to take form, but the cold light of the moon is derived from the same source as the hot light of the sun, as expounded upon in earlier chapters.
Energy generation would need to employ setting the aether in steadystate vibrations through pyramids and other hyperdimensional geometries. Through over-unity the aether casts out or diffuses more energy than is used to generate these vibrations. If set in motion at a quickly alternating rate; positive low voltage negative high voltage, the aether becomes increasingly rarefied at a rate exponential to each change in negative charge. The currents must be carried into capacitors and then into long-term storage or distribution. The many boxes in the Egyptian pyramids could have been used as capacitors; water inside and outside (filling them chamber in which they reside) of them. Viktor Schauberger said that for the generation of free energy in any quantity, water must be converted to noble water. This generates a manifold increase in growth; which if embedded in the ground, can radiate “growth enhancing forces” down into the earth.
Pre-cataclysm international civilization inhabiting megalithic and highly advanced dwellings such as in Kemet, Machu Picchu, the Olmec Empire, Amazonia, Northern Europe, and others. Pyramids were used for a global free-energy transmission system which remotely powered homes, lights, flying vehicles, and all other electro-mechanical aether-based machines. Their pyramids used an aquifer-based ground system for the accumulation of negative charge. The interior of the pyramids were made of conductive limestone blocks containing crystal, while the exterior casing was of a highly polished and finer tufa limestone which contains no magnesium or other impurities, and acted as an insulator. The pyramid contains shafts throughout its interior which are aligned to the relative position and movement of the heavenly luminaries. These shafts were lined with granite blocks which were also dielectric to a degree so to allow the ionization of the aether and (supposedly) the gas, water, copernicium, or mercury that flowed within the shafts, it is still unclear to me which one. It is also posited by many alternative egyptologists & archaeologists that the Great Pyramid of Egypt once had a gold capstone, which were likely stolen some thousands of years ago after the fall of ancient Khemit.
The capstone is the pyramidion, and it is not surprising that gold (or gold-leafed conductive stone) was used as the atmospheric end of the generator circuit produced by the pyramids. The Great Pyramid is not only the oldest, but also the most intact. This is a theme observed throughout ancient advanced megalithic constructions across the earth. This circuit is simply the concentration and amplification of the earths natural atmospheric potential gradient as described in the gravity and free-energy chapters. The gold tops is the point from which energy could be gathered due to the highly negative discharge it could produce towards the heavens. The aquifer underneath the pyramids renders them able to hold more charge at a time than bare ground would during natural thunderstorms, where the same principles that are used for power generation are also employed in the discharge and power degradation/transformation into energy that occurs during the audible and visible (& non-visible) phenomena produced by lightning. Pyramids as power generators work by concentrating the earths negative charge underneath them through the amplifying and magnifying effect of their geometry with respect to electrostatic charge conduction and induction. Even the name Pyra-mid, literally fire in the middle attests to the energetic nature of the pyramidal shape. Through connecting the capstone, by means of shafts
wherein some conductive ionized fluid is employed to draw in the positive atmospheric electricity, which temporarily would discharge into chambers which had large square blocks that could have served as capacitors. The accumulation of positive electric potential from the atmosphere towards the aquifers would increase significantly before getting harvested by means of the fluid in which they are contained being drained or directed
towards again what seems to be a form of capacitor bank for distribution and partial management of energy and or alternately a mechanism for long- term power storage. It is clear that the lids on such large andesitic granite blocks were blown off, the entire roof is covered in a dark-goo in some areas within one of the Khafre pyramids main chambers. The pyramids themselves could be said to have functioned like aetheric capacitors storing a high positive charge potential in their limestone body, and In this hypothesis the aquifer and granite, having a negative charge; would be the discharge mechanism to which the atmospheric positive electricity would be attracted. It is possible that this energy was immediately stored in the body, and then diffused/transmitted as desired. The ultimate source for the energy generated in the pyramids was a current. Negative ions rushed upwards while positive ions from the heavens flowed into the pyramids.
The granite with which the chambers were constructed has an extremely high quartz content, and is posited to have functioned as a
Sphinx tail & evidence of vertical (water) erosion on Sphinx Enclosure; dating its construction to at least 12,000 years ago when it rained sufficiently in this area to erode the banks of the enclosure to this extent.
transducer; wherein energy from
the current was stored. The high pressure of the millions of tons of masonry on top of the granite
induced the piezoelectric effect as the fluid caused the expansion of the shafts and chambers as it
became charged. It is said that the water which flowed through the great pyramids expansive
underground tunnel systems, upon meeting these condensed high energy primary solar rays, was
split into oxygen and hydrogen, which generated a tremendous amount of electrical energy.
Over the course of his life Nikola Tesla developed multiple systems for atmospheric energy harvesting, a process infamously known today as over-unity energy generation. Yet his truly relevant revelatory patents pertinent to these systems have been classified for decades. Whats left of them are many questionable and often anecdotal writings regarding his machines. One thing that is congruent between all accounts of these writings is their undeniable existence and alleged paradigm-changing capabilities, which by now are inherently fully understood by the U.S. government and arguably most other developed nations to an international yet esoteric degree. Donald Trumps uncle John G Trump was the FBI agent tasked with evaluating Teslas papers after they were seized following his untimely and questionable death. He found successful results at Wardenclyffe and Colorado Springs. At Wardenclyffe he was able to transmit pictures and sounds across different countries and he employed a system similar to that used in the
Egyptian pyramids. He placed his tower above an aquifer from which he drew negative charges, which he then carried towards the top of the tower possibly alternating them and causing atmospheric (heavenly/aetheric) electricity of a high positive charge to flow faster and more focused than usually, yet directed perfectly self-similar to their wave-form into the toroidal head of the tower. High frequency AC electrostatic potentials can create energy yield if they are attuned to match the earths cavitational resonant frequency.
It is supposed that free-energy generation can be achieved through a rotating magnetic field. This is of course denied by various mainstream physics figure-heads on talk shows, TED conferences, and YouTube videos. It perhaps could be achieved if the magnets are oriented in a torus or hyperboloidal architecture, corresponding to the Phi ratio. This is an amplification ratio and geometry of magnitude, thus energy from the single-point field could, if this rotating apparatus is designed properly, be induced through a coil on the transmitting end and one on the receiving end which then charges the induced current into a capacitor which can then discharge into a storage system or immediately power an electrical load. Ancient advanced humans, the likely proponents accredited to the construction of megalithic temples across the earth, must have used free-energy or point-source technologies, which just energy from the zero-point field from which the pyramids were built to harvest energy used to power the ancient pre-deluge civilizations from. All truly megalithic and perfect structures around the world show evidence of advanced machining which could only have been done by means of a high-speed saw-like machine and even perfectly round core-drills, which also show faint machining marks and symmetrical traces on the axis of rotation of the cylindrical core on their otherwise perfectly smooth inner cavity. These features and the perfection and length of these core-drills all indicate that these were created with advanced technology that was perhaps better than that which we have today. Even today it takes a lot out of a diamond saw to drill through andesitic granite, which has a hardness (Moh) rating ranging from 7.4 to 8 (Diamond is 10). At best they had meteorite or copper tools which would be readily dulled as a stick of butter against a hot pan by the species of andesitic granite obtained from Aswan quarry. Interestingly, the same geodynamical mechanism and force will through which anti-gravity is achieved is also behind this system of free-energy generation. Newton first concurred that all energy has a price, and that free in this case refers to the limitless supply of atmospheric electricity, constantly abundantly and infinitely cascading downwards from the heavens. The APG (atmospheric potential gradient) consists of thousands of volts of charge potential between the positively charged upper atmosphere and the negatively charged earth core. This potential is maintained by constant lightning discharge throughout the earth, as mentioned in the anti-gravity chapter, but its source is the Primum Mobile or (prime mover) at the center of the highest heaven. That most sacred place, if one had the audacity to assign it
such a casual, material convention, is Gods throne. This, as disclaimed throughout this book, is my own faith-based interpretation of the metaphysical aspects of the universe. As all ancient advanced cultures concurred, one cannot understand mechanical phenomena and natural science without a spiritual framework. This may not be a complete foundation, but in the least it sets a precedent for one that is objective in its limitations. Stripping phenomena of their subjective yet nonetheless real qualitative properties; chasing after infinitesimal quantities and the illusory idea of physical certainty, will lead any scientific body into obscurity prejudice, which are inevitably followed by insanity and delusion.
Free-energy will only be achieved when the aetheric nature of manifest physical phenomena is understood, emulated, and employed in technological machines. In other words, certain field geometries in three dimensions can be attuned to interact with the aetheric (rarefied) dimensions (such as that involved in electrostatic and magnetic phenomena) and hence produce motion, stress, or strain upon them thereby drawing or more aptly giving way to force. This is the underlying concept behind many apparatus of today, such as electromagnetic induction motors, dynamos and all other applications of MFA (magnetic field architecture). This is not a new concept and is why satellite dishes are shaped the way they are. It is also what determines the shape of coronal discharge antennae, high-speed mag-lev rail systems, toroidal ring magnets (with the north pole in the center), and even tube TV sets. An ancient example of the exploitation of aetheric energy architecture which magnified and stored the electrostatic potential of the APG as mentioned above were the Egyptian pyramids and every (megalithic) pyramid out of the hundreds and possibly thousands undiscovered worldwide above and below sea-level. The pyramidal geometry can be employed (instead of a sharp point for coronal discharge from a conducting lead in the atmosphere held up by a drone as Jake from the Plasma Channel on YouTube has done or balloons, towers, or any other means) to allow for atmospheric discharge of ground electric potentials and consequent entrance of positive leaders from the upper atmosphere, which upon descending and concentrating into the pyramid through the capstone can be harvested and distributed by means of large limestone aquifers, black granite capacitors, Leyden arrays (which the Egyptians were known to have knowledge and possession of) and other aether-based earth-friendly (harmonic) technologies. Pyramids magnify the amount of leaders at any given area on the Earth, which notably are highest at central Ley-line nodes; what some new-age mysticism doctrines may refer to as the earths chakras, which is not figuratively incorrect but can be misleading. This effect and current strength is further amplified when the structure is oriented to true north, as that is where all APG-flux originally makes its way downwards into the lower atmosphere from.
There may be other methods by which humans can extract energy from the aether, but the simplest by far seems to be via the construction of a tall structure that maintains conductive contact with the atmosphere, experiencing a higher voltage with respect to its height and atmospheric ionization patterns at that altitude. The pyramids conductive inner limestone and insulating granite exterior would have generated a direct magnified APG and consequently an electrostatic current collection vortex from sky to ground, beginning at its gold capstone and discharging into water channels below, which could explain the method by which water was split
into hydrogen in large quantities and oxygen to generate energy, which is a theory proposed by Giza-Power-Plant Hypothesis proponents such as renowned dissident Archaeologists Brian Foerster and Graham Hancock.
The Great Pyramid remains one of the worlds great wonders, and that is in large due to its megalithic nature, because if it were not perfectly built with extreme precision and accuracy, and with megalithic 60-ton blocks, it would not have stood the test of time as it has. As unmatched as it stands, it is not alone in its megalithic glory; several ancient megalithic sites exist across the world. They are what remains from the highly advanced, global civilizations built by our ancient ancestors. Due to their sheer scale and structural perfection, they have all stood the test of millennia. The sphinx (pictured below), was first] uncovered as a head above the sand by Egyptian archaeologists. Upon further digging they found an entire animal body within an enclosure meticulously carved out of the bedrock.
It is a lesser-known fact that the sphinx has underground chambers beneath it, and this fact is rendered even more obvious by the various passageways and doorways that have been fenced in and blocked off inhibiting one from entering its subterranean spaces. The Sphinx is a quintessential example of advanced ancient technology. Not only is the Sphinx itself made of large limestone blocks, but the blocks of the same limestone bedrock that were perfectly and evenly carved out to create its enclosure and body are featured adjacent to it in what modern archaeology calls the Valley Temple Not only does the Sphinx itself display the engineering capabilities of those who built it, the water-weathering on the enclosure it sits within tells us the age during which they lived, relative to the dates of its recent restorations.
Some of the blocks in the Valley Temple are over 60-80 tons. To not only move, but to immaculately carve out and remove such blocks from the limestone sphinx enclosure with stoneage technology (granted there would have been tremendous casualties in slave labor), is just physically impossible. Granite is a very hard stone; andesitic granite featured all around the Giza complex is largely from the Aswan quarry which is over 500 miles away. How could such massive megalithic blocks, such as the 1,200-ton unfinished obelisk at Aswan, Egypt and those already in place at Giza have been moved in their entirety across such far distances? Why build things in such a massive scale in the first place? The sphinx has clear signs of reconstructions. Its head is not original from the time of its genesis. It is likely that the sphinx had an even larger megalithic head, some pose it was the god Anubis, others the god Sekhmet. Either way, it is possible that the original head fell or was damaged by the cataclysms 12,000 years ago and then during dynastic post-deluge times then carved out by the most killed slaves during the pharaonic age. There were no pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt; Khemit/kemet existed during predeluge times, when humans used technology that is of source and the earth was in a golden age. For the last 10,000 years, humans have been in a sort of dark age. It is nearing an end; a cyclical trough, and has perhaps recently reached it during the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn.
Another proof of the deluge mentioned not only in the Bible but also in its parent and sibling texts is the notion of giants/nephilim. This would also explain how such large blocks
could be moved by sheer force alone, though it is more indicative that their contemporary races had a technology which far surpassed physical force. Machines and tools based on single-point energy principles. It is very likely that these sites all across the earth were found and inhabited post-deluge and the surviving humans who scurried into arctic hermitage or mountain-hole dwellings or underground abodes came across them, in their sheer awe, deemed the most important and impressive ones as tombs for their highest nobility.
Also likely is the fact that there was not an exclusive point in time during which on earth there existed ancient advanced civilizations, but rather that there were likely eras separated by many thousands of years. For instance, the Stone of the Pregnant Woman in Baalbek, Lebanon, among other monoliths in Lebanon is one of the largest single pieces of stone ever carved; weighing over one thousand tons. This is evidence of a highly advanced, perhaps even maybe anatomically larger race of humans that lived circa 20-30 thousand years ago. Then it is also evident by water erosion on the Sphinx that some megaliths, and possibly some (not all) of the Egyptian pyramids, were at least 12,000 years old. It is also possible that the great Sphinx itself is much older, and that it has been restored over the millennia. Blocks as those featured in Lebanon though provoke a deeper history just in their sheer scale. This one stone would have been. Used as a brick for a building with proportions beyond our comprehension. This is evidence of an extremely high degree of accuracy and precision on a huge scale, and hence can only be achieved with technology which even surpasses that of our own today.
In addition to the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, two other massive monoliths have been uncovered in the same area, could these be bricks for inconceivably large buildings? Not only the Bible, but various ancient texts; both sacred as well as ordinary; casual writings, display evidence for both giants and pygmies. There seems to have been a period during which multiple different kinds of humanoid species coexisted. They could have had wars, as well as intermingled, and it is possible that we are the surviving gene-pool. Another possibility is that other races were geographically isolated and were killed through the introduction of deadly diseases which other races would bring with them; just as in the the relatively not-so-ancient concept of colonialism.
These megaliths in Peru come from a long line of global megalithic builders. Humans built these sites all over the world 12,000 years ago. They then got wiped off the map (went underground and mutated under weaker gravity, different light conditions, and other environmental anomalies associated with extremely-deep underground earth cave systems. their civilizations buried underground or submerged beneath the sea by what seems to be a global cataclysm and deluge, which occurred just before the last ice age. Then, around 8-10 thousand years later, they were found by the descendants of those who survived the massive solar coronal discharges which melted granite and scorched many megaliths in not only Giza and all of Egypt but Machu Picchu, Jordan, and various other places. Roughly two thousand years after that and we are still able to visit these places and behold their grandeur, just as those nomadic peoples who either were born high up in mountain range villages or; those who found underground shelter or created tunnel systems, survived and re-populated these sites. It is clear that all of them
display reconstruction efforts, and that in none do recent attempts are reconstruction arrive at a precision and scale nearing that used by the ancients. They had advanced technology, not slavelabor. This scale would not be necessary and precision not possible were it to be made by slaves chipping away at it with iron or at best meteorite tools.
Though fundamentally simple, this is a more complex mechanism than was employed to harvest the same APG current by German engineers in 1922. (Right) They used metallic balloons covered in gold-plated conductive collector knobs, which collect charge (“positive”) flux as it descends from high potential (sky: +) to low potential (earth: -). They ran into over-complications and although balloons were feasible they were not pragmatic nor optimal. Massive balloons in the sky could become an eyesore offensive to mother natures beauty as are wires and telephone poles. Also, research shall be conducted into the effect of a deep-grounding effect produced by drilling a hole deep beneath bedrock and filling it with molten conductive metal. In this way a pyramid or other more efficient (and consequently more visually appealing as less are required per area) means of acquiring atmospheric potential energy would be optimal. For instance, instead of large metal toroidal towers; which due to their geometry are not too displeasing to the eye, and instead of large shiny balloons everywhere casting strange shadows, short, gold-capped granite pyramids as described above would seem ideal in both the technical and aesthetic sense. This would virtually eliminate the need for underground cables as well as above-ground electrical grids. I will conclude this chapter with an excerpt from an insightful Quora question, which must be viewed from the metaphysical perspective of this paper; i.e. what is an electron, a current, field, etc. That said, the author of the answer provided a beautiful explanation for how thunderstorms are formed (in his own language for the phenomena) and used an intuitive analogy for the space between the similarly electrified clouds and the earth and the insulating air in between. This atmospheric capacitor which covers the whole earth breaks or allows discharges to go through its insulating bodies facilitated by ionization patterns formed by descending primary solar rays (what scientists call cosmic rays).
“What makes lightning strike from ground up? Jock McTavish, retired avionics tech
Lets clear up the words up and down, and the direction of electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons. Electrons have a negative charge. They move towards a positive charge, which
can be relative or just less negative. But lightning is the second phase of discharge. Its direction is clear, from cloud to ground, as the electrons seek the earth. But there is a first phase of lightning, before the major discharge, only discovered in the last century with modern high speed cameras.
Lightning strikes in two directions. It gathers charge and it depends upon random field ionizing to pick a path of discharge. It mostly balances charge internal to the cloud. It can strike the ground, and it strikes into the troposphere. Lightning stems from accumulating charges that reach millions of volts as the violent wind in storm clouds literally rubs electrons free from colliding water drops. So regions of the cloud, according to the directions of these wind currents, become charged. In general the lower regions of the storm cloud take up a negative charge, and the top of the cloud correspondingly becomes positive. But the ground situation is different. As the electrons accumulate in the lower cloud regions below the updraft areas, the cloud and ground below become a very large capacitor. The negative millions of volts above drives away electrons in the conducting ground below, creating a positive charge. People report feeling the hair rising on their necks due to the rising electric field when they are beneath such a cloud. And sometimes lightning rises from the ground up.
For air is an insulator and only carries electricity when it becomes ionized or is glowing. It takes 1015,000 volts per centimeter before this glowing sparking begins with air. Like the small sparks and shocks from removing a wool sweater. But a cloud even charged with millions of volts, cant ionize the air sufficiently to discharge over the great distances involved. Fields of only half the potential to ionize are only typical of storm clouds. This has long been a riddle. That actual storm field measurements arent sufficient for ionization of the air into lightning, yet lightning is surely there. Current research and high speed cameras have helped us further understand lightning. Two wondrous things happen to make possible a lightning strike. “Leaders” and Cosmic Rays.
Extremely high speed cameras and geiger tubes have found a relationship between lightning formation and cosmic rays. As cosmic rays constantly shower our earth, they create small paths of ionized air particles, which in the regions of a storm clouds extremely high voltage electric fields, triggers the formation of plasma, or ionized atmospheric gas, somewhat like the insides of a glowing neon sign, and triggers the strong electric fields into ionization. Once started, these small ribbons of zig zag ionized and conducting glowing air, begin to reach towards their opposite charge. They are called “leaders”. With extremely fast cameras, we can now photograph these leaders reaching erratically from the cloud towards the ground, and much more weakly, reaching from the ground towards the cloud.
And when a leader hits ground, or a pair of leaders touch each other, a path of conduction, sky to earth is made and the capacitor that is the cloud discharges with a lightning bolt of millions of amperes. So does the lightning strike down, or up? Well both actually. This describes the common storm cloud, but positively charged storm clouds have been documented. And lightning
is observed discharging upwards from the charged regions of the cloud in the troposphere. These discharges into space are a new subject of study, and are called sprites.”
“Light is a longitudinal disturbance in the Ether...Light is a sound wave in the Ether”- Nikola Tesla “This medium of propagation, the Ether must exist. This medium must be a prominent thought in our investigations” Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism J.C. Maxwell
“There appears to be in the minds of these eminent men, some prejudice, or a priori object against the hypothesis of a medium in which the phenomena of light and electrical actions at a distance take place...the existence of a medium in which light is propagated. But in all these theories the question naturally occurs: If something is transmitted from one particle to another at distance, what is the condition of it after it has left one particle and before it reaches another? If this something is the potential energy of the two particles, as in Neumanns theory, how are we to conceive of this energy existing in a point of space, coinciding with neither one particle nor the other? In fact, whenever energy is transmitted from one body to another in time, there must be a medium or substance in which the energy exists after it leaves one body before it reaches the other, for energy, as Torricelli remarked, is a quintessence of so subtle a nature that it cannot be contained in ANY vessel except in the inmost substance of a thing...” J.C. Maxwell Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism vol. II
“It is inconceivable that inanimate Matter should, without the mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual contact. Gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance thru a vacuum, without the mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and course may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into (for) it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the consideration of my readers.” Sir Isaac Newton, Letters to Bentley, 1692
“The single greatest fear you can instill in any relativist or materialists is to ask them to de ne a eld, gravitational, magnetic, dielectric, or electric. The thousand pound gorilla in the room of relativity is that action action-reactions and atomic operations are mediated by and thru a eld which no relativist can or dare de ne. All elds are the Ether. All elds are modalities of the Ether without exception. Any conception of action at a distance without an Ether eld as mediator is illogical, senseless, and impossible.” Ken Wheeler
“Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a eld of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All
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literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena...” - Nikola Tesla “My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scienti c records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without nding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.” Tesla believed that the ether is thrown into "in nitesimal whirls" ("micro helices") at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. When the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether.” - Nikola Tesla “Tesla's ether was neither the "solid" ether with the "tenuity of steel" of Maxwell and Hertz, nor the half-hearted, entrained, gaseous ether of Lorentz. Tesla's ether consisted of "carriers immersed in an insulating uid", which lled all space. Its properties varied according to relative movement, the presence of mass, and the electric and magnetic environment. Tesla's ether was rigidi ed by rapidly varying electrostatic forces, and was thereby involved in gravitational effects, inertia, and momentum. Since the direction of propagation of electrostatic currents radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.”[17] - Edgars Alksnis “Its like physics with a minus sign” - Sean Carrol on Einsteins equivalence principle. “Disregarding the unseen forces at play throughout human history and in every-day life increases ones susceptibility to deception and distraction on their behalf. If one is not consciously walking with God as in practicing every action consciously in alignment with the goodness that is the source of all things, however they are willed to refer to it or pay reverence to it, then it is quite likely that they are enslaved by lower parasitic disembodied aetheric life-forms, which impair their inner vision and intuitive clarity.” - Vitor MI Nogueira “The only thing that really matters is not matter, nor a thing at all.” - Vitor MI Nogueira
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